TTT2U Questions and Complaints

It makes me happy to read that the netcode is good. I’ve yet to try it cuz I’m scared I’ll get raped, haha.

Best thing ever so cashcom you may learn 1 or2 things

:eek: Don’t mean to derail the thread, but I am also a loyal servant of Team MILF and they are pretty hard.

This is especially true since I was only beginning to pick up Julia near the end of T6 and never really got that good with her.

They are good fun, though, and what they lack in damage, they make up for with a great mixup game. I kinda wish Jun was a little safer, but they both have dash/roll/stance transitions, so they’re definitely all about getting a leg up on your opponent. They both have pretty good step games and NASTY oki off of spikes, so please have fun with them! :smiley:

I’m taking my time learning it. There’s no picking up and going right into the good stuff. Too many moves, too many situations and just a whole mind boggling amount of things. I want to memorize all the good moves for my team in a weekish but it’s difficult. There’s a lot of stuff. Solo combos for endless stages, wall stages, balcony stages and other things. Now you have tag combos too.

a good julia/michelle will put the fear of god in you… she just requires a higher bar of execution. no one is trash in tekken, just trash players… jk.

I search for the default “4+” and get good matches. I’m very pleased with the netcode.

Every character can put the fear of god into players. I’ve seen a Dragunov player on T6 one time that perfected this good Feng player by countering every one of his moves and the Feng player was mixing it up too, now that was scary. Hell, I’ve even done it one time, but that was only because the was was VERY predictable with his Baek.

Don’t know if anyone else experience this but for some reason the 360 side still run flawlessly when having my computer on yet poorly on ps3 side. Turning the computer off fix the issue on the ps3 side though but it seems the netcode on the 360 is better.

Im from Rio de Janeiro and i have played a lot agaist US players, soft and fine.

Ok so I think its kinda kool that Namco added the chatbox so u can chat 2 people in your lobby and what not but it is really getting annoying having 2 minimize it everytime im spectating a match. Hopefully they will patch this

What do u guys/girls think about it?

Giving players with no mics the ability to chat with each other while spectating matches on Tekken? That’s a plus in my book.

Eh, I don’t mind it one way or the other. Then again, I haven’t been in a crowded lobby yet.

Funny thing about that is when everyone have their mics connected but still used the chat box.

Im not saying they should get rid of it, I think its a gd thing as well maybe just make it so you dont have 2 manually close it urself in every match

Well what do you guys think is ancient ogre a good character or is he in a very low tier??? I recently tried him out and he does not have many good or useful moves compared to other characters.

no character needs all 100 moves, id say 40 max not even that are used most of the time

What so I don’t need to use every single one of Lei’s stances, transitions and moves in a combo? I spend all this time perfecting it and I don’t have to use it.

More seriously with regards to the OP. When I started playing Tekken for the very 1st time it was pretty daunting with the amount of moves. So I decided to look for characters with the smallest command lists and not much in the way of stances or anything just to have 1 to use while I got used to the fundamentals. Then I practiced a character I found more interesting over time and when I felt comfortable with them and the fundamentals I started just using that character as a main.

New character, no one knows shit. Just let it rock.

Dude, have you seen True Ogre’s jab?


Those of us playing him have a good ol F YEAH if/when we win haha.