TTT2U Questions and Complaints

True. Definitely something to keep in mind, not all strings are good to use anywhere, anytime - some are only good as juggle material. Hell, some are only partially useful in juggles (as in, do the first two hits of {insert string here}, then continue with such and such into bound…).

learn the movement options first then I say pick 10 moves that you think are good… like a safe mid, low, launcher, etc… gotta be patient when learning a new game, everyone starts from the bottom.

I’m not even a good 3D fighting game player either lol I just remember good advice given to me.

I’d learn spacing + movement first >>>>>>> safe pokes >>> BnBs on punish / hit + mixups >> everything else.
Probably won’t need the everything else if you’re playing casually.

I find the moves list in Tekken not that useful. Go into training mode and figuring out what’s safe/punishable/natural combos (or tekkenzaibatsu) is fine.
Most times you’re going to be using a quick move that starts off a BnB. You’re not going to be successful if you learn or use moves where the starter is a million frames… you’ll never get the hit in to begin with.

Then you’ve got your strings which are pretty much suited for whiff punishing. I found that Xiao’s Fortune Cookie string really only works from the side or back.

And I am really having a fun time with King. I’m loving his throws, but I’m questioning how important are his chain grabs. Oh well, I’m having fun learning this game, even if my execution isn’t as sharp as I like.

Well holy crap, had my first DC due to internet issues (PS3) and 1 DC got me 3.3% DC rate out of like 50 + matches. Thats harsh. Watch out for that guys.

Really? The funny thing is SFxT can’t do couch co-op unless you play it on the ps3 and you can play online co-op on both. Harada basically made it so you could do couch co-op and ONLY couch co-op. Thats pretty good…

The side stepping not being tuned up and crisp and responsive as i was expecting and The Orgins of Xfactor the rage system… those are ridiculous, to see in another tekken…other then that Games perfect, even if my new char Jun is trash tier

3 internet connections active in one game we learned from sfxtekken makes for a shitty laggy match…Im very happy its not in this game

pretty cool of you to try, tekkenzaibatsu is a lil to serious for alot and i think more people are lurking then posting there. I could see the relaxed climate of Srk and the loony-ness to be more enjoyable for most,

It’s been the best experience going from training mode to online I’ve ever had playing a fighting game. It’s actually kind of weird tbh doing combo in practice, going online, hitting that same combo first try and knowing it’ll always work any time u try it. Its almost a “is this real life” moment. That good.

can you play 2 players coop online from XBOX?

I just hit up zaibatsu to check out the Jaycee thread, not a clue in hell what I just read in there I got a couple things but the notations left me clueless. I gotta read up on Tekken notations those guys are knee deep in it over there, and ppl bitch at numpad notations? I hope we get our own subs here.

People played these games fine no problem in arcades all over in the 90s with fairly limited understanding of frames. A fast move is a fast move, and a slow one is…
If it has a decent training menu or replay save feature, it will show you frame adv/dis anyway, along with damage numbers and inputs etc., just like VF5:FS does.

im pretty sure NOT but have not tried.Couch co op Yes…its just You and someone on your couch can play as a team…no 2 people meeting online to make a team. 2 connections and then fighting against some one or another pair of 2 connections…i think the game moves to much data to have more then 2 internet connections to sync…3-4 connections would make tekken 6 seem like a speed demon online

but you and a homie on your couch can be a team vs another couch team,

If im wrong some one can shut Me down…i have not even tried , just regurgitating what i read before, that might have changed and did not bother to care to keep up before release

Just got the game, skipped the update patch, installed it to my PS3 and went straight to Fight Lab. Twice the game just crashed my PS3. Spoke to another friend of mine and he says his copy freezes in Fight Lab. He’s got the Xbox version.

Is this a known problem?

Did you try applying the patch you skipped to see if it works properly afterwards?

Patch refuses to download for some reason. But yeah my friend’s xbox copy is patched and his freezes in Fight Lab.

Switched internet accounts and now the patch is busy downloading. Hopefully this fixes the problem.

Using a 60GB Phat PS3 btw, the one that has PS2 compatibility.

she is mid teir… i played law in tekken 1…christie i mained since she was introduced. Decided i want to try something new ,choose Jun and jaycee ,once i loaded up and scanned the chars select screen. after playing some matchs knew jun was gutter trash tier and jaycee was mid. woke up today and checked the tier charts and was right .juns bottom tier and jaycee is right in the middle. still gonna be my team . jaycee is fun, so is jun just everything on her is unsafe , a crappier version of a altered Asuka, congrats on the Jaycee selection…Means one less lars alisa team out there

Your days are numbered anyway.

1st be active in this forum and in the character threads before you ask for more.