TTT2U Questions and Complaints

Precisely. I know his whole act from T3, so it was surprising to see the strange properties on his new moveset (aside from falling down)

It’d really make things look nicer and it’d be easier to find thing for specific characters.
I wanted to look for stuff anyone may have found for my character, like i did for SSF4 and SFxt, but there arent character threads :c

Do you mean threads or sub-sections?

yeah sub sections i think… just like he sections under SSF4 and SFxT :stuck_out_tongue:
I don’t know, but I feel like just having a forum full of just random threads annoys me when all im looking for is what people may have found out about so and so character

I have the game for the 360 and have it saved to my HDD. There are times while playing that the game will slowdown for a sec or lag/glitch or something randomly. I want to know if anyone else is experiencing this?

This is going to happen. The game is built from the ground up on PS3 so the 360 will have some performance issues. Unfortunately can only be fixed by a patch from Namco which I’m sure will come at some point.

This will most likely get done as the game becomes more popular and people make more and more threads. No need 2 make sub forums as of right now since the TTT2 forum is relatively small.

It’s a thing of Beauty. If I can tech a grab on reaction then I am a very happy bunny :slight_smile:

can anyone answer if the online matchmaking is based on your character rank or is it based on your account’s overall rank like in SSF4AE?

:eek: The game is pretty fortunate to get a main subsection on SRK at the moment.

The community here is small and there is no guarantee half of the people posting here will still post even a month from now. Those sub-forums take a lot of work and carry a lot of overhead and there are a TON of characters; if the traffic through this subsection increases significantly, I’m sure we’ll get some character subs but it won’t be for a short while at the very least.

Jay for now your better off at to get your fix

If you build it, they will come.

Even the arcade has tiny slow downs. It’s normal.

Trying to learn a new character is like taking an extra college course. I can literally scroll through pages of movelists and barely remember half, and thats without knowing the frame data. Does anyone have any tips for getting to the meat of a character if I want to play casually?

There’s no real ‘shortcut’ with characters on tekken, are you new to tekken?

Go to

  1. Learn how to break throws
  2. Learn a BnB
    2. Learn your characters frames
    3. Learn how to get up properly to escape tech traps
  3. Get max damage on punishes
    5. Learn the other characters frames
  4. Practice
    ??? Profit

*bold is for non casual play.

MOVEMENT is probably the most important thing in this game,ask any top player. Learn to korean backdash (bb,db,bb,db,bb…), Learn to Side Step, and Learn to try and not be linear. Its a 3D game dont get stuck playing it like a 2D.

^this but also

I posted this in a few other threads but this will help. always research on

always start by compiling a top ten move list… most threads have this… your going to have to average it out and make sure people are talking about why they find the move useful. make sure there is at least one of these moves.

  1. homing moves (indicated by a white trail or streak on the animation) to shut down sidesteps
    (universal are better moves that track left and right sidesteps vs. one side only)

  2. bound moves that will allow you to extend your combos to maximize your damage output. as well they carry your opponent further to the wall for combos

  3. a fast safe launcher preferably a mid over a high.

as time marches on you can add another 10 moves, but for now keep it simple.

also don’t worry so much right now about frames… its more important to know what notable moves to be using and why. tekken’s move list is daunting… and is filled by moves that aren’t always optimal(flashy, high risk/reward, rare gems to hold onto after your opponent has downloaded you).

Much like any game people play on this board, there is some studying and practice to be done.

I think the first thing people will be intimidated by is the 100+ move list. Then overwhelmed by movement being slow and weird. These are my two first impressions when I tried to get into 3d a while back. But I think I’m a little more confident now so I’m trying to train smart and pick out the useful stuff to learn.

Right now I have two notepad files on my desktop for my team of Nina and Law, I have a short list of pokes and safe moves I picked out of the list to memorize, some BnB combos, and I’m currently working on optimizing tag assault (if I use it), wall splat combos and eventually the stage breaking tag combos.

Just learn at your own pace. It’s vastly different than Street Fighter. You can pick anybody in SF and start doing jump roundhouse and sweep. But do you really know the characters? You go learn their 2-4 special moves after. Great. Now you start learning the useful or uselessness of their normal moves; and then where they apply the less frequent normals (Cody j.LP against dive kicks?? Really, Momochi??). See?

This game rewards you more for some character loyalty and you get about as much out of it as the amount of work you put in.

I’ll say this there are almost no useless moves in Tekken. There are a few but every move has its
use. Learn the 100+ moves.

it’s ridiculously complicated if you’re used to playing noob-friendly games like street fighter, there’s no generic DPs or ultras/supers in Tekken, putting in work is the only way to get good.