Marvel teams are all about backstabbing.
Parerick said he was teaming with me.
You didn’t support cvs2 scene on sat! Fag.
just keep back pedalling there buddy.
I can’t go to this. So if you plan to team with me, you can throw that plan out the window.
You’ve never teamed with anyone ever. Why would you let them know about it now?
who’s “them”?!?!
I thought Parerick agreed to team with me… BACKSTABBING!!!
The “Others” obviously.
what deja-vu? im going nuts!
on another note:
i need teams for:
3s, cvs2, marvel, a3
assuming i come.
GGXXSlash is gonna be a singles double elimination tourney, not a team tourney.
Guilty Gear XX Slash Tournament
$5 entry + 1 Token (Event mode will be turned on)
double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games Semi Finals (Winners & Losers)
4 out of 7 games Grand Finals
I talked with most of the players and we’d all much prefer a singles.
On a plane??
sigh. … time to kill myself. :wasted:
I’ll probably show up aswell with psychochronic. I might enter CvS 2 and possibly
A3 depending on whther or not I can get a team.
BECAUSE PUI AND K2 DECIDED THEY CAN SPLIT 1st and 2nd PLACE MONEY EVEN BETTER rather than 1st place team prize … lmao !!!
unless you want to play against… DD&boa and pui&me, wt a broken team, 1st and 2nd are set, scam
so…splite us up, that means we can’t make the team we want, gay ,but i don’t mine =\ I can always partner with FTK or johnny stephen, make a Jelly-Fish Pirate Team ftw~! :lovin:
alternative 3, just do wt DD did in the tourney before oct.14th, own us up so we don’t get 1st and 2nd:rofl:
about A3, i have been watching some vids, do we abuse those infinite and unblockables?
Alpha 3 is fair game. Crouch Cancels are allowed. There are no unblockables in A3 outside of the Valle trap and I don’t even know how many people are aware of how to set that up.
As for Slash, I don’t see why you guys would want to go down the singles route yet again. It’s a given that every game will how its powerhouse teams and they’re likely to win. We play in team tournaments to have some fun and chill with your friends in a tourney that really doesn’t mean much while getting to go home at a respectable hour.
There ARE unblockables in Alpha 3. Akuma VC being the most common. Then there are crossup VC unblockables that quite a few characters have. Of course you can AC out of them, but they’re still unblockable. That’s just off the top of my head, there’s probably more. If you wanna talk about inescapable (not positive if AC’s get you out), Gief’s VC does this. Basically free damage. Oh, and the Valle CC is just activating when your opponent is standing within c. rh range. The super flash doesn’t allow the opponent to block low before the trip hits, setting him up for Mr. T class pain. That shit doesn’t exist in Alpha 3, but a new type of gayness was introduced: Crouch cancels.
so is basicly the shadow hits high while ur actually character hits low?
and please explain “Crouch cancels”
I’m assuming you’re talking about the crossup unblockables. Yes, the shadow hits high, you hit low, you then get a knockdown, repeat process. Check out xenozip’s Youtube channel here:
As for crouch cancelling, it’s just hitting your opponent in the air, then landing, crouching quickly, then jumping ASAP after to hit them in the air again. Because you crouched as soon as you landed, your opponent can not air recover since it puts him in a neutral state. This allows stupid infinites, and many bullshit VC meter recovery after an already overpowered VC. Think 3S Yun, but gayer.
Check this V-Ryu combo vid for good examples of Crouch cacelling and the crossup unblockable I mentioned: [media=youtube]Q_upmcJLf1o[/media]
by most u mean 2 ppl?