Trick or Treat Team Tournament at ORBIT on 10/28/2006 (CvS2/MvC2/3S/Slash/A3)

Exactly, why not make it a team tournament … Singles is every month … I was planning on joining this because of teams … Im against the singles idea who ever thought of it … team tounys dont come alot… apart from T7 when was the last time there was a team tourny for ggxx

I vote Teams .!!!

now ic, ty
so does that mean everytime i hit someone in the air i will need to crouch>nutrual in order to hit another punch?
and…holy shit, V-ism ownz O_O

about /, if ppl don’t mind powerhouse team than i will stick with team tournament.
Is trick or treat team tournament after all, just play as a team and have fun. stop this debate, / aren’t any more special than other games (not):rofl:

Ok whatever, let’s see how the turnout is going to be. I don’t see what’s so fun about a 4/5 teams team-tourney.

so who want to be on my team “no show up” again?

No, you can hit people without crouch cancelling, but crouch cancelling gaurantees certain combos. Just watch how people tech in the air, and punish them for it.

dont listen to nescu, he has no clue about A3.

More than you ever will queer bomb.


Oh shit, you guys are so cool. Lemme guess, that one of your bumchums from Toronto? Oh it must feel so good acting cool on SRK and knowing you’re such a cripple in real life, EH?

did you just describe yourself?! Where’s your buddy hobo joe when you need him eh? maybe you should pass the time by talking about how you beat me once almost a decade ago until he gets here to ride your cock.

Noodle Man’s car > your life. And I’m not talking about his Z either, I meant his Corolla.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Now THAT’S funny :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Why would I talk about that? You were worthless then, and it didn’t mean anything to me, cause you were a scrub. Only difference recently is that you played me on sticks I can barely use. GJ champ. Btw, since popular belief is that tourney matches are the only thing that matters…

ME: 1
YOU: 0

GJ champ! Decade old victory FTW!

PS. You also got beat by jump back RH, remember? sooo…

YOU: 0

Shit come on fellas! E Town…noodleman…MATT! I know you’ve got another gem like “NOODLEMAN’S CAR IS HELLA DOPE OMG OWNS UR LIIIIIIIIFE FOR FREEEE!”

YOU LIKE MY NEW SIG?? I know you do!

London: 2 noodleman: 0

I will always be better than you. Must suck knowing that eh?

wow, so much contradiction in one post. First you ask why you would talk about it, then you talk about it…
You say it didn’t mean anything cause i was a scrub, then you say it matters…
You say tournies matter, but fail to mention that i’ve placed higher than you in the whole 2 tournies you’ve joined recently. I’m pretty sure i would still place higher than you if i forfeited all my matches.

just keep keep doing what i tell you to do. and hang on to your one win on a scrub. I sure hope hobojoe’s coming soon, this shit is getting old quick.

Me: 1 You: 0

I retire champ. Placing better than me overall doesn’t mean anything. I beat YOU in a tournament though.

Me: 1 You: 0


geese should make a thread of “ask me anything about A3”

i beat noodlman last tournment. 2-0
he was too scared when he realized our match was up, so he made up some excuses and went away, he even gave up on A3, not to mention, he left his cell phone behind.

wing : 2
noodleman : 0
geese : 23984792384792847234

give geese wutever points he wants. he seems to care a lot since he mentioned it over and over again, just tell him that he won or some shiet, so maybe he can sleep at night now.

be nice to geese. vo.0v

Wing is right noodleman. Just accept that I’m better than you, and that you are worthless in any other game except CVS2 because you can’t RC Electricity and random activate. Oh, wait. You are a scrub in CVS2, too. So, let’s just say that I am YOUR champ…and we’ll leave it at that!

Damn, this IS gonna help me sleep at night.

=( less money for me n k2 to split
but whatever, if other ppl are willing to join when they see these teams:
fil & x-sap
darkdragon & boa
k2 & pui
then we’ll do teams… but nazir is right… a 4/5 team tournament (our usual showup for tourneys) would kinda be boring… and its not just about powerhouse teams… the gap in between the skill level of Toronto GGXX players is kinda big so i personally think that might discourage ppl from joining… but whatever u guys want =)

Why are YOU of all people talking about other games?

You have no right to talk about any fighting game. You suck at all of them. I’m pretty sure I could beat you at any fighting game you play, 3s, A3, ST, I dont play them but I’m sure I’d fuck you up.