Trick or Treat Team Tournament at ORBIT on 10/28/2006 (CvS2/MvC2/3S/Slash/A3)

this will be my first time attending a tournament, if i do come

does anyone want an even shittier teammate than nagata for marvel and a3??

anyone want to team with me in a3? looking at you jahangir

I need a A3 team:sweat: and a 3s team:sweat: and i guess a cvs2 team:sweat:… i want noodleman!

Dave; do you only use A Groove? I am looking for partners for CvS2 but I need a C Groove player.

I’m sure there are a lot of players who would like to team with you in A3 as you’ve got a lot of talent in that game.

is still waiting for a kind person to adopt me into a team for a3 and mvc2

i’ll play C-groove! Just give me blanka or sagat or rolento and it’s all good!:lovin:

as wt I told nagata last tourney

I will be joining…A3 this time o_O
how do i play capcom fighting games? and who is the youngest little girl in the game? sakura?
GO! 3 bucks~! oh yea~!

your’e not allowed to use A-Iori :rofl:

fuck wheres boa?
forget js, the 2nd bbTo
team with me so we can beat k2 and gay pui

dark dragon is a traitor. its ok tho… i quit ggxx after coming in last ne wayz

btw i still need partner for 3s… Jonstar where’re u??


There are no duplicate charcters allowed for 3s correct ?

looks like the last tournament made a lot of ppl quit ggxx…
u’re asking for last place when u WANT to play me first match

is anyone missing a space on their team and wouldnt mind letting me in?? -_-

I suggest you just show up and grab a teammate. If there’s one thing team tournaments have, it’s random people who need to either put together a team or fill out a team.

ok thanks. i live a 15 minute walk from pmall so i’ll most likely try to show up


still no confirm’d teams for marvel or what ?

When have we ever confirmed teams prior to the actual tournament? Aren’t you teaming with Parerick already?

I’ll team w/someone in Slash. Maybe.

Cos I support the fucken scene.