Well, go figure…went back to 6 day weeks at work. I’ll be working Tuesdays for a little while. If I can know when you guys are going to do a Red Lion session a week in advance I can see about switching to Tuesday off and working Monday instead.
On the upside, I know a few people that are interested in playing, possibly even showing up to the Red Lion events. There’s potentially 5 new players, but I only know two for sure who are interested in getting into the scene. I’ll try and set up some dates to get some sessions going and introduce them. They all have backgrounds in street fighter, but not competitively. Still, the more the merrier.
I’m planning to hold another game night at my place pretty soon too. I’ll have two set ups, one running super and one running marvel. My bro will bbq again. Food, snacks, and drinks will be supplied. It may end up being a little bigger than the last one. I’m gonna shoot for sometime between two weeks to a month from now. I’ll keep you all posted.
Sup peeps! Got here like I said on the first of this month! Haven’t really played mvc3 that much but since im bored I wans platy a bit! Im in kennewick!
Let me know when you’re gonna throw that bbq session. I’m down to play plus been cravin some Super lately. Maybe its from too much crack.
Welcome to our little town here. I do mean little too haha. We got some beast players though. Don’t think anyone can touch KYO84’s Wesker/Sent teams right now. What part of Kennewick you live in?
I never get a “mental break” when fighting against Mike’s Wolvie/Zero teams cause at any moment I can lose two characters real quick, shit is stressing lol.
Mike and I decided we are going to hold the Red Lion tournament next month instead. I just got a new job and don’t have the cash required to reserve the room beforehand but we’ll keep everyone updated as soon as we make progress there.
Alright guys, a few details. Just found out today that I got the time off, so it’s time to start putting things into motion. The date is going to be Tuesday the 21st. Time will probably be anywhere from 3-4ish till 11, maybe a little later. I’m going to hold two tournaments, one for SSF4 and one for MvC3, $5 entry. There will also be plenty of casuals for both games, so you don’t have to enter if you don’t want. I plan to enter both myself though. I was thinking runner-up gets his money back and winner takes the rest, but I’m open to suggestions regarding pay-out. Tournament matches will be recorded and uploaded to youtube, and I can burn copies of any matches onto a dvd for anyone that requests it, but it will be in blu-ray format, so it can only be played on a PS3, blu-ray player, or computer. I’m planning to have 3 set-ups running. Two for casuals, and one dedicated tournament/recording set-up.
There will be some new players there for sure. Right now, at least two. I expect at least one more, I haven’t got the invite out to him yet, but I know he is interested. Everyone here is invited of course. Mike, if I could rely on you to get the word out to a few people again, that would be appreciated. The list of people I would like to make it…
If I missed anyone, let me know, and I’m terribly sorry. It’s pretty late and my brain is fried.
New players that I will be inviting:
Carlos (not likely to make it, he works more than I do)
I’ll be keeping an eye out for more people to invite, if any of you know people that would like to come, please let me know.
Oh dayum I didn’t know you were gonna throw it down like that. I gotta see my schedule but I’m gonna try my hardest to make my way there. Sounds hype. Lets see how bad I got at Super.
My bad, I meant Tuesday the 22nd. I even told myself not to make that mistake beforehand. I requested both off from work so that I have the day before to prepare. But it is for sure going to be held on Tuesday the 22nd.
@kalvin Cool i can make it but after 6 maybe 530 if im lucky but ill be there for.sure so let me know what the timeline is like so i can see wat tournament ill able to join. Good stuff im looking foward to it.
Out of work around 9 or10 if anyone is willing to play offline or online. Been playing mostly super and im looking a lot better found some cool tricks.
Man bb is the shit! I think ppl do t like it cuz they haven’t given it a shot and they listen to what everyone else says. Just like mvc3 alot of ppl hated it because it wast mvc2 and that’s the point! I don’t wans play a new game that is just like the old! Mvc3 is sick as fuck minus x factor. But if ppl like mvc3 that bad they will have to find ways against it and they probably will. Bb ain’t gt ad that’s the point and its a sick game except bb ain’t as huge as mvc3 so all the hate and bullshit ppl say about it actually has an effect on it, unlike mvc3 ppl can talk all the shit they want but its just to big and too hype that even with ut all the hate it will prevail cuz its muthafucking marvel baby!
And no no psi or sexbox, thought of bringing em but just brought my clothes ;/