Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (AKA WFC2)

not coming on PC.

I disagree. I got tired of every level looking like a scrap heap. I want to play this style game, but with real world things (tree’s, other vehicles, buildings, real world landmarks).

It gives the designers more of an opportunity to make things differently. High Moon has stated they are doing some texture work and improving the palette, so we’ll see. However, coming to the Earth would mean that this would have to be a Transformers Prime game, since they are somewhat connected in the grand scheme of things.

Transformers War for Cybertron trailer will be at the Spike VGA’s

Thanks for posting this. Totally forgot to when High Moon’s FB page posted the YT link. With that said, I officially hate the head design for Optimus Prime. . . .


^ that is fucking sick

I can’t wait for this, I was very good at the battlefront type games
didn’t pick up the last on but this one looks ill and I’ve read in Game informer about this game… it gonna be awesome

[details=Spoiler] grimlock was a decepticon science experiment and they fucked with his speech box and give him a ridiculous power level

Before that, it says he is another powerful transformer whos power rivals megatron and optimus [/details]

No lie, this game looks like it’s cool.

I posted the trailer everywhere but here :lol:

I must admit, I had to watch it like 3 times to realize Bruticus was in the trailer. Man tears began to flow . . . .

Sweet jesus that trailer was insane! I can only hope for split-screen so that I can play with my buddy who is also another big Transformers fan.

I have no words too say that trailer stirs my private parts fierce!

Trailer is sick. Why does Fall 2012 have to be so far away?

Hate to disappoint, but they have confirmed that this game will be single player only. They’re going for a more Uncharted feel this go round. So far the explanations they have made changes within reason, and for the better. I fully respect this studio’s decision.

I’ll have to say…I really liked the trailer.

I was surprised by the choice of music. Totally unexpected, but works

You mean just for the story, not the whole game? It still has a seperate MP mode from what I know.

Honestly if they drop all MP it’s going into the maybe pile.

I just hope it’s a great story…I’ll probably get it even without MP.

It actually did.
When I first saw the trailer…I thought it was a ripoff of the Gears of War 3 trailer.

Then watching it some more…just didn’t care.
The best part was the Combaticons merging…so awesome.
Hahaha @ Ironhide sucker punching Starscream…BITCH!!

I think that was the Combaticons, not Constructicons…

You are right…got them confused.

To clarify, only the storymode is Single-Player. There will still be Multi-Player in this game, and it’s said to be greatly improved this time around.

As for the trailer, I got a huge Gears of War vibe from it, and that’s a VERY good thing. It was perfectly done with its presentation, showing Optimus & Megatron leading their armies against each other, with both bringing out their heavyweights, Bruticus & Grimlock respectively. And since I heard you’ll be ale to play as both in the game, it makes the anticipation even greater. The music was surprisingly, but went perfectly with the trailer, adding to the intensity. Loved how they kept it no dialogue, but the sounds of war were rattling around them. It’s clear High Moon isn’t playing around this time, and wants to pull an Assassin’s Creed 2 (OK Original, Awesome Sequel.)

Fall 2012 can’t come soon enough, dammit. My Hype Meter is already at MAX!