"Train harder!" - Ibuki Street Fighter V Discussion

I agree with the WhoDat video that says the default beige color is a little underwhelming, at least considering most of the stages in SFV are urban. Her default outfit should be gray and have a sci-fi / urban / covert ops vibe for a change, maybe borrow elements from either Solid Snake or Sam Fisher (save the firearms, of course).

Im wondering what will be Ibuki’s role in SFV, the only thing that came to my mind is that she will be working for Karin similar to R.Mika.

Hello there everybody! Today I come bearing the results of my boredom on a few days prior. It’s essentially a work-in-progress analysis on how Ibuki will end up being in SFV, complete with frame data and hitboxes overlayed with 3S sprites. As someone who loves 3S Ibuki and doesn’t like SFV’s roster right now (at least as far as interesting me), I ended up doing this waste of time instead, heh heh. For those who are interested in seeing examples before jumping off to the whole post in the link, here’s an example of what to expect…

What you can expect from this is essentially:

  1. My assumptions on what each move will end up being like.
  2. My ramblings about 3S shit
  3. Frame Data, complete with start-up, active, recovery, block/hit/counter advantage.
  4. Made up hitboxes compared below 3S hitboxes, which I made myself with some modest research. I got better at replicating them as time went on, so some are a lot more accurate than others. I rushed through it pretty fast, so it was mostly for a ball park kind of thing.
  5. Assumptions of what her V-stuff will be, though most of that is a work in progress.
  6. A lot of other crap, including a tutorial on how to read this mess!

Why did I do this? Bored. I guess I also kind of want to see how close I’ll end up being to the end result.

Here’s the link for those interested…

Interested to see if anyone gives a shit. Weird spot to be though, right on the 4th page, so I’ll paste this link in my first post here as well.

Knowing Capcom you’ll be ridiculously far off from what she’ll actually be, but it’ll be interesting to see if you get anything right.

I just skimmed through it real quick. I think they’ll cut down on her TCs to maybe just 3-4. Most of them weren’t that useful anyway. They’ll most likely remove Tsujigoe as well since again, it was not useful. Or maybe just make the flip arc a lot lower and it can have fast recovery like Chun’s V-skill/stomp shenanigans.

I’m still hoping Don-chan is with her like Galford from SamSho. V-skill could be Don-chan doing a short lunge at the opponent swiping/biting them. Basically a mid-range poke. If you hold the V-skill down(like Karin’s), Don-chan charges up before lunging resulting in bigger block/hitstun.

And yeah I did also think her V-trigger could be Vega-esque with Yami Shigure. Maybe she’ll have df+mk slide into V-trigger lol.

So bummed i have to wait until July atleast for Ibuki and August for Juri. At this point i can hardly force myself to start up SFV due to al these boring ass characters. Hope Ibuki will be interesting enough to keep me occupied for a long time. I’m kinda indifferent about including don-chan into her gameplay, however i sure hope Ibuki doesn’t need to rely on it. I also hope she doesn’t have any intentional holes in her gameplay(big holes), fucking loathe that kind of balancing.

I’m playing Cammy while waiting for Ibuki and she is so boring. I don’t think I have opened the game in like a week because of all the battle lounge problems I’m getting. Hoping Ibuki will be fun enough to make up for all the problems in this beta phase.

Yeah, the wait really sucks. I’m glad that I have Alex to tide me over until she’s finally released, though.

Still hoping that Ibuki plays more like she did in SF3. The chance of her being a “vortex” character again is rather worrisome.

With no hard knock downs outside of CC sweeps? No way she’s gonna be a vortex character.

Picked this up from the SFV Lounge…




C’mon Ibuki. Hurry up and become playable!

Ibuki will probably have some type of mixup with her kunai, however this probably happens only if you get a CC sweep or opponent chooses no recovery option. I personally dont want her neutral and AA gimped in exchange for (gimmicky) mixups.
I REALLY want her AA to be solid, b.mp as general AA with combo/mixup potential and maybe close st.hk(b.hk in sfv i imagine) to catch jumps that are straight above her.

Her command jump will most likely get a big overhaul, if i was capcom i would use it as move that can expand her movement options, perhaps even being able to cancel into it.

I have no clue what Ibuki her Vtrigger and Vskill will end up being, she felt, atleast in usfiv, still a very complete character when taking the vortex out of the picture.
Maybe during vtrigger she gets the ability to force hard knockdowns…kappa

Honestly, I read about it and if they do that, I’m pretty much gonna be over the game entirely since she’s the only person I been waiting for since the damn game came out.

In retrospect though, her not being in the game has vastly up my appreciation and learning process for Ryu.

It’s been a few months now and I can say Ryu isn’t as entirely bad as I use to make him out to be, but I still find issues and holes on his mechanics that need work.

If it weren’t for him, i probably wouldn’t even open this game up until she comes on the scene.

Thinking about it now though, I prefer her more toward her 3s version than former kunai reliant style. Also this is that grey area between IV and 3 where you see characters start to take on their 3s styles and whatnot. (For those who are in it.)

I can personally see more 3s in this game than IV, simply because of the pacing and the how wakeup mind games is heavy in this game. In 3s, she had so many tools that literally almost needed little to no kunai action and her normals were so wonderful.

I hope everything she does still links, too.

How many of you would like if Capcom implemented her raccoon, Don-Chan into her gameplay ?

Yes… it would look similar to this.


People have been discussing a lot about Donchan being added to her gameplay. Wouldn’t mind, but wouldn’t care either.

[quote=“Shinkuu_Tatsumaki, post:174, topic:177220”]

Yes… it would look similar to this.


LOL those orthographic and syntax errors. A lot of sentences doesn’t make sense at all

We need Ibaeki on the scene

7 days left, guys

I understand why people think Ibuki or Juri is next, but I think as a whole we have convinced ourselves of that simply because nobody cares about Balrog being in this game. I’m pretty sure Balrog has to be next since he’s way more important to the story (I’m assuming), which comes out in June.

That being said, I can’t wait for Ibuki, whenever she comes out. I’m a little sad because I was a SFIV Ibuki main so I like her vortex style and I know she won’t play like that anymore. I just hope she is extremely mobile; I have yet to find a character besides Cammy that plays like I want to in the air. And there better be SJC in this game because I’m still practicing my SJC Ultra to keep it fresh just in case. The most execution heavy character so far is Dhalsim (or maybe Guile with his long combos) but I really need that offensive craziness. I just need something, like maybe her V-Skill can only be used in the air and SJC V-Skill will be a thing. I recall a cr.HP Kunai infinite in Omega, so maybe you can do 1 or 2 loops of something like that. I don’t care how little damage she does, I just need it to look SICK.

I’ve barely played the game because Balrog isn’t in it yet. I like Ibuki, but Balrog is way more important to me. And if you look at the Balrog thread in this forum, you’ll see that there are actually quite a few folks who do care about him. I don’t know where you got the notion that nobody cares about Balrog being in this game, but you’re wrong.