"Train harder!" - Ibuki Street Fighter V Discussion

Sorry to keep bringing this version up, but Omega Ibuki has a lot of follow ups to her close HK:

  1. She can jump cancel and toss a kunai, which floats opponents and lets you land in time for a lk. kazakiri, which itself leaves you at the perfect position to hit them with mk. hien on their wake up. Even if they block it, she’s safe because she bounces back.

  2. She can jump cancel it and combo into air throw, which leaves you far away from the opponent but does more damage than the kunai follow ups.

  3. She can stay on the ground and reset with bonsho kick, after which she can cross under with her command dash.

  4. She can replace the kazakiri of option 2 with the ground version of Kasumi Suzaku, which has her jump and then carry on with the usual version of the move.

These numerous options make her launcher really rewarding. The only changes I’d want to this are:

  1. Allow her to, like in 3S, reset with standing mk instead of bonsho kick. It’s more subtle and isn’t as strict on timing.

  2. Make the opponent ground bounce after she lands her air throw so she can follow it up with either ex kunai (should be the only strength that can hit in this scenario, like ex air legs after triple stomp with Chun) or Kasumi Suzaku.

Keep in mind Ibuki had the ranges and speeds on all strengths of hien changed in Omega mode for the setup I mentioned to work. It’s basically more like in 3S; shorter range, but faster start up, and shorter recoil. Also, if this is the way her launcher works in SFV, Kasumi Suzaku should be her V-Trigger.

I really hope she’s the next character revealed

I changed my mind. I played Pocket fighter on MAME this morning and I want Jiraiya the fire breathing frog to be her V-trigger. That shit would be boss as fuck.

Don’t tell me yall niggas never played Pocket Fighter.

Of all the DLC I’m looking forward to Ibuki the most myself, I enjoyed her in 3S but I maimed Oni in IV.
I’m hoping she isn’t going to be to much of a zoning Charecter but one who can get in there and play around poke and run. But we’ll see how it works out.


I think the Omega Ibuki with some changes (aside from whatever Capcom intends to do with her normals or specials wise) would fit fairly well in SFV

  • She has two target combos
  • She has diagonal grounded Kunai that could become her V-Skill (holding down a direction determines how far the Kunai travels, similar to how Necalli’s V-Skill works for example)
  • Her EX grounded Kunai could instead be her single-use V-Trigger, that sends opponent fiying in the air and allows for followups
  • Hien could become her new standard special

They would, however, need to give her an entirely new Super, because her Ultra 2 in SFIV is essentially a rehash of her Super and Ultra 1 doesn’t seem to have too much of a combo potential now that FADC is gone since the Focus crumble gave her just enough time to input the Ultra

Sorry fella, but she won’t be.
Going by the teaser image Alex, Guile, Balrog, Ibuki, Juri, Urien
I want to be wrong, I’d love me some Ibuki and Juri for that matter.

Supposedly the list Haunts put out (which is the same order that was listed only in text in their DLC roadmap) has Ibuki as the next character. We’ll see soon I guess.

My fingers are crossed and wallet is ready just in case!

Her V-Skill will end up being a UOH with 3 frames of invicibility. :coffee:

rick ross grunt

As Ibuki fans, how do you feel that Ibuki is easily the least anticipated of the 6 dlc characters, and many people resent you and your character for getting in over something more worthwhile like a garbage can.


To each their own, I suppose.

People wanted Balrog over Ibuki? Could’ve fooled me.

I think SFIV realy damaged Ibukis popularity. But come on, she’s much better than Balrog,her design isn’t actualy boring, just how she played in IV was boring.

Now that I said it, Ibuki was bottomline boring in IV.
No fun to fight her, no fun to play her, rinse and repeat 50/50 into 50/50.
Realy hope she’s in V more SF3-ish

Yeah, I agree. I’m actually bummed that the first 3 DLC Characters out are looking to be Alex, Guile, and Balrog because those were easily the 3 I was the LEAST looking forward to since I really don’t give a shit about Alex, Balrog’s “meh” to me, and I guess Guile’s okay.

Ibuki/Juri/Urien though? Yes please, those 3 can show up any time now.

Well, as a fan of things I like in general… I could careless what people think.

As a matter of fact, the less people who like it, the better. Makes me feel more cool.

Ibuki premium costume?


Looks good to me.

Didn’t really care that much for Alex but I am not knocking the folks who like him. I don’t mind Guile and Balrog. But, Ibuki is the real deal breaker for me. I’m also curious about Juri but that conversation will be saved for another pre-existing thread discussion.

I may as well attempt some “theory fighting” here on behalf of our favorite kunoichi. Unfortunately, my experience with Ibuki is very limited as far as both 3S and SF4 are concerned (I only played the former in casuals and the latter at… two local tournaments in Europe. Many folks in the thread already made some pretty neat theories on Ibuki while also showcasing great knowledge of the said character from her past appearances.

  • Here is to hoping that her normals are powerful. Ibuki is probably going to have a lot of target combos. These target combos are probably going to be minus on block but require punishes to be rather tight. Some of the said target combos would likely be -2 on block, meaning that Ibuki cannot do much of anything. We also need to see if Ibuki also has some decent footsies tools. Because, you notice that Ibuki has a lot of command normals as well, many of which have some pretty good uses. For example, there was 6HK which made Ibuki perform a turning splits kick while jumping slightly off of the ground. This could be useful for dealing with lows/throws and it could potentially offer some opportunities for meaty pressure on okizeme beside something else she may have to offer in this game. She can retain her slide and make it safe only at certain spaces. Obviously, it would offer some low profile, much like Chun Li’s 2LP (that move is a little underrated) and perhaps Dhalsim’s slide for example.

  • Possible V-Skill Implementation
    1). Command Dash on V-Skill
    2). Kunai and Air Kunai on V-Skill
    3). Don-chan for V-Skill
    4). Command Jump on V-Skill

  • Possible V-Trigger Implementation and/or Critical Art
    I am not too sure what is going to happen here.
    V-Trigger… could probably be a combination of her Kazumi Suzaku (the SA1 from 3S) and her Yami Shigure (the SA3 from the same game).
    If that is not the case, then they would probably end up being part of her Critical Art.
    (She would have two versions of the move in this regard: One that is done on the ground and the other that is done in midair. The ground version is based on the SA3 from 3S while the air version is based on the SA1).

  • Critical Art
    More than likely some variation of Yoroitoshi, that which you can combo into on the ground obviously…