"Train harder!" - Ibuki Street Fighter V Discussion

I would like Ibuki to have is cl.st.HK>SJC>dash. Fuck me if i didnt practice that one for 100+ hours, dont want that time to go to waste tbh :heartbreak:

Kasumi Suzaku so she can have Yoroi Doushi or Yami Shigure as a CA.

I like 2I Ibuki and 3s Ibuki for different reasons. They are two totally different characters as far as I am concerned. I like 3s Ibuki a little more because of how she plays despite being low mid tier. 2I Ibuki is basically Ken in a Ninja suit :lol:

Waiting to try out this character once she come out. Characters crisis is real!

Lol just turn Ibuki into Ken

I have said it before, but her English story mode voice is so damn bad and off-putting. It seems it is Japanese or nothing for her VA.

I wonder if they’ll incorporate a parry into her moveset like they did with Alex.

Not much talk about Ibuki :frowning:

I am excited to see how she will look and play in SF5. Always liked how she looks but never really got to play her in 4.I do hope however that the english voice actress will do a better job,she sounded pretty bad in that short cutscene in SF5 story.

I secretly hope air parries are her v-skill. Imagine the feeling of jumping towards the opponent parrying a DP and then go for full CC combo…

Quite a lot cool concepts here… Here is to hoping that Capcom does a good job with her game play. I also hope they rethink the English VA’s approach.

Yes please.

Can we please stop giving Parries to characters just because they’re from/were in SF3? That just screams “NO IMAGINATION” to me

Because Ryu and Gief were totally from 3S. Alex had them incorperated into his moveset creatively, and he’s the only 3S character in so far anyways.

Giefs Parry is less a Parry than a Focus attack.
I don’t remember Parrys give grey life if the opponent hit’s you

But I have to agree here, Ibuki shouldn’t get a Parry V-Skill,neither Trigger.
That would be uninspired and simple boring. I want Ibuki to be more exciting like she was in 3S and not boring f*** like in SFIV.

He was still part of the SF3 cast. It does not matter if he borrowed the mechanic. We do not need more parries unless it is a universal mechanic and at that point we may as well play 3s.

An air parry would be fucking retarded as well unless it had massive ground recovery and short active frames.

Everybody needs parry. 3sdabes

I thought someone might argue that about Ryu. Ken and Chun were in 3S and didn’t get a parry, so the original comment complaining about chars getting parries because they were in 3S is ignoring them. As for balancing an air parry, yeah, that’d be hard, but it would honestly be really cool IMO.

If we’re gonna give every 3S character a parry (Ryu, Alex, Ibuki, Urien) they might as well make it a system mechanic at that point, because the V system is supposed to make characters unique, but instead you want to homogenize them by giving them essentially the V skill of same nature

Pretty interesting to see how she will be as she will represent the first air fireball character in the game, especially considering that the game is short on universal defensive options to deal with them.

We don’t see a lot of air fireballs or divekicks in this game and the air game is pretty straightforward against everyone so this should be a fun change of pace

Her overhead in SF4 is plus on block, combo on hit and avoids lows/throws. Even with its slow startup something similiar sounds too strong in a game without crouch tech. I’d honestly be happy if the overhead is at least not punishable on block in SFV.

Well its always been plus on block since SF3 as the startup is slower than other overheads but it hopped over lows well and had a decent hit box for neutral poking.

I imagine in SFV it’ll still be safe but they may make it only 0 or neg 1 on block. Chun Li has the only safe at close range overhead and its still neg 2. I doubt Ibukis will be plus on block for frame trapping with the way the game is designed.