"Train harder!" - Ibuki Street Fighter V Discussion

Ibuki isn’t waifu material. Dudes more thirsty for musclar Blond men from Brooklyn and a tanned guy in a thong.

Since almost everything is cancelable to everything in this game, I wonder if they’ll even have SJCs in SFV.

Definitely not too far from the truth actually, based on very recent… trends.

For Ibuki’s general game play, I am really curious as to what her game play will consist of this time around. A lot of possibilities!

I guess it doesn’t help that Ibuki’s story is way too cheap/cliche. Just a high school waifu ninja in training that is always hungry (just like Rufus and Birdie and most Shonen characters) and loves finding cute boys. I like ninjas and execution so she fits the bill for me.

Well, given the game so far, I’ll take a stab at her V-System:
V-Skill is her command jump. Similar to Dhalsim, she gets VT by hitting with an air normal (auto corrects like Omega mode) or a kunai from it.
V-Reversal is a modified version of her 3S air taunt. She does a short hop and jumps off the opponent’s head.
V-Trigger is Kasumi Suzaku, her kunai super. Similar to Nash, all of her specials cancel into it. If done grounded, she short hops to the minimum height required to perform it.
With Kasumi Suzaku out of the way, her CA will likely be either Yoroitoshi or Yami Shigure, depending on what range they want for it.

One of the things I enjoyed most about ibuki in IV were her great anti airs and the ability to combo/mixup off them. Hope they keep this in V.

Make her bonsho kick(f+hk) low crush and crush counter and I’ll be so happy.

Oh and make it safe too… like -2 at worst, lol.

Fuuuuu. She better be out before Evo(If she is the 4th char).

Crush counter sweep into kunai vortex Ayyyyyyyy.

I hope they’ll make her cl.st.hk from SFIV her b.HK in V.

Why want challenging execution though??? Lol

So I went to look at some high level Ibuki gameplay from third strike, and I was amazed at what I saw. What? Too cheesy? Anyways, I found it incredible how she spent so much time in the air, even at high level play, and got away with it. I really hope her gameplay in SFV still reflects that. Bring back the really fast regular and super jumps, speed up the hien and bring back the full screen, uber fast ex version, and revert ex kunai to its 3rd strike glory, Capcom. I noticed a lot of Ibukis jumped at the opponent and always nailed the air parry, then proceeded to punish with an air target combo into a full ground combo. What if her V-Skill in SFV differed when done in the air than when done on the ground? Her air V-Skill could be like an airdodge that keeps all of her jump momentum. If she succesfully dodges an attack (including projectiles), she gets the frame advantage, but if she misses, she can’t do anything else until she lands, and it adds recovery frames to her land. Obviously, she should only be able to throw out this airdodge if she hasn’t already used an air normal or a kunai. Thoughts?

I want ibuki to be more toward how she is in 3rd strike. if iv is her first appearance and V is right before third stirke, then i expect her to be similar to ryu where she starts adapting to her 3s moveset but still holding onto some iv form. (So a mixed breed, basically. Vortex while having amazing normals? I can live with that.)

If her normals are the same as 3S, i’m literally going to dominate in this game and while the whole game can suck for all i care, i’ll be master class in no time playing her.

It’s SF5 so we know for sure she will be a buttonsy character. I’m assuming she won’t have 10 TCs and a ton of specials either.

I really want them to change her up and surprise me though.

I don’t. Her combos make her her and it makes no sense if she changed up on some Jin from tekken 4 type shit then jump back to her normal style in 3.

They might surprise us with the v meter and her special thing though, so that’ll be interesting, but i hope they don’t fuck up her normals in a game where everyone likes to nickle and dime normals.

What aspects of Omega Ibuki should return? I like the change to hien; it feels more like the 3rd Strike version because the initial hop and the recoil are faster and lower, but the distance for both is shorter. Oh, and it knocks down. Kasumi Suzaku can be done on the ground and air. In the air it appeared to be unchanged, but if the move was activated on the ground, she’d hop up a short distance and carry on with the regular animation. I guarantee this is going to be her V-Trigger.

I actually prefer 2I Ibuki.

Why not? Anyway i imagine she wont get it eitherway, a char which you specifically spent FM on or real money, they wont make her anchar that half of the people who buy her cant use effectively.

I just hope she has a lot of combos and flashy gameplay with a lot of movement options.

I place Ibuki’s chance at wearing underwear in this game at 40%. And that’s just the way I like it.

Ibuki is only dlc char im interested in. Im also hoping for flashy gameplay and fun combos and mixups. Combined ibuki as alt and footsie chun as main… oh boy im gonna have so much fun with this game for years.(unless it dies but lets not go there now :slight_smile: )

What do you guys think her V-trigger should be?

Something creative with Don-chan I hope. I’m assuming Don-chan will be running alongside Ibuki during her matches(like Galford from SamSho).

For example, V-trigger activates, Don-chan positions himself behind the opponent, then Ibuki can do some switch jutsu where they both vanish leaving a smokescreen and she can either appear in Don-chan’s spot, or where she just was. 50/50 mixup basically.

I don’t want her to be a heavy mixup character, but there should def be some teleport/Don-chan trickery to emphasize her being a ninja and having a tanuki pet.