"Train harder!" - Ibuki Street Fighter V Discussion

yoroitoshi is mvp super. also, since command grab are comboable in this game, imagine tc4 into yoroitoshi dream ;o
hashinso is boring

inbefore her v-skill is our favourite complete garbage Tsujigoe hop

The Omega update to USF4, which contained several things that made it to SFV, made some interesting changes to Ibuki’s Tsujigoe. She can cancel it into air normals and she auto-corrects her direction when she does so. As a V-Skill, it sounds pretty damn good for running 50/50 mix ups into a jump in combo.

All this ibuki talk is making me itch to fire up the fightcade.

Also lul at no SJC no play.

That wasn’t even needed in 3rd strike. She’s a beast.

i just wanna see raida in new engine. raida is so stylish

I hope her CA is either Yami Shigure or Hashinsho.

I want her full screen slide. “Go ahead Nash, chuck some shit see what happens…awwwwwwwww”

Aw shit, the thought of regular Neck Breaker going under projectiles, along with her slide…

regular will never go under projectiles

I want a shuriken super in the sky. and the one on the ground too after v trigger.

It did in SFxT, though that game riddled with a rather bad reputation

sfxt ibuki was ass though even with it ;d

Combofiend will make Ibuki great again.

Yet, she still had it nevertheless. Thus there is a possibility she could have it in SFV as well. She might turn out to be a good character or she may be low tier. We’ll see ;d

I think she’s gonna be really good. They’re taking forever to announce her so obviously she’s really OP and they’re working overtime to try and balance her for launch.

Ibuki’s base moveset more or less guarantees mid-tier or higher. I can’t speak for SFxT, but in most games she’s been in, she has been mid or higher. Interestingly enough, it’s always for different reasons, never one consistent design choice like a dive kick/command grab combo like the twins. They would have to purposefully make the data on her bad for her to be bad enough to be dancing with 'gief.

My concern remains the same: is she going to be able to be aerial focused? SFV may well be one of the worst games to jump in, just due to the sheer size of your aerial hurtbox at all times. No matter the move, your hurtbox will only increase in size, never decrease. If Kunai does not retract her hurtbox above her (where her body will be), then it ceases to be a good jump-in mix up to bait predictable normal anti-airs. Cammy’s dive kick has this same problem, where a jab will hit you even during the start-up, where your body is clearly very retracted.

I’m hoping in season 2 they decide to revamp this static hurtbox design choice. I’m okay with it on the ground, to an extent, but in the air, it just makes every single normal exactly the same. This choice especially hurts Ibuki, as she actually has a lot of aerial normals which revolve entirely around her hurtbox shrinking behind the hitbox or becoming evasive (j.HP, j.HK, angled MP, angled LP).

In regards to her neckbreaker, it’s probably going to go under projectiles in the same way it always has. Once she actually gets to the sub-crouching state, she’ll go under them. Unfortunately, the start-up to get to that point is fairly long, and I expect it to be remain that way. EX neckbreaker may well be projectile immune to give it some purpose. Honestly though, Ibuki’s got a lot of tools for dealing with fireballs as it is, neckbreaker is mostly unnecessary.

Neckbreaker was useless for her in 3S and if it wasn’t for it causing hard knockdown and EX going through projectiles it wouldn’t have much use in IV either. In 3S I only used it to troll because it looked cool.

The only character who really stays strong in the air right now is Dhalsim, because of his range and ability to change his jump arc so much. Even characters who had a strong air game before like Vega and Cammy are much more ground based now. Ibuki will probably play a footsies game like Karin or Cammy, where she tries to create set ups from her pokes and can walk just about anyone to the corner.

It’s just a really difficult to design move. It’s an ender, so it’s not useful in combos unless it’s like SFIV and it hard knockdowns or leads to some sort of setup. Yet that leads to repetition and setplay, which Capcom doesn’t want.

So it has to be useful in neutral, but you can’t make a move like that useful in neutral without it being faster or just annoying to play around. Thus, it remains slow. If you make it just pure anti-fireball, it ceases to have more utility and safety than her other anti-fireball options.

Neckbreaker is just a redundant move in her moveset, and I am looking forward to see how they make it useful but not overly useful in SFV.

She’s always had a strong footsie game, which I’m fine with. However she inherently is not going to have the best, so she needs to have an air game in some respects as well. The main want is just the ability to bait out knee-jerk anti-airs like jabs. The problem is that the hurtboxes are static, and in order to bait them with say Cammy’s cannon spike, you have to start your dive at like max height, any lower and your enormous hurtbox will get tagged before you are even out of the start-up frames. I’m hoping immensely that her kunai throw animation raises her hurtbox, or, that that they go the SFIV route, and throwing Kunai immediately descends her, so she can use it to kind of do short hop pressure. Something.

Being able to jump throw punish would also be nice. Right now only Chun and Cammy can really do that well, and Cammy’s costs a bar (I mean, she can do it without bar but it doesn’t lead to anything but a dive kick). This was a huge part of her play in 3S, due to her SAI. Instant air SAI was amazing for punishing throw attempts, as well as lows. If her V-trigger is her SAI, I will likely use it exclusively for this.

Eh… I’m not so sure if the neckbreaker is gonna be good in this game if they turn it into a soft knockdown. No wait, scratch that, it will be unless it has crush counter. That’s the only way I can think of doing a vortex game, but if they can use v-reversal… Oh, interesting. Could it be possible to then bait a v-reversal and miss ibuki entirely? That sounds like a free combo right there. Sorry, I went completely off tangent of a non-existing set-up.

Yea, I’m really, really hoping she appears on Tuesday, that will make my day. I will copy pasta some predictions about her V-skill/trigger I made:

neckbreaker was useless in 3s?


it was useless if you didn’t know how to use it.