"Train harder!" - Ibuki Street Fighter V Discussion

It was useless for me. I was the highest placing US Ibuki at tournaments during 2006 - 8 and never legitimately used it in a tournament. Most Japanese Ibukis went through entire tournaments never using it either.

It was useless.


The only use I ever found for it in my long time spent with Ibuki was using by using a buffered MP/EX version during a far HP poke. Lemme point out, far HP also sucks, so this is like, the most unuseful use ever. No Ibuki used it, Japanese Ibukis especially. It was so useless that even if it came out on purpose, most commentators would quickly say, even if it hit “Ooo, got an accidental kneckbreaker, but it seemed to work out for him!”

It’s a bad move, and really only had it’s use in SFIV. I expect it to have some sort of payoff in this version, like the ability to barely continue pressure in someway. Sort of like Laura after her MP elbow knockdowns. She can’t get right in your face after them, but she can meaty you and such. I expect that sort of result.

[s]it’s useful in moments where you bait out high blocks to finally get it in the ending instance. a good wait would be f. mk’s, universal overheads and then doing ex hopkick into ex shurikens. It woulds 80% of the time on a ken or chun player just based off the fact that they’re going to start moving forward alone to rush you down and then you just ex slide and 3 neck snaps.

I’ve done it dozens of times and while it’s not safe other than having to get inside your opponent’s head, it legit works. It can also work on rushdown mixups if you get a juggle vortex going and as soon as they think they’re safe since you’ve deliberately gotten distance, you just ex slide and finish them.

I’ve seen a few good ibuki players in GGPO/fightcade use it when needed.[/s]

Edit: More importantly are we not about to talk about the most important topic that needs to be addressed regarding Ibuki?


Quarter Circle? or HALF QUARTER CIRCLE?

Which and why?

Your assignments are due now. Drop your posts or your bookis will be forfeit.

What’s a half quarter circle?

My guess is it stays a half circle just like Laura’s and Mika’s command grabs. And yes, I know it’s not a grab but I think it’s better that way to minimize the risk of overlapping commands.

Quarter circle, because it’s her staple move? Why would they change it for; unless the move is different?

edit I ment half circle, my bad.

keep it half circle, no reason to change it, it isn’t hard or anything.

was still thinking of quarter circle while typing for whatever reason.

If i recall, in IV it was half circle.

in 3s it’s quarter circle to do raida.

half circle for it was completely stupid to be quite honest.

It’s always been a half circle. The difficulty of such a motion is near a non-issue in V, and even in 3S she had command normals which would overlap with her initial forward to cause accidental moves. This is now something everyone has to work around, since most characters have command normals now. Really, it being a half circle is likely not to change, since there is no specific reason as to why it should be shortened. Longer motions like this are also much harder to get on accident, which is good, since a random raida never did anyone much good, even in 2I where raida went 50 miles for some reason.

Possible Ibuki Sighting:


I found her,

and I went all: “ayyyy, guess what game you’re next in?”



And then she saw this:



It didn’t work so well…



aaaaaand… She’s gone. So I dunno what do to anymore. That’s why it’s taking so long. :’(

Hmm, I think I might have some Ibuki bait for you



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4_SLjqIyi0 [/details]

No excuse. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Neckbreaker and Raida will probably be throw knockdowns so they can’t backroll. NB might do a side switch drop at your feet for a meaty while Raida will have massive corner carry but no meaty unless you start out close to the corner. Tsumuji will probably be the damage ender but they can backroll it so a meaty is not guaranteed.

Raida was a great tool as you could actually punish jumpins with the thing (Remember how I used to use it when we played?), so while it’s not random, I wouldn’t say it’s not amazing to use for more than many practical uses. And in this game where command throws are amazing, it could very well become one instead of being able to be blocked like in previous games. (But since this is all catered toward 3s of the future, it might stay the way it is.)

And honestly I dunno when it was half circle in 3s, but I remember doing the command all the time and it’s quarter circle. Maybe I may be getting it confused with cresent kicks, but I remember something from 3s to IV went from quarter circle to half circle and I didn’t like the transition at all.

I know you still hop in Fightcade, so maybe you know which move I’m talking about.

I would like to play The Booki now. Where is The Booki.

Going to church tomorrow. #prayforIbuki

If it’s not Ibuki I’ll be mad, but not too mad.

Just please don’t let it be fuckin Juri.