TournamentWars Final @ Bloody Knuckles - 02/28/10

Funny how easy it is to forget it’s freezing outside even when you forget the right gear…

Embarrassment = #1 personal heater.

Yep I remember this, and it more or less worked. I’d like to see how it will pan out over time.

^The fact that Eman and I agree doesn’t make either of us on each other’s nuts it means we see things the same way…that must be a crazy concept…but still I understand that the North/South thing is a little ridiculous but some of you are way defensive about it…It may not show more skill/talent but attending more sessions and tournaments in or out of state does show more hunger…

I remember first hearing the lore of Mickey D when I first started playing/was free…the beast at GWs OMFG it’s Mickey…and yet now I have never seen you at GWs the 10+ times I’ve been there.

The fact of the matter is yeah some people who first started playing this game in the south got good quick then they are dealing with life…you guys it’s up to you to play this game competitively or not…you will get passed up if you guys have to stop playing…that’s just common knowledge…I’m not trying to down you for it because it’s understandable you have stuff to deal with…but at this rate you will never put me in my place because I plan to get better and better…I do not plan on loosing to someone who has basically dropped this game.

It comes down to

  1. If you can’t go to events that sucks but don’t belittle others for going
    2)In the more Northern Regions (the greater lynnwood area) people are holding lots of sessions…I even remember you Mickey going to a jalapeNo hotness. I see Nolan headin on the regular now as well as some others.
    3)Me and Eman head down to Twars basically every time regardless if we have a match or not. We also hit up GWs on the frequent too and thats no little distance either.

I know I’m not “Team Seattle” material now but right now Team Seattle needs to lvl up.

If you can’t play competitively anymore because of life/work/etc…that sucks but you still need to pass the torch.

Pablo I may not be hardbody but I’m damn proud of 09’ I feel like I had alot of catching up to do and I feel like I’m almost there. I have been studying the principles of hardbody but I’ve had to do so on my own without proper guidance…please forgive my transgressions against the hardbody way…I am but a mortal in a hardbody world.

This reminds me of The Wire. Have you guys ever seen that show? Marlo the new blood versus the established Barksdale organization? Anyone?

I’m going to say this once so please listen and not misunderstand the message i’m about to convey…

Carlos: You spend incredible amounts of time playing this game, there would be honestly something wrong with you if you didn’t improve. Your time, your life, your choices are all yours to make and no one can tell you otherwise, but you might want to consider picking up a hobby that might be financially beneficial to you in the long run. I will tell you in person, but this will be a simple 4-1-1 moment. You are pretty high on your recent accomplishments, and there’s nothing wrong with being happy with your accomplishments, but the problem people have (including myself at times) is being able to have a nice slice of ‘Humble’ pie. Carlos, you have not had a slice, you haven’t broken off some of the flaky-buttery crust, nor even dipped your finger in the center of the pie. The alternative that you’ve been choosing over the pie is not a pretty parfait.

Mickey: You know better than most that beef is beef, and the internet is full of Cattle Ranches, stop visiting the butcher… No more tours in the Beef Barracks of the United States of Beef. Have some respect for yourself and just look at this from a third-party perspective, you’re not doing yourself any favors by getting flustered by any of the shit talking that is directly or indirectly shot at you.

I know that out of everything that will happen, you will NOT get any better at this game by talking/typing/beefing. It makes us look ugly as a scene, uglier than me, and that’s pretty fucking ugly.

BTW: I’m going to end up beating everyone in the scene at one point, I’m just not about to let my life be dominated by a video game anytime soon like I used to… Maybe you guys should just take a break from the sticks and re-evaluate what’s really important in your lives.

Relax, JaLAPZ. Games are a distraction from all the bullshit we put up with in our daily lives. Nobody is losing sleep over some gaming rivalry. If they are, then they should fall back. Otherwise, we go hard. All day son.

Shit, you bitches don’t know Ken. You just don’t know.

To add some fuel to the fire, I propose a “My Ken is better than your Ken” competition between the trifecta of the Ken players in TW’s - me, HeavyD and Bowflexmike. We need to money match that shit. Bring it, I will STFU (Shoryuken The Fuck Up) you guys… with my fiery fists and shit.

I’ve been on that Ken since before you could hold a game controller.

^Jared I’m going to be in college for the next 8 years of my life…this game is fun…I enjoy when it stops being fun I’ll stop playing it…I have other hobbies…I want to get a team seattle paintball day (one of my bigger hobbies) going in the spring (maybe before SSF4 launches). I guess I’m lucky in the sense that financially I covered myself before I moved out here (investing/working)…I didn’t really know anybody when I moved out here and you Jared along with Paul, Eman, and Mike were all really cool to allow me to come to your place, kick it with you and play some sf4…I go to school right now but my classmates are usually pretty dull (the case when you take calc2/phys/chem/microBio) I don’t plan on giving up this game anytime soon and since I’ve always been competitive I will do what necessary to get better. If you wanna drop some wisdom please know what your talking about in regards to what my life is.

I play the future and am handed some humble pie almost every time (I get way over excited when I win a round or even a match) or when I went down to NCR I got slapped in the face pretty hard seeing the lvl I wanted to be at. I hope you can live up to you statement of beating everyone (I hope it’s not just another joke) I will be that guy that is necessary to talk shit and hope that others don’t just roll over and take it but get better. Last night I talked helllllla shit to team Jurassic about our upcoming match and did pretty well and then shoved it in their face…I think all of those dudes are really cool and I get along with them but I want their best saturday and I will motivate them any way possible.

No spoilers. That’s where I left off.

Of course. I’m never one to reveal anything from great TV. If you want to borrow my DVDs, I have the whole series. Probably one of the better investments I made at Bestbuy.

Granted that’s fine, but say if you hadn’t elaborated, you know how misunderstood you would have been coming off this whole time? I hope now you can at least figure out where things stand.

Keep in mind, being tactful, respectful, and honorable are lessons in life I try to live my life by, and straying from that (in my opinion) only sullies a person’s character, but I have to understand that not everyone lives with these ideals in their lives.

Be prepared, and we’ll see who in the end comes out on top in the end.

^challenge accepted

Gross, I hate ken is SFIV but I will take you on.

And by the way those hotdogs last Saturday were top tier. I will always be at twars if only for them dogs.

Yea, I feel hella bad for not getting the memo and bringing McDo’s into the place. That won’t happen anymore!

  1. Unlike you I don’t call people out or talk trash, I was merely saying " I don’t see alot of South end people at North end tournaments" because I enjoy the company and competition of south end players. And yes, North end players like me, Dugg, Jared, Elias, Carlos, Paul Lee, etc. often drive south for sessions and tournaments. I never said that meant we were hungrier, I was merely pointing out the facts and trying to influence more attendance at north end events from some south end peeps who I miss playing SF4 with. (it’s been dope seeing more of K, Grrk, Nolan and Jeff but I’d like to see Future, Josh, Deezo, you etc)

  2. Again, I didn’t name any body or call anyone out that’s all in your head Mickey. I was saying that I wish more Seattle peeps repped at NCR because it was fun and gave us all a lot of good experience. But some how you have the mentality that every word someone types is with the intent to beef.

  3. Really dog? We all know you’re mad. You’ve been mad since the console release of SF4 brought in all of the 09ers (like myself). I had to deal with your grumpy ass the first time I got on SRK and at gameclucks. It’s grumpy ass old people like you who drive out all of the new people to the scene. I had at least 10 melee and brawl players who wanted to play SF4 until they met you. Next to Kunai you are the grumpiest people in the SF4 scene and it’s gross how you constantly talking about putting people in their place. Uhm, what place? You are above players like me and Carlos? If I’m correct the last several months of tournaments Carlos and I have placed at least top 4. What have you done lately Mickey? Where’s your first place money? Fuck all this money matching that doesn’t mean anything if you can’t place in a tournament or don’t attend any tournaments. I’d be fine if you didn’t play in a lot of tournaments then just stayed complacent and remained friendly, but you wont be “putting anyone in their place” by calling people out on their character and person, pretending you’re “above our level” in the seattle SF4 scene but never placing in tournament and constantly driving out new people in the scene by being this unfriendly elitist. You need to check yourself before calling people out.

  4. I understand that Carlos talks alot of trash (most of it doesn’t even make sense) but he talks trash about SF4. Does he say or do anything to any of you that is directly disrespectful? If so, this isn’t something you call him out about online but something you talk about in person. 99% of people in the SF4 scene have learned to deal with Carlos by getting better and trying to beat him, just ignoring the trash talk or talking trash abck, but Mickey you are being a little immature with these constant flame wars. Even Pat who hated Carlos for the longest time is friendly with Carlos in person and online. Learn a few things from Pat about handling situations like an adult Mickey.

edit 5. Yes I agree with everything Jared said (although it was put in a hilarious metaphor lol). Carlos, you gotta be more tactful with your wins especially in a house setting. For example, Team Jurrassic talk trash to a level that it isn’t offending and people are able to laugh at themselves. You have to be a little more refined and humble. A perfect example is your match at TW against pat, you won and shook his hand and calmly talked to him after the match. Yeah you were happy about the win but you controlled your excitement.

Awww damn now where’s your popcorn at.

This thread keeps getting awesomer.

You like popcorn so much, next time I come up with some metaphorical analogy, I’ll incorporate it.