BH/Cable/Cyclops has fairly good defense, and I think it’s probably better than BH/Cable/Commando for that reason, but it still has vulnerabilities to snapback and BH’s offense is doubly crippled by not being able to DHC for any good damage on Cable without getting anyone shot (which is a big deal) and while Cyclops is better as a stand-alone defensive assist than Commando is, it’s still not as good as the combination of Sentinel and Commando. And this all completely overlooks the issue with basically any team that’s dialed up to turtle this much: it only works if you’re ahead or close. If you fall behind all that badly, your only real hope is if Cable manages to vaporize half the team in one blast, which basically nobody in tournaments is going to allow any more. (Yes, I know about the X versus Justin video. There’s a very good reason you’ve only seen one of those.)
Sent/Cable/BH, in any order, is good for snapback insurance (i.e. people will be discouraged from bothering to snap if you can play all three characters competently), but the assist scheme is sub-optimal for all three characters. Sentinel likes having BH enough that a subpar AAA isn’t bad, but Cable would probably rather have the rocket punch from Sentinel while BH would rather have the drones. Also, MSP rolls up this team something awful, and most Sent/Commando teams also give it a great deal of trouble.
BH/Sent/Commando is probably the best all-around team that you can put BH with. It maximizes his offense (DHC that’s both very painful and Cable-safe in addition to Commando), his defense (Sent/Commando is probably his favorite two-assist combination in the game), and gives the next character behind him a similarly favorable set of assists as well.
I’ve used all three of these teams at tournaments over the years, as well as Sent/BH/Cyclops (if you sub Cyclops for Commando, I’m a strong believer that you’re best off starting Sentinel and going aggressive early), Cable/BH/Commando (an old anti-Scrub counter of mine that I’ve since stopped believing in much), and BH/Storm-B/Sentinel-Y (which is ugly, but weirds people out just enough that it sometimes works).
I’ve tinkered with Guile and Cammy as substitute AAAs, because they both protect against Sentinel better than anything else in the game, and any assist you can do off of Commando you can usually do off of one or the other of these in response to a hit. However, once people get used to the oddball qualities of these I don’t think they’re as good as Commando or Cyclops.
Sooner or later I’ve always eventually come back to the conclusion that BH/Sent/Commando is simply the best team with BH on it in the game, though. Once in a while I’ll switch to BH/Cable/Cyclops as a change-up, yes, but ultimately I think BH/Sent/Commando just has the fewest number of glaring weaknesses against most of the matchups and situations that you’re going to run into at a tournament level. The team can rush, control space, defend, trap, run away, zone, kill you all at once with a DHC, safely get its AAA character out with a DHC to either of the other two characters, or just turtle. The only things BH/Cable/Cyclops does that Watts can’t do better are controlling space better while Cable’s on point and hitting people with supers off of assists.