And I TOTALLY respect that. I was just really curious and I never knew why he chose Hawk over Ken and that helps clear it up for me. Damdai knows how much respect I have for him (even if I disagree with him on somethings) so if anything in my post came off wrong, please know that I was strictly curious and completely congratulatory on a great accomplishment! LET’S GO FOR TOP 4 NEXT YEAR! USA!
Few questions:
- Any Youtube vids of this event?
- What’s this new Dee-Jay tech? I’m quite interested.
Nothing in your post came off wrong…just letting you know why I think he chose Hawk. Plus it seems like Hawk players are pretty fanatical about playing him…despite whatever tier lists say about him.
I second that, pretty interested to see why the japanese think that he’s suddenly high tier now. Personally I’ve always felt that he was an underrated character who always had the tools and abilities to beat anyone…but not because of some magical new tech that was previously undiscovered.
I remember when ST came out in the arcades, most of the dudes played DJ or ken.
I remember when ST came out in arcades, most of the dudes played MKII lol. You’re lucky you had SF2 players around still.
Congrats to Damien/Brent/Riz on advancing past round 1! That’s two years in a row for the US team.
I remember those days. Not many people played after CE in my area, and Super officially killed whatever SF players were around at that time. MK2 was just pure shock value that attracted pre-teens/teens that had never seen a level of violence like that in an arcade before.
If I had a hot sister, I’d ask her give you her ass.
omg, I missed the top 4. is it just me or the video stutters every 3 seconds?
pasky said there are no women in Brazil. only trannies.
[edit: tried another browser and it’s fine now. btw did anyone capture the top32 too? wanna watch them again since it was kinda messed up when we watched it live]
man too many epic moments, oka fei is a beast, seki is a beast, shootingD, otochun, gunze are fucking beasts
I thought Oka would use Old Fei. Are you allowed to switch?
Pasky is a nice guy. He’s just really inexperienced with woman, so he has trouble telling the difference between these:
In order to avoid getting a tranny again*, he is now avoiding anything that resembles a young girl.
*it’s true, ask Djfrijoles
for footage and pics you guys should check out Nohoho’s blog. he’s got some good stuff on there from the trip, plus those guys are gonna play some more events this week unless the storms/disasters keep them from doing so. hopefully they are ok. i’m glad i’m home and missing that junk. <<<< his blog
does anyone have more footage from the finals like what was posted above? i see Aquapazza is missing and i’d actually like to go back and see that again.
as far as the new Dee Jay stuff i’d be interested to hear Seth’s explanation. we all saw this discussion going on after the event ended and none of us have a clue what this is about either. we played a few Dee Jay’s thru the week and saw nothing different except they are way better over there at spacing/execution. and none of us noticed anything in the tourney from Seki so i doubt we all missed it together.
Why don’t you have a sister, oldschool ?
I have none from my mother. Maybe my father’s deeds over the years can give you hope! Are half-sisters accepted?
So we can have Team Japan vs. 5 O Sagats? Really, there is no need to have this tournament in order to see what has changed when it comes to the gameplay of both of these countries…I mean I’d love to see it but it’s definitely not necessary to see the gap in skill. There are many things apparent when watching them both - the execution and awareness of Japan is far better, their metagame is deeper. I’ve heard some people saying US has better footsies but I don’t know what matches they are possibly watching…
Emil, you discuss some assets that are helpful to have but I think you incorrectly focus on your own personal metrics for ST skill. The Graham Wolfe vs. Otochun match from Tougeki 2007 is a classic that illustrates how the qualities you mention—execution and awareness— don’t necessarily matter most when it comes to winning:
Graham only executes claw’s bread & butter combo successfully once out of 4 tries and generally looks like he’s just meandering around waiting to jump in, at least to a casual observer. Otochun clearly goes for the kill at each opening and has solid execution. But ultimately, Graham simply outsmarted Otochun in that particular match and won convincingly, all without using claw’s most powerful move. If you call proper spacing, reactions, and move prediction “footsies,” then I suppose that’s the word to use here. And the result wasn’t even surprising since top US players have beaten their JP counterparts many times in ST, unlike in games such as 3S where we’ve demonstrably stood no chance.
The point of tournaments is to show what actually happens, rather than accept what someone thinks will happen on paper. I’ve been to Japan and played the very best character specialists in person. I’ll concede that in general, they have amazing execution; they definitely had better timing than US players I’ve played and have the benefit of always playing on the same types of setups. I believe these JP experts have an edge in pulling off impressive combos and complicated techniques. But did these players seem far superior in terms of winning ability? I didn’t think so.
Now, if I had to wager which side would win, I’d probably bet on the JP team since Japan has so much more competition so close together, as well as a slight edge in historical ST tournament results. But there’s no reason to not have an exhibition and see what the current reality is. This game isn’t Super Theory Fighter II X, where your success is determined by analyzing some video clips to determine how well your play style would fare in a hypothetical competition. Rather, ST involves one-on-one, face-to-face matchups where only current win results determine how you’re performing.
What a retard Ganelon is, posting a vid which is not ST, next time use actual ST footage
What a hater (or troll). How is that not a ST vid? It’s N.Claw vs N.Chun Li, that’s a ST match, plain and simple. If it was CE Chun vs HF Claw, then you might have a point. I know it’s HSF AE, but as long as both players are using N.characters, it’s ST. Anybody with half a brain can see that.
sorry but to me its not ST, too many stupid “glitches” (barcelona´s input being down, K, up is the most annoying shit ever), ganelon is just being fanboy, he believes there´s a little edge between US and JP and thats fine… to me that little edge was back in the past, now you cant beat them IMO (and dont get me wrong i respect wolf brothers and all the OG usa players).
hopefully i can convince Nohoho and Damdai to post up in this thread as they return home. Riz doesn’t use SRK, sadly.
the others spent basically twice the time over there so they can fill y’all in better. i was only there for 6 days. yes i believe they are certainly stronger as a whole. it’s hard not to be. a large group of their best players gather are various ST hotspots throughout the week, many of these folks all gather together 2-4 times weekly each week from what we could gather. these top players are all good buds and close to each other and they just bang out match after match day after day and week after week and i’m assuming year after year. mind you this game has been around for over 15 years now.
sadly we just can’t really do that in the USA. only to a small extent in certain parts of the county, and look at what we have. the places that can gather like this (California, New York) are typically considered the main hotspots for fighting games here in our country that traditionally produce the best crop of players. California of course has always been considered our strongest area of the country thru all these years. so while someone like me, a small town country boy living in the middle of nowhere Indiana can never have access to something like that there are other things that i can work on by myself. Damdai and i compared notes constantly throughout this trip and came up with pretty much all the same ideas.
for Japan top players and the next tier down of their real strong players, spacing is ridiculous and is the main ingredient. their spacing is like that of a cpu opponent on MK2 or MK3. they get to a good spacing, often the optimum spacing they can achieve. that seems to be their foundation. of course they know what to do with their spacing. they know what options to look for from their opponents and almost always react accordingly with the appropriate response and then either reset the position (like a traditional Guile player might do) or in some cases just go in for the kill (a good example would be Ken players looking for the knee bash loop).
how are they so effective at this? their knowledge of the game is super high obviously but it’s also their crazy reactions. i consider myself really bad at reactions overall. i have my moments but then i also have times where i am just a total slug and can’t move myself out of the way of anything. playing day after day over there changes that. again Damdai and i agreed on this, we started finding ourselves thinking thru the game faster and out of necessity trying to react to things faster than we are used to. it’s just like when you hear people in sports talk about the jump from college basketball or football to the pros… the big difference is that the game gets so much faster. watch a college tennis player and then watch a top pro… see how much harder the pro smacks the ball around (the ball is traveling faster, you could say).
does anyone watch Jeff Schaefer’s videos on youtube? you should!
he talks about a lot of stuff from the history of SF to stuff like what top players do for all competitive games of all genres. one of the main ideas that he goes over in several vids is putting pressure on the opponent. that is what this spacing and speed is doing. they put pressure on you forcing you to react to them and forcing you to react in a very fast manner. Schaefer knows what he’s talking about. another thing he talks about is playing against the character in the game (Ken) and not the opponent (Mattsun). the head to head setups of Japan are actually ideal for this and makes it easier in my opinion. mostly you have no idea who you are playing, you can’t see them. it’s dark or medium lighting, it’s noisy, it’s crowded, it’s smokey unfortunately, and you can’t see over or around your own cab. you just have to play the game and against the character itself. no reading inputs from a guy sitting next to you and no talking to him or trying to intimidate him. it’s just you and the game.
maybe Nohoho or Damdai can add more to this. all this stuff being said we played a lot of matches vs. a lot of their top players and their real strong players. we lost a lot but we also won a lot. i honestly believe that if we had more time over their with them or obviously if we lived over there like them, we would be on those levels. one of those top 2 levels. their top guys are not unbeatable by any means. we seen them lose a lot. they don’t lose as much as the normal guy but they certainly take their fair share. they lost to either other, they lost to the tier 2 and 3 guys or whatever they would be considered, they lost to us, etc. these guys are insane and they deserve to be highly regarded. i love watching top level Japan vids as much as the next guy but don’t elevate them out of reach to God status. they are human, they don’t have superior Asian genes, but they do have the resources and the time and dedication to achieve this high level. yes i agree they are above us right now but it’s not inseparable by any stretch of the imagination. Gan knows what he’s talking about, he spent time over there last year obviously. it seems like what is happening in this thread is a bunch of guys that have never been there, have never played these Japanese heroes, maybe you don’t even travel around the US in tourney play but yet you are on here arguing that you are right and the folks that have experienced all this stuff first hand are wrong and have no idea what they are talking about. get outta town, clown! :clown: