Tougeki SBO 2010 ST Qualifier News

Here is a list of all 16 qualifiers and the qualified teams (courtesy of nh2 and Aka Zangief; please check out nh2’s blog at super nohoho fighter ii x for detailed updates):

  1. 5/2 - Gian Recital at Game Versus: Hakase (Dhalsim), Noguchi (claw), Tamashima (boxer)

  2. 5/9 - Ooyama Newton: Gian (Dhalsim), Kurahashi (Ryu), YuuVega (dictator)

  3. 5/16 - Shirone Chance: Nuki (Chun Li), Muteki (Guile), Shiki (boxer)

  4. 5/23 - GAME41: Kikai (Guile), KKY (Dhalsim), Kita (Chun Li)

  5. 5/30 - Amipara Marugame: Aniken (Ken), Otochun (Chun Li), ShootingD (Ryu)

  6. 6/6 - Gamer’s VISION: Abebin (E.Honda), Oonishi (dictator), Sasori (Ryu)

  7. 6/13 - Shiogama Space Shuttle: MAO (claw), Ito (Dee Jay), Futachan (Ryu)

  8. 6/20 - Ko-Hatsu: Tsuji (boxer), Inro (O.Chun Li), Danjiri (Dhalsim)

  9. 6/27 - G-Com Wajiro: Kusumondo (E.Honda), Yabu (Cammy), Gunze (Zangief)

  10. 7/4 - Saijo Plaza Game Corner: Suzuki (Guile), Seki (Dee Jay), Kachu (claw)

  11. 7/11 - Nishinippori Versus: Toutanki (T.Hawk), K (O.T.Hawk), Yoshimura (Dhalsim)

  12. 7/18 - Amusement F-1 Fukaya: AFO (Blanka), Muneo (O.Sagat), Numa (boxer)

  13. 7/24 - Game Galaxy (US): Biran (claw), John Rambo (Dhalsim), Damdai (Ryu)

  14. 7/25 - a-cho: ARG (claw), The SuperStar (boxer), Yuzuru (Dee Jay)

  15. 8/1 - Kasugai Play Hard 50: Gotoh (Ryu), Wassekun (Dhalsim), Tani (Guile)

  16. 9/19 - Last chance qualifier

9/19 - Final

Character distribution:

Dhalsim - 7

Ryu - 6

boxer - 5
claw - 5

Guile - 4

Chun Li - 3
Dee Jay - 3

E.Honda - 2
dictator - 2

Blanka - 1
Ken - 1
Zangief - 1
T.Hawk - 1
Cammy - 1
O.Chun Li - 1
O.T.Hawk - 1
O.Sagat - 1

Fei Long - 0

The Tougeki SBO 2010 US qualifier for Super Street Fighter II Turbo will be hosted at Game Galaxy (Nashville, TN) courtesy of Jason Wilson: Game Galaxy chosen to host SBO 2010 Super Street Fighter II Turbo qualifier!! | Game Galaxy Arcade

It will be held on July 24, use US T2 speed (Tougeki will be using the JP standard of JP T3, which is equivalent to US T2), and be set up as 3 separate 1-man tourneys at $30 a try to determine the 3 spots in the team. The latest details can be found in the tourney thread here: SBO US ST QUAL SAT JUL 24, Nashville, TN GAME GALAXY ARCADE; SF4, T6 SIDE TRNY

The US qualifier has finished and full results can be found here:

I guess that’s a very important topic for the North American community. Here’s my bump for you.

I suppose the winners will be awarded a spot at Tougeki but it’s their task to obtain (and pay for) tickets and accommodation. Am I right? This and the fact that the tournament does not offer any big prizes should be taken into account by the ones not willing to spend a descent amount solely for a strong competition with no loser’s brackets.

Yeah, this is for the spot only. Normally, the money ($1000 airplane + high cost of living in Japan) and time involved (at least a few days off, probably a week or more in most cases) precludes some from going. Normally, some tournaments contribute towards the travel fare for SBO participants but the assumption is that the players will be paying for the large part.

I dont want to say anything that Im not 100% sure about but I believe Jason told me (I go to game galaxy about once a week) that the reason why he got the qualifier was that he made a bid of 1500 dollars. I dont know if that 1500 is traveling expenses for going to japan or what, but pop on over to the TN forum and ask him or pm him. If you didnt know his nick is DreamTR (but you probably knew that lol)

This is true, he is giving an extra $1,500 out of his pocket to the winners (which is roughly half of the expenses for all three people).

Yeah, so that’s $500 to each person. Also, Jason mentioned in the old TN thread that he plans 3 separate 1-player determines to determine the spots. I think that’s a very fair way of handling things (round robin would be fine but it won’t cover as much of the $1500 reimbursement to the 3 qualifiers).

It’s possible the tournament might be on a Japanese Candy Cabinet. Until I have some more concrete information on dates and such, all I know is that we are holding the qualifier.

I am going to try and utilize a Japanese cabinet with PCB with default Sanwa buttons/sticks and have have the converter set up that way so if people need to use PS2 sticks/pads, they have that option, but if not it would be SuperGun only.

Knowing how picky I am, it’s going to be a Japanese cabinet meaning Akatuski might have to be taken out for awhile…

Jason, I know both SteveTren and I are planning on coming and we both have ST boards we can bring. I still havent gotten a supergun together, but I do have a full sanwa control panel that will fit on your Moonraker cabinet (My first cab was the same style and I built the CP for it) If that cab is Jamma wired we could throw at least one board in there.

Give Steve or I a shout and we can definitely figure something out to give us more than 1 Arcade setup, especially if you’re planning on running 3 separate tournies

great stuff jason, incredibly generous of you. best of luck with it all and goodluck to all entrants

someone please correct me if i’m wrong, but i had heard before that 1st place winners in each Tougeki tournament game split a 100,000 yen prize (??).

If I’m still here in Atlanta then I’ll drive up to this. I’ve got a SSFIIX board that I can bring too, but it sounds like Kajoq has that covered already! What month is this planning to be held?

The qualifiers are in Tennessee? Man sucks for us CA players I hope you can still get a decent team though

I don’t enter tournaments anymore but if this was being held in L.A., I would have to represent.

This is my main concern about the quals being in TN; that is, getting the nation’s best players out to TN to qualify.

That is exactly what I am worried about too. I mean it didn’t have to be in LA just somewhere close where CA players can drive to. We have so many heavy hitters when it comes to ST (Afro, Valle, DGV, Wolfe Brothers, Choi). It just sucks nobody in CA was willing to pay money to the winners

Well, WC has its opportunity in 2008. May as well give EC a shot this time. Plus, pretty much all of the good players on the Atlantic have expressed interest in this tourney so it’s unlikely a mediocre team will be formed regardless of whether Pacific coast heads show up.

You’re definitely right, but I just feel having 6 out of the 8 top 8 players being from the west coast at evo last year you would wonder if the EC will be able to put a really good team to represent the US. Even if the tournament was HDR all those guys are just as good in ST. At the same time though the reason most of the top guys didn’t go out for the 2008 qualifier was the money issue. So I give props to the TN arcade for helping out.

Who went last time?

Hey man long time no chat (since Evo). If money’s an issue you can always view it like this, a plane ticket to Tokyo is average $900-$1000, and to TN I can’t imagine it being more than $400. Jason’s fronting half of the money to Japan to the winners and I’m sure the donations will make up for the rest of that chunk. So total I don’t think you’d be spending more than $1000 anyway. We only get one spot instead of two this year and TN is pretty centralized (east coast guys are flying too I’m sure).

NKI and Wong were who went, it was a 2 man team event in 08.


Hakase (Dhalsim) vs NKI (ChunLi)
Tamashima (Boxer) vs Justin Wong (O.Sagat)

Thanks VF4!