Let’s talk the most killer ass in fighting games.
Her anti-air’s boss, amirite, fellas?
Been playing her at my friends. Love the slut design and beatdown sticks.
s.MP great poke/cancel into Rekka mixup or just confirming into the openers
c.HP good anti air
s.HK decent anti air
DP+K is good too, but I couldn’t get it off properly on pad.
Shadow DP+K has a nice corner follow up where you can air throw and then DP as another follow up.
Haven’t gotten a chance to mess with the instinct mode leopard thing. It’s usable everytime you are in neutral/offense. Can’t use it during block stun haha. I wished it was usable to interrupted.
Also everytime I do her Ultra combo, while she’s raving the baton’s on the victim I can only think of:
“Slut design”? Daaaaaaamn.
Anyway I’ve been using her s.HP more as a punish poke into her Rekka mix-up.
I play with the thumbstick (which is way too loose) and I hit her DP well and good.
I wish her F+HK was a tad faster but it’s useful as it is.
I think the s.HP is kinda slow but if you get out into the right range to swipe people with it it’s good. s.MP is my goto so far after blocking a lot of stuff up close.
I seem to alway get hit after landing F+HK. I never get an auto double or manual afterwards. What can I follow it up with?
Special cancel F+HK, it’s a command normal not a special. I admit I also went for Autos afterward because it just looks ‘special-y’, but I got over that habit.
As far as I know you can only followup with a special move.
No one’s mentioned her sweep yet? I’m starting to abuse that thing. Two low hits, very safe, goes under FBs. Does a lot of things vuuuurry well
The first hit of her sweep doesn’t actually knockdown, keep range in mind. The first hit should be special cancelable, btw.
True, it doesn’t, but cr.HK moves you forward and I have yet to see only the first hit connect. It’s got about the same range as st.MP.
Where did you see that the first hit is special cancelable? Can’t replicate that at all, special or super
The first hit should be special cancelable; my wishful thinking.
I’ve only contacted the first hit several times actually.
Anyone have any go to manuals that they use in specific situations? I tend to use st.MP after a HK slide under a fireball. Timing is fairly easy.
Edit: found this thread going over manuals for all characters.
Once it starts getting shadow countered on reaction you’ll stop using it as much
If her sweep is blocked at max range s.HP is a damn good stuffer.
What’s the deal with double linkers? I’m always getting auto doubles when I try them.
Her specials cancel into specials during a combo. Maybe you’re doing it too fast or slow?
Be careful of abusing her sweep. If you make it a habit, you will get shadow cancelled.
I have found ways to utilize her juggles if anyone is interested. They are unbreakable and get you 30% using 1 bar and 25 % no meter.
She easily has the best walk speed in the game and a great set of normals. She’s effectively the Chun Li of the game so far with a heavier emphasis on mix ups.
Been maining her since day one. Here are my issues:
If I rate to rate her on a tier list, should would be clearly on the bottom. The rest of the cast just have a combination of better normals and tools that make them better overall. I’m not going to stop playing her, but they really need to buff her.