Toronto July Thread

i guess i’ll show at orbit. but i’ll be there early afternoon…any marvel heads wanna show?

I need a ps2 jap stick…could someone show me where to get one?

r u guyz going to have ae tourney @ t5?

Spence; yes Anniversary Edition was added to the official line up a couple of weeks ago. Check the T5 thread or even the site for more details on it.


this seems kind of random, but i think i will be going to orbit tommorow night … i wanna try this sf AE edition … so yeah, i think jay will be there too…

so if anyone wants to play any games in AE, come by!


Orbit Today


GGs in 3S today. Someone needs to fix that damn roundhouse button though.

What’s with the different dates on the t5 avatars :confused:

Been a while since I’ve checked out this board… I should really keep more up to date. I was playing 3S at Orbit last night, and I think I was playing some of the people from on here, but I’m not sure. I just started playing 3S on Wednsday, when I picked it up for my PS2, so I’m trying to get into it (about 4 years too late… :(). I was the random-ass Makoto scrub (and I played Alex once) who was repeatedly served by a Hugo player and a Dudley.

Anyways, I should be around Orbit more often, in hopes of recieving further (though hopefully fewer) servings.

Whoa… they Franz (sp?) long time man. I’m surprised you didn’t make the trek to Evolution with the other TO SC2 guys. How are they faring anyway?

You should join T5 in at least one game and see how far you’ve come.

Gwai; the avatars were made kind of in two “generations.” The first ones were done with the last day for some reason (I blame RON for that one) and then Stephen took over making them and I told him about the date error and we’re all good now.

How many from Ottawa are coming for T5 this year?

ratio1beatdown sends daigo to losers in cvs2
ratio1beatdown gets eliminated by Eric Lee
Eddie Lee eliminates Daigo.

I’m actually not sure. I want to go, but i dont want to play in t5, lol…

are u serious!??!

damn east coast turtles are too much for japanese scrubs to handle!

yeah so here i am on a public computer at Cal Poly. Here are a few quick notes.

Family Fun - the greatest arcade known to man

Family Fun 3s Team Tourney - adam played Texas’ yun. Adam lost to mopreme’s Chun Li. Antoine didnt want to play his chun li with his dudley so I went next. I killed both mopreme and hsien. yeah i’m bragging.

Family Fun 3s community - a bunch of cool motherfucking cats.
Vic Vance - the best dudley i’ve ever seen in my life
Pyro Lee - omg
720 - can do standing 720 999999 times out of 1000000

Mopreme owes me tacos because i killed him in tournament.

Jackie Tran is the motherfucking Man

CVS2 I qualified in Winners bracket undefeated.
3s I qualified in winner’s bracket undefeated

evo joysticks are fucking stupid

Antoine qualified in 3s winners bracket

Adam B got peaced out early and didnt qualify because he was in a bracket with amir and ricky and paul lee. But holy fuck his match with ricky was so fucking close that ricky was REALLY scared.

These japanese motherfuckers are fucking cool

Didnt play my money match with Tragic, which was planned one year ago…geeze

arizona Iced Tea huge cans are 99 cents…HUGE CANS

Roger beat Daigo and sent him to losers. And then loses to 2 random scrubs after that somehow. But holy fuck, he fucking beasted on Daigo. RC’d through EVERYTHING.

cvs2 Inivitational, MOe Powell was nowhere to be found so it was jiggabry, roger, and me. We got peaced out first match single elim by some N word, Ricky Ortiz, and John Choi

I played a bunch of 3s money matches and won them all.

Mopreme is scared of me in 3s. WOOHOO.

Evo doesnt have the energy that it did last year. Wasnt as exciting, but still is better thanlast year because of mopreme, hsien, all the family fun guys, and everyone else i met

yeah. I’m giong back up to hang with dr strangelove and adam B. fuck you all that didnt come to evo. YOu guys are missing out on a whole lot.

VF4 finals are taking place right now, but i dont care.

I punched a guy twice while i was playing a 3s tournament match. Didnt get into a fight or anything. I just punched the fucker twice cuz he was in my way

Wow, Justin remembered me. I’m surprised anyone did :p.

I was going to head down to Evo, but unfortunately, I’m broke as fuck (as is often the case). I’m so rusty right now it’s ridiculous. My PS2 broke in like, March, and I just got it fixed last week, so that’s basically how long I’ve been out of the loop for. I’m trying to get into 3S, and GGXX. The SC2 scene in Toronto is really starting to die out, now that a lot of our old school players/regulars are moving on/out. I’d play CvS2, but I’m just way too far behind. 3S has a great arcade following, that is, it’s the one machine that always has somebody on it, so I figure it’s a good choice. GGXX for the same reason.

Anyways, I’ll be at T5 for sure. I’ll enter in 3S, or maybe GGXX if somebody can help train/teach me the fundamentals of the games sometime before then, and get me up to a semi-competitive level (as opposed to the combo/parry practice that I am now). I started on VF4, and then went on to SC2 (due to lack of VF4 comp, not because SC2 is a better game [it isn’t]), so I really have a 3D fighter background… I don’t really have the 2D skills.

anyone know a cheap place to get ps2? eb is selling there’s at 150 tax not included. Just wondering if anyone knows a cheaper place to get one.