Toronto HQ BBQ Jam (July 15 @6PM)

Just gota say the BBQ was mad sick. I wasn’t even 100% sure if I was gona come till like wends and if I was somewhere else on fri instead of the BBQ i would have missed out on a classic summer event. Thx HQ staff and everyone else for holding it down too much fun and jokes. Well worth going to bed at 7:00am for lol.

a.) Cyrus raped me up in the world tour MM.
b.) Scott raped me up in the random vs yang match
c.) I raped up Scott for the title of "Best killer of White_R"
d.) I got raped in the “most digusting food item consumed at the BBQ” by Dennis Kim, who beat my “Burger Burger” with a “Burger Hotdog Burger Burger”

I didn’t puke. However, that picture is godlike.

  • the fatnant chronicles. :frowning:

Great event guys! It was so nice to see the outpouring of support from everyone in the community. I heard you guys grinded it out until the wee hours of Saturday morning. Good shit!

The food was so good! Shout outs to grilled corndogs - sadly I only had the chance to eat one.

Just a quick follow up. Stephen and I will most likely plan another one of these events before summer ends. Here’s what you can do to help us make this happen. Please let us know what we can improve on with your comments below and will do our best to make it happen. Get hype!

The bbq was gaawdlyke! Shoutoutz to everyone who took a shot of vodka with me. Shoutoutz to paul and blitzman and everyone who took a toke with me. And shoutoutz to everyone who came and had a good time! Special shoutout to freddy bauza aka daFREEmastaxv lol.

Sauga knows how to party, thats whats up!

Please kill all mosquitos, White_R… Might I suggest your Dark Phoenix for this task (no shame, no shame).


My bro found the domino in his pocket
"that guy hit the table so hard it fell in there"

how convenient how your brother disappeared (into the darkness!) after the domino went “missing”!!!