You are invited to Toronto HQ’s first ever fan appreciation BBQ to celebrate summer. This event is free and the food will be provided by donations from Scott, Anant, and Stephen. Come out, show your support and have a blast!
We will be serving…
[*]And other BBQ food fare…
Free alcohol will be provided on the premise so we will be asking for ID’s. Please drink responsibly.
We will also be hosting casual sessions of SSFIV AE, MVC3, MK as well as other fighting games all night long!
[]Friday, July 15, 2011
[]6pm – 12 am (or whenever we decide to close)
[]375 Middlefield Road (Finch and Middlefield)
[]This is a storage Unit
There will be a donation box at the door to help support TOSF HQ for the future. All donations will be used for rent, repairs, additional setups and as well as developing the fighting game community in Toronto. We thank you for your support and we hope to see you there!
*We appreciate that you let us know ahead of time on whether or not you can make it to this event so we can get a head count on how much food we need.
EVERYONE is welcome to bring food, snacks, and drinks.
ANYONE is welcome to this thing. All we ask is that you be nice and donate - this is a community effort, and 100% of the donations go back into keeping HQ running and alive.
Right now, we have plenty of space - tell your friends. If you have people who have been unsure about coming out to play, this is the perfect opportunity. Instead of walking into a room full of guys playing, you’ll be walking into a bunch of people playing games, enjoying some barbeque, and generally enjoying a godlike summer day.
anybody from Hamilton going? I’d bring some booze or chronic, but I doubt I have enough money right now to be bussing out to Toronto and back as well. I can toss some money for gas however.