Top Rogue Teams

Nice very nice team if I didn’t hate sentinel so much I would probably use that team. The possibility’s are end less with that team.

Are there anyone coming to TS4 in march?

I need another rogue player who his good for the team tourney on friday. And please no one who like just started using her in like the past couple of weeks. It really depresses me when I see a rogue player who just mash on dive kick:(

I’ll be there and so will LS. I gotta say my skills aren’t as cool and I really won’t have time to get them better. Drumline started up and tax season is really busy in Feburary. I’ll give it a shot though.

I’m a Rogue Veteran (4 years and still going string :cool: ) unfortunately I cannot make it. I hear you visit S. FL on occasion and I’d love to see the best Rogue player in action and also see how I’d fair against him. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: Dive Kick is only 10% of her rushdown tactix IM:o.

Man I wish i could travel like you guys.:frowning:

Who is the best rogue player and what kind of techniques does he use? I never seen anyone play wit Rogue, so most of the techniques I use, I get from watching the CPU rushing and alot of shit, I just make up with her. I wanna see some vids of her.
Yeah, that really is a small part of Rogue rushing down. And anyone who thinks thats all u gotta do is gonna get punished by commando’s assist alot. Her best rushing asset is that air dash + lk, lk, crossup. A high and low attack in one combo. Its not likely you will find someone who will block it right.

The most renowned Rogue players are Vegita-X and VDO. Vegita-x is slightly above VDO IMO because he seems to play with more discretion while VDO rush the hell out of you without fear.:evil:

Here’s my rushdown techniques:

  • First I do C.LK, C.MP (A golden move since even when they pushblock it hits them, a godsend and a character defining move:cool: ) call Sent Ground then SJ cancel into J.RK (not dive kick, this is prevent them from jumping out) XX LP Repeating Punches. Even if they don’t jump the drones will still cover you.

Now Sent G hits while you recover from Repeating Punches then you do C.LK, C.MP, S.MK, SJ cancel Dive Kick (Right here 90% of the time they WILL get hit if not repeat the previous paragraph or do your mix up. :evil: I occasionally do the AD J.LK, J.MK mixup but sometimes I get AAed too often.

One more thing always do the Dive Kick after every AC you do so as soon as they recover you’re on them agian, never let up because your opponent will do just the same to you. You can also do the Dive Kick into Power Drain after an AC so that they jump they go into the Power Drain. :cool:

Get Ready!!!:smiley:

block it right??? pat? me? justinw? top players?

one of my favorite moves against sentinel players… a quick air dash towards sent then block + AAA, cuz u kno that big fryin pan gonna come at you rite then and there cuz they think sent is gonna beat u easy…NOT!!! :evil:

Say John P.

Man my boys Chris and duane are tripping because I said I was going to pick u for the team tourney but thats only cause I taught rahassan was going to be on there team. So now he’s talking about being on justinW team. So if rahssan isn’t going to be on justin team then it is tell on. Plus last Sunday night at the acarde me,chris and duane kinda got into because I had like a winning steak that night and let just say words was exchange. I called him and everyone in the fucking game sorry as motherfucker because they say what I do is cheap and isn’t very hard so that kinda piss me off when every fucking time I play the game I see fucking sentinel flying around…Cable shooting my assist or storm not rushing but running away but they call me lame. Do any know the kind of fucking pressure I have to deal with when sentinel is just flying around and know that one mistake could cost me half my life. and if thats wasn’t the problem I’ve got to fucking worry unblockables all of the fucking time. I told them they wouldn’t last 5 minutes playing with her in a toruney because all they know is mindless rushdown with magneto and fucking sentinel. I had like a 13 game winning streak and thats a lot take in mind who was there against Cable/sentinel/Cyc or sentinel/whoever/whoever. I ask everyone there if sentinel wasn’t on the game who in the fuck would u all play with and u know what at least 80% said MSP OOOOOOOOOOO don’t work to hard with that fucking team. 56 charcters the game and thats all they could come up with. Man if it wasn’t for that one person a whole lot of other character would me playable.
O my god the possiblity’s are endless
Rogue/Psy/Wolerine…Top tir team back in the day
Rogue/Jug/Ken …One of my favorite’s:D
Rogue/Storm/Cammy …Another Angel team Cammy is the fallen Angel.
And Rogue/Magneto/Storm The best team there is. But has trouble with people mashing on assist:(
O yeah I’m a rogue feind.

I know I kinda got off of the main issues but just was a little piss.


dang pat, why u run u gotta say such things!! now look how deep that hole is u dug urself! but its cool with watever happens, b/c u kno i cant disrespect friendship you guys got, but yea ur gay pat!! i swear!! hahaha

and playing rogue aint easy!! mainly shes just there to beat teh shit out of whoever and as much as possible! sentinel? omg thats fcukin hard!! wat can she do with no fcukin projecticles and no fly mode… its not all mindless, the point with rogue is to abuse wen shes close and to abuse an assist… namely for me commando, or for pat its tronne… and one i evolve rogue into the perfect computer simulation plus common sense to add real tricks… hol’up its gonna be on!!:evil:

ps. you wrote in here b/c u kno that chris or duane dont read it huh?? lol:lol: only rogue players read this shit!! u did that for this reason huh punk?? haha its funny

Hey what’s up Vegita-X I saw the match vids of you vs Mixup. Man you even turned down Justin Wong’s advice.:lol: “Don’t use that bitch!!!” :lol: :lol: :lol:

Man ya’ll tried Rogue/Morrigan/Psy? That team is fun as fuck. GNS DHC into Morrigan’s kick super does surprisingly good damage.

Yeah it’s too bad the game has stayaway Sent and runaway Storm, shuts down so many characters.

Oh yeah and Rogue/Jill/Psy is a lot of fun too. Ah the good ol’ days when you could play low tiers consistently.

For Storm I use Rogue/Sent/Capcom.:cool:

Yeah I know he wanted me not to used rogue in the last match but I couldn’t ,I didn’t really expect to get that far in the tourney and I was just having fun. He said do it for the money and I just couldn’t. noone plays the game just for fan anymore:( Justin said he just plays the game for the money just the oppsite of me.

Yeah I understand.:wink: Money can be a very powerful motivational tool can’t it.:evil:

can somebody tell me where i can get the vids where pat fucked up and lost? :smiley: just f0ckin wit u pat… but yea i want to see so i dont get fucked over with it!! haha but then again i dont use a NON anti air team… my team is full of em’!! :evil: sentinel aint got nothin on me!!

go to, they have the link.:slight_smile:

omg pat, dude, it’s not rogue, its tronne, i kno u love her! but yea her assist does shit to ne one who flies… b/c for onething mike played cyke, and he knocks ur bitch out most the time, 2nd thing is that you aint got nothing for all those storm or sent assists he sends out, its like your giving him a free whole day to call out watever assist he wants that you wont be able to punish him on!! its like oh hey! im a storm assist wat u gonna do to me?? haha yea but uhhh u need a better anti air, now if its msp ur up against, be my guest and rape that shit team, but against a sent ? commando or cyke guy! but i would like you to tell me by post or pm on how to beat rahsaan easier, and quit abusing that falling dash crossup, no one will fall for it if u keep doin it as constant as that!!!:mad: haha yea uhh that was it! later

Vegita-X I notice you DHC GNS into Hailstorm before Rogue launches them into the air. I thought Hailstorm did more damage the higher up your opponent was?:o :stuck_out_tongue:

dude, its all about the look and ur style!! got to ad that flava flav w/ ur dhc’s foo!:lol:


Doin it after the powerdrain looks better, does more damage and you can follow it up with storm if they dont roll.