Top Rogue Teams

I have mastered her speed up semi-infinite :evil: now only if I could figure out how to do mad tri jumps like the cpu :frowning:

New angel team Rogue Sakura Cammy =)

Iā€™m currently practicing with Rogue/IM/Sent. Since I can use Rogue better than Magz.:stuck_out_tongue:

I like this combo. In XmenVS SF you could do d+hk,, XX sj.d+hk, ā€¦ and finish with whatever you like. I usually just luanch and procede to murder-death-kill-homocide:evil: I miss the days when you could steal opponents moves, then use them to kill them(shun goku satsu or infinite with Juggernautā€™s move.)

Oh I have a combo for you peeps with Rogue/Sent/Cammy or Capcom.

S.LP, S.LK, S.MP, S.MK, Repeating Punches XX GNS (wait till Rogue starts to kiss) DHC into HSF, all the drones will miss :frowning: Fly and call Cammy AA , J.LK, J.FP, FP Rocket Punches Cammy hits

Yeah kinda unoriginal in concept but still gets the job done. BTW how can Magz/Rogue (Throw) work when you canā€™t combo into the assist and no one is foolish enough to stand and be reset by the assist?:confused: :bluu:

yeah so so true:( play anti air fuck kiss type.:smiley:

Best low teir team Rogue/Phylock/woleriane:evil:

No I still use Rogue throw, just not with Magz. Her AA has low prority and I canā€™t seem to find any good combinations with her AA and Sent/Cable. Care to post any and I might reconsider?!!!:evil:

Calling Rogue throw and SJ/Flying works too well with me an also setups many combos well so Iā€™ve had no complaints. :cool:

To master her tri-jump (d+hk madness) All you gotta remember is that you can cancel anything into a super jump. So I do what the CPU does: cancel ground attacks into her tri-jump and throw in some random in case they block high. Also throw in random air dashes. This will cause them to block in the wrong direction( super jump XX air dash XX d+hk) If you do this right, you will randomly switch from side to side and if youā€™re fast enough, you will confuse them enough to block in the wrong direction. :evil: Now go make them think theyā€™re fighting the CPU!

Yep that was the first think I learned with Rogue. Also remember to mix it up, because she doesnā€™t have the tri-jumping variants like Magz does hit high and low at different intervals.:evil:

Anyone going to the Chorlette NC, tourny on 1/24/03?

Iā€™m pretty sure someone mentioned it in the thread but

Do reverse tiger knee + PP then d.rh

Think that should work.

Magz+Throw assist is pretty damn good. Edma has that shit on lock. I donā€™t use her but im sureā€¦launch sj.rh ad df short short land call the her, dash on other side would work. Actually dont listen to me I have no clue. :confused: But that her best assist her other ones are pretty crummy.

Mag, launch,, ad df lk,lk land first hit of fk into magā€™s forcefield. Stupid unmashable free reset:lol:

Nah, only major tourney would be Showdown. I swear to do better this coming year than last.

I was thinking about going to this but Ohayocon is the same weekend so I donā€™t know. If you are going Iā€™ll try a little harder to go. I played a few guys that seen you play and they told me how good your Rogue is so I got to check it out.

ya crazy mike:lol:

Rogue>then magneto

I have one question. why donā€™t rogue get speed up from magneto when he is the fastes on the game this has been on my mind for about 3 years. If only she would get speed up from him:(

Been thinking the same thing.:confused: My guess is that Capcom didnā€™t really program Magneto to be a speed demon (like Cammy) he just ended up that way through shoddy programming.:lol:

rogue owns,ā€¦ just add ne member from triple c and u win easyā€¦ i beat pat for free !!1 jkā€¦ sayin that makes me feel better :lol: u better come to htown for the showdownā€¦ imma get pissed wen i set the brackets up for u and me to fight and u dont comeā€¦:mad: ā€¦later

oh and ever notice after u get the mags defense up and he possibly hits u with his infiniteā€¦ it takes of SHIT!!! haha yea ā€¦ mayb thats better than speed up// cuz got dammit speed up gets annoying except wen i keep doing standing short on repeatā€¦ haha

Rogue does alot of damage with minimal effort too.:cool:

Say john I will be at showdown so just chill. And I wouldnā€™t set the brackets up so that me and u can play thatā€™s just a friendly advice. Say john who ru going to use in the team tournment? Cable/Rogue/Cap or Cable/Cyc/Cap? u donā€™t have to use rogue if u donā€™t want to.

O yeah! Do u have a third member on the team?
And donā€™t worry about Rasshan I know how to beat him.

Huh would be nice to have a third member thatā€™s good that plays with rogue:(

Vegita-x/ Rogue/Storm/Tron
John p/ Rogue/Cable/Cap
??? Rogue/???/???

Rogue that fuckin shit:evil:

WOOT!!! Rogue/IM/Sent is that ish!!!:cool: