Top Rogue Teams

Yes the 100th reply, I did it!!!:smiley: :rolleyes:

Oh bTW if you guys didn’t already know you can combo into GNS without the aid of Repeating Punches off any medium attack.

Damn beat me to it :frowning:

oye… half the time I’ll do it w/out the punches instead… oftentimes when I cancel the punches, the other guy’ll be outa hitstun and be able to block.

Trust me the cancelling from the Repeating Punches is much better in damage and has a longer hit stun than her mediums. I just was stating that you can combo from her mediums just so that people know.

Oh awesome AV Gbursine!!!:cool:

no poop lol


Yeah I had trouble canceling the first few times I tried it. The trick is you can’t randomly cancel during the repeating punches. You gotta make sure it’s after the 3rd of fourth hit and they’re still in hit stun.

c.RH xx sj xx AD xx sj.D+RH, land, GNS.

Its time we started cutting out mp’s/mk’s and repeating punches alltogther:lol:

without speed up… my god


Super Jump cancel the c.RH when you hear her say “yah” and you’ll be fine.

I wouldnt actually use this all the time for comboing GNS but because of the range of the c.RH you can surprise people by dashing in with c.RH kinda like Storm with her c.RH launcher.

This worked once on my opponent he rolled the next time so Repeating Punches 4 LIFE!!!:smiley:

Say roc I can’t really make out rogue face u think u could change it a bit. Clean it up for me thanks.


O yeah drulimer joe I might be coming to texas after all:D

Thats the whole point, her face is supposed to be in the shadows from the light of sent’s boosters.

Ok tell me what you want the av to look like and I’ll try and make it.

Damnit! I, more than likely, won’t be making it after all. Damn it all to hell!

its find just clear her face up a little bit thats all. you can have it in the shadows just clean it up for me. The avatar is really tight I just like looking at her face.

Drumiler joe I’m just going to be in the team tourny won’t beable to go sunday because of work:(
Say roc I will try to represent rogue out there for everyone. O yeah let me know when u all going to have the next big tourny out there if it’s more then 30 people I’ll come.


Give 'em hell Vegita. And there’s always Showdown. I saw you bitchslapping everyone at this past one in March and was floored. Badass stuff man. Peace.

Say joe I didn’t go after all. car was acting up:(

Roc r u still working on that avatar?

Sup, Vegita? Say, is there any chance of you coming down to G-Ville, FL again anytime soon? I want to see some more of your beastly Rogue in action. I just started learning her recently and was wondering what is a good team to start using with her on it.

Man I wish he’d come down to Ft.Lauderdale so I can see how my Rogue stands up to his beastly Rogue.:stuck_out_tongue: Been using her for 3 years now so it will be cool to see another fellow Rogue user. :smiley:

Say just let me know when is the next tourny and I will try to come. I wouldn’'t mind playing mixup again. I’m trying to go to the UCLA tourny in Cali on Dec, 13. so if it after or even before then give me a holla. I really want to play against soomighty and combofiend.

Everyone here plays sentinel and when I mean everyone I mean everyone. even the local scrubs. I think I’m the only left that doesn’t use that cheap niggaa:( :frowning:

O yeah Crono_Mashitoka try using Rogue/magneto/Storm AKA team Triangle offense. Rush down city:evil: I’ve been using this team for the past 2 months now and it is really good. The only thing u have the to play real smart because like to mash on assits all day so whatch out.


Thanks for the advice. I’ll definitely have to try that out and I’ll also keep you posted on any upcoming tournaments. Sad thing is everyone here is starting to use Sentinel too. :lol:

But yeah, I’ll keep you posted. Take care and good luck at the West Coast tourney.:smiley: