Top Rogue Teams

i dont use proj assist for sent bro… The ground helps rush down but it never hurts to experiment.
I’m not understanding that last combo u wrote but maybe its cause im tired. After the hp do they bounce up into the kiss? And also wut do u mean by this…AC into INF into AC into Power Drain???
Although i got great news ive confirmed that in the combo i wrote above u can do all that crazy crap i theorized would work. After ur opponent hits the drones they bounce up … give them lp lk kiss then if they land in the corner u can lk into ac of choice or hp call sent ground assist GNS. TOOOOO fucking good. I should mention ive only done it on sentinal so far, i just dont got the time to fuck around with it on other chars right now… but tommoro night im free and i think im dedicating it to rogue ( :

Edit I kno i said i didnt have time to test this shit tonight but i couldnt resist:p
Not only does the combo i stated work on all characters but if the character isnt heavy (Ie. Sentinal) u can dash mid screen still in time to hit fp call sent ground GNS.

  Rogue.. have my baby


:smiley: I was reffering to Vegita X’s post on the first page. My Bad.:stuck_out_tongue: And the FP causes your opponent to bounce which sets up the kiss.

BTW, the INF is: (Corner Only) C.LK, C.FP, Majic Series, J.RK, C.LK, S.LP, S.LK till you feel they might Dizzy, Launch into Power Drain AC. I suck at it now cuz I need to practice after 2 months of CVS2.:stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and on a flying stomping Sent you can do, quick (Normal Jump) J.LK (Call Sent Proj.) J.FP, (RP Hits), J.LK, J.MP, J.HP, Power Drain. Does Chunks of damage to Sent!!!:evil:

Another team I’m experimenting with is Rogue/Sent Proj/ Tron. Cuz with tron you can do J.HP, C.LK, S.MP (Call Sent Proj) Drill XX Lunch Rush anywhere on screen!!!:smiley:

EDIT: Oh snap Golba666 I finally get the combo your doing, I’ve done that combo also by accident but didn’t put it to as good use as you have.

Another thing I’ve found out is to Guard Cancel with Rogue into GNS when Sent does HSF but the timing is waaaaay too hard for me. If you ever try it by the time the super starts the drones will be covering Rogue’s sprite and you will plow through the second ones and hit Sent. That’s how extreme the timing is!!!


i talked to drumliner joe today about the inf… it kinda sounds impractical… how many reps can u get for it?
the guard cancel… Do u mean u push block then GNS. I pull it off all the time but u gotta be close to ur opponent…

White Shadow ur name sounds familiar… were u the dude i heard alot about to take out Wong… lol im probably wrong but i remember ppl saying that. Maybe it was white knight… i dunno:p

i figure we should start getting into GNS. This super is just fuckin deadly, its quick, it hurts, and first few frames r invincible. Its also a great way to rush down Ie. cable air hyper viper: u GNS under the beam and to the other side of cable. Then GNS as cable falls from his super.

Im gonna name some moves GNS goes through and just good times to GNS, where it picks up lag etc etc… its off the top of my head so im probably gonna miss alot.
Striders orbs: Shell go right through but about half way through the super rogue will get hit with an orb… maybe if u have super armor??:slight_smile:

Blocked Ground hyper viper: ull have enough time to pick this lag up.

Blocked Cable ground beam: The closer u are the better.

Halistorm or HOD: On instant they super do GNS. If the tip of rogues head hits the tip of storm or bh foot the super works.

Sent wiffs a ground rocket punch or laser: GNS

Sent hk and lk drones: on instant GNS

MY FAVORITE:evil: Tri Jump: if ur opponent tri jumps and is just in range to hit u GNS, rogue gets priority.

Storms wind proj: U gotta do GNS during those invinciple frames and ur in.

Doom proj: yep right through it, gotta be close
Ill post more later

No man I’m not White Knight.:stuck_out_tongue: The inf is not impractical for me cuz I usually force people into the corner all the time pressuring them.

Here’s all the supers I’ve gone through with GNS:D : Tempest, Magnetic Shockwave, GNS:lol:, HSF, Thanos’ Power/Soul/Space/Reality, starting up Hailstorm, Up close Photon Array on ground, Captain Storm, Hyper Dashing Elbow, Electric Cage, Kochou Kagure, Psy Thrust and many more.

Specials: Cap’n Corridor, Cap’n Fire, Genade, Cable’s S./J.FP which is basically a no chip special, Smart Bombs, Hadouken, passes throw Ken’s Shoryuken, Rocket Punch, Drones.

Another tidbit: Rogue can do massive damage to an assist by doing Launch, J.FP, J.D.RK or Launch, J.FP, J.FP, C.FP into the same thing if your opponent is retarded or just got KOed and his assist is left out.

Another combo with Rogue on a stomping Sent is J.LK, (call Sent), J.MP, J.HP Sent Ground hits, J.LK, J.MP, J.HP, Power Drain!!!:evil:

im thinking the first few frames of GNS is invinciple no matter wut… the reason it wont go through something like tiger knee is cause its only like 2 frames.
As from going through shockwave… i think when u did that u might have called an assist and it fucked mags super up. But then again maybe it was done during those first few frames of GNS.
When u say u went through GNS with GNS do u mean the rogues passed each other??? Or she did GNS first then u supered her when her GNS was finishing.

I did GNS the same time the opponent did GNS up close and we passed through each other.:lol:

And no I didn’t use an assist to go through shockwave it was a 1 on 2 match I recall when that happened.

The invincibility properties of GNS are very tricky so let me explain how it works.
GNS only has true invincibility at a Cable’s character length, after that it turns to Super high priority then high priority then finally the priority of like Cykes Roundhouse.

When AHVB starts up the beam becomes a constant stream of super high priority which totally negates GNS. So even though GNS appears to appear to be invincible for 15% of the screen it is really just a character length then super high priority.

But don’t get me wrong that super high priority destroys any physical moves or physical projectiles (Sent’s drones) adn even Doom’s Electric Cage!!!

Re: Re: Top Rogue Teams

I kinda made a combo vid of her but don’t know how to put it on the computer yet:( It has rogue what just about every assits on the game, plus her with speed up and using her teleport with and without speed up. her inifinity on sentinel and other crazy stuff. When I figure out how to put it on line I will let everyone know.


Hey Vegita, great new AV.

And I think I’m gonna start trying out Rogue/Storm/Capcom and see what kinda results I can get with that. And if I ever get some sticks for my DC I wanna learn Sent and BH to use with her.

Re: Re: Re: Top Rogue Teams

Cool!!!:smiley: BTW have you ever fought VDO? And did you use Sent Proj. in one of your Rogue combos in your vids?:stuck_out_tongue: EDIT: How easy is the INF on Sent for you now cuz it’s still hard for me.:mad:

BTW they had this Rogue combo vid in and they did some crazy combos like: (in corner) S.LP, S.LK, S.MP, S.MK (dash) S.LP, S.LK, S.MP, S.MK, (dash), S.LP, S.LK, S.MP, S.MK, Repeating Punches XX GNS!!! :eek: :bluu: I have no clue how they did that!!!:confused:

It’s because she has speed up. I was like… WTF?! She can do that?! I tried it out with no speed up to no avail but I managed to get a couple of reps in with speed up. Timing is hard as hell.

that speed up inf on comboaddicts… meh
i prefer to just use the lk tap foward lk tap foward lp mp lp mp etc etc… that way i wont fuck it up.
Now vegita-x…

i want that combo vid… teleport without speed up… wow
i cant even get it to werk with speed up:lame:
help me out

I made one for you but its gonna cost ya…

Ill PM it to you later today after I correct a spelling mistake.

Wow it’s pretty easy for me and it also depends on what character you do it on (easy on Cammy or Psylocke w/o Speed Up). Plus I kinda hate it cuz when I do it by accident it can get annoying.:mad:

how do u do it?

c.lp, c.lp,

the standing kick seems to go through the character from the momentum of the

Re: Re: Re: Re: Top Rogue Teams

have I fought VDO yeah. He’s pretty good but the first time we played I probably caught him off gaurd because I OCV’d him with just rogue. At the time I didn’t know that was vdo. We only played 3 times and then when I had a 35 win streak he stop playing because of to many sentinel players toooo funny.:lol: He’s good but need to work on his blocking skills…But on a side note he is hella cool and wouldn’t mind playing him again. I played everyone there at EVo2k3 that playes with rogue…John P from TX…Emma/Rogue/cable/magneto… and vdo. O yeah I finally lost to a storm/sentinel/cable player.:lame:
And I’ve seen that vid, was doing that 2 years ago.
also it does include sentinel proj assist in my vid. also 100% combos that you can not get out of. Mostly Resets though.


Thanks Roc man I need some avatars because the disk with my avatars on it was lost so now I only have one:( If u could make it for me thanks I will send u 5 or even 10$ depending on how good the avatar is. I send it threw western union or something.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Top Rogue Teams

Yeah I noticed that VDO is too rushdown oriented but when he hits you it hurts! At least from the match vids I saw.

BTW are the 100% Rogue combos practical!!! :eek: Please tell me them!!!:frowning:

i dont understand how thats a teliport… i do it all the tiem and i dont teliport…