Top Rogue Teams

Say Roc nice Avatar. I’m glad to see that u don’t have sentinel in it. I will never used that cheap as character as long as I live.
Fucking RST for life.
Fuck all sentinels.

I’m sensing some anger towards sentinel. Did you have a bad expirence?

Jeez someone doesn’t like Sentinel lol. I’m beginning to switch him out for my team of Rogue/Cyclops/Doom which I am loving to death! Fear the power of chip!

Damn that’s an AWESOME avatar Roc. I wish I could make an avatar like that but I suck x_x;;;. I wanna join the Legion! :evil: Hey I posted up a combo for Rogue so she can be able to do resets when the opponent is in the corner. It’s in the Rogue’s reset section did you check it out? I’m thinking that it was already said somewhere since I havn’t heard anyone talk about it.

Anyways… do you think there needs to be an update in first post here? To update the Team list. Well I’m out… peace!

I just saw this lolz…Hey Pat…You know Sentinal Owns you for free…lolz but you have mastered the true Path to Rogue…I give you that!!

Sentinel does not own me and if u mean just flying around all day well I guess so. anyway that’s were storm comes into play:evil:
Fuck sentinel he’s cheap and u know it chris. Rogue for fucking life.
I will stick by my angel’s until the end of time.
Rogue/Storm/Tron…RST for life nigggaaaaaaaaaaa:cool:

Here you go Vegita X. A pic tailor made for you it seems.

Wait just a dorn minute here…You dont even have a cpu…Stop breaking into Duanes house trying to use he’s Cpu lolz kidding :stuck_out_tongue:
oh well Sentinal is cheap but I use him so I dont care…Hey Drumline guy:where did you get that pic from…Oh well I dont care…it doesn’t matter…

PeAce Out!!!:smiley: :lol:

hey i want to be in that legion thingy… haha cuz its got a nice av… Rogue/cable/ (cc or cyke) … the true john P way to win…:lol: or rogue cyke tronn… fuck rushdown wen u play with dat shit… I beat pat with my triple C :lol: … haha jus fuckin around… til regionals

o and CREECY sucks balls!! haha had to add some shit talkin

I got it off some random Rogue fan site while I was bored at work a couple of months ago. I downloaded a whole bunch of Rogue pics in order to try and make a good AV.


Well I tried Rogue out today for real and shes great, I love
using her, and since i love ironman too I put her with:

Her throw does wonders for ironman it sets up his ground and
air infinite…

Anyway im on my way to the strats thread for more info…:slight_smile:

Say could u make me an avatar like that please? or something like that. Man I would pay money.


Yeah could you make me one too…With sentinal stuffin something
Down!..Oh wait… What am I saying here…Rogue’s Great…
just Sentinal PWNS her,…!!heh:lol: :smiley:

Sorry ya’ll, don’t to AVs. Ya’ll could probably ask someone else. And I gotta whole bunch of other pics of Psy and Storm if ya’ll want me to post them.

Im not interested…My Vegita-x will be…I think that he needs a new team ne way…Because Rogue,Storm,TB isn’t working that well!!!Just kiddingWell kind of…:smiley:

Hey ya’ll, I don’t know if it’s been mentioned already, but I noticed something when I was watching a vid of one of my matches the other day.

I had just beaten a storm with the power drain and had the speedup when Doom came in. The guy got me in a launcher to air combo xx into photon super DCH into Mega Optic Blast. Anyhow, I noticed that while she was getting hit with both supers, the speedup meter paused and I had extra time to use it. Do ya’ll know if this is the case with the other power drain powerups?

ya i noticed that when i did the semi-inf, and was geting infinitied by mags, the speedup and def-up both slowed down… prolly the same w/ powerup… prolly the armor-ups too

Basically any power-up she gains… whenever she hits someone or is getting hit the meter will kinda “lag” for a bit. For course this is good for you in the sense that you will be able to have said bonus for a longer time. Also another thing to note is that when Rogue steals Hyper Armor [Colossus Super or Silv Sam Super] she will have Hyper Armor for a LONG Time. They usually only last 7 seconds but when Rogue steals it… it lasts about 15-20 seconds.

So when you get infinite’d by Magneto with a Defence Up Rogue… he better find a reset cuz he will start doing 1 pixel of damage after like 4-5 hits as opposed to 15.

D-UP vs magneto is hella cheap. :slight_smile:

Cammy AAA vs a zoning Sent = good
Cammy AAA vs rush down Sent with CapCom Back up = Bad

Good outweights bad tho.

yes yes yes capcom assist/rogue ac = too good.

My tourney team is usually scrub but Rogue(throw)/sent(ground)/commando(aaa) is my number 2 choice.

I came up with a new rogue/sent(ground) combo today… i appologize if its allready mentioned… c.lp c.lp c.fp call sent… slowly lp lk fp (opponent hits sent assist and bounces up) Hp throw or FP. i imagine u could even do lp lk kiss and if in the corner u could probably otg with lk then s.fp GNS frame cancel to sent or wutever… lots of possibilities im thinking. Its some flashy crap and it hurts.

VegitaX: lets see that combo vid… ppl giving u props for the best rogue so i wanna see for myself.

i wish i coulda made ecc8… an all rogue team would have been great stuff… maybe next year we can plot.

Darn, and I though I was the only one that used Rogue/Cable Sent (Proj.).:mad: :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s another Rogue trick I use, after killing a character you can dash behind the incoming character and use power drain. Or with my team Power Drain call Sent Proj. S.FP, RP hits GNS for mucho damage!!! :smiley:

Here’s my Rogue teams: Rogue/Sent/Cable-Cyke-Psy-Cammy-Tron, Rogue/IM/Sent,.

I used to use Rogue/Sent/Capcom but I suck with Capcom on point, I prefer Cammy more. :stuck_out_tongue:

For me Rogue/Sent is an absolute must.

BTW, what tricks/combos do you use with Rogue/Cable/Sent Proj.? Here’s mine:

When in the corner C.LK, (call Sent) C.MP, (Sent hits), J.LK, J.MP, J.HP, Power Drain, opponent is thrown in corner (QUICKLY!!!) C.LK(Juggles), C.FP, AC into INF into AC into Power Drain.:evil: This combo OTGs on Sent and other heavy characters cuz he falls too fast. Most players are caught off guard anyways so it worx!!!:smiley: :slight_smile: :cool: