Top Rogue Teams

I think I played you the other night Mixup man. gg’s

I forgot to add, don’t forget that after chk you can otg snapout. It’s rollable, but not many people see it coming. It’s great for after GNS if they roll back towards you and try to jump.

its cyc, commando or tron golba. 2nd character is cyc or cable. but i don’t use tron with cable, only rogue/cyc/tron. after joe put up that massacre on psylocke video i was like…i gotta try that, and its a really fun team. ive actually gotten in the habit of using it if the other person doesn’t pick any of the top 4 or if the overall matchup would be in my favor.
yea ive been using j.lp+assist if the person consistently starts in the air or vs bigger characters for a different look. but u and mixup are right, id say 75-80% of the time dive kick catches the other person and suddenly they’re down 50% life:bgrin:

Yeah im running Rouge/Cable/Tron now i dont know why i like this team. Also Drumliner me and you have to have a rouge session. ill record some fights

Shakugan, you happen to have video of mixup playing rogue? i remember u put one up of u and joe playing a while back. kinda hoping u happen to have some of him, just to see how he uses her

haha can you say ghetto style:rofl::sweat:

Me vs Mixup


oooo, in the first match he could have had Gambit in the speed up corner death combo. i saw the set up and was like …kiss!. good stuff. does lp, lp, hp do more damage than hp, hk with commando? do u guys not use the kiss a lot or was that just the way those matches played out?

It was the way those matches played out no one was really still enough to get a kiss

i lack adv technique for now:sweat::rofl:

doesn’t seem like you really need any :wgrin: drumlinerjoe explained it to me a couple pages back if you’re curious. Merry Christmas everyone

I got some good footage of Drumliner on the way do some sexy shit

lol, sorry I had to jump off like that. The repair man showed up for my washer. Good games, get some more in later.

I’m loving that Ruby Heart. One thing I hate that Capcom did to Rogue was making her Dive Kick have lag time upon landing, it really screws you if you mis-space it against a Cable or Magz.

I need help on beating Sentinel.


I posted this a few months back, maybe it’ll help. As far as the match you posted I would do a few things:
-At the start of the match start next to strider, he doesnt have orbs up at the start of the match, therefore you should be on top of him hard.
-At 2:20 in the match you payed for being impatient, you started swinging at sent even though you didn’t have an opening, be patient.
-Throughout the video I noticed a few times you hit sent with dive kick then whiffed a combo, maybe a little training mode to tighten that up.
-When facing sent think counter call that commando assist, I noticed you had a few chances to do that.

Don’t feel bad, this player is probably a higher skill level then you right now. But work on some of the little things and this fight becomes a lot less complicated. I just spent this weekend playing Amir. I feel your frustration vs. S/D or sent, its not easy, but the fact is strider dies with one mistake and Rogue vs. Sent is manageable through patient play, and then wins will come no matter how bad this match up may feel at first. Good luck.


A match vs someone of equal skill

More ghetto looking vids y’all, lol.

Tron instant overhead on Sent with Rogue AAA assist.
It doesn’t have to be in the corner, you can land it anywhere on the screen. After the AAA hits you can do OTG clk into air combo and it’s unrollable, but not OTG clk into super. It’ll glitch out and the Servebots will pass right through him.

A few simple but damaging Rogue combos.



For combo #1, it’s unrollable on all the top tiers who count along with assists. The speedup from Psy and Storm make it unrollable and Cap, Cable, Mags, not sure a bout Cyke and IM, are all tall enough for it to work full screen. It’s rollable on big guys of course. And if they are backed into the corner it won’t work.

For combo #2, make sure you hit the assist button as soon as you do the st lp. It’s (simultanious lp assist) mp mk fp xx super. Storms Tornadoes will hit during the fp so that keeps them from flying off. Does a lot of damage on Sent too cause he’s so big.

For combo #3 it’s pretty self explanitory. It works on big dudes, but the timing is stricter and you NEED to make sure after the jdhk you do a dash before you do the light hit before the chk. Rollable of course.

More to come. I’m trying to keep it simple and damaging.

why sometimes will rogue switch sides with the opponent following a kiss->dash hp->GNS in the corner without speed up? it happens randomly and I was just curious why

I’ve noticed it does that on certain sized characters with the momentem. It actually works to your advantdage on normal sized characters because you can continue with a combo and it’s unrollable.

Vote for marvel folks.