Top Rogue Teams

played VDO a few times last night…i feel broken

After trying to use other characters I’ve come back to Rogue :3


Mainly because I’m no good with Cable, so I can get an easy AVHB if either assist hits :rock:

Just wondering what would be the best to counter a baited roll after grab, because most people I know have learnt that otherwsie they’re gonna get dash > hp > supered.

Throw seems like a bit of a waste of a good opportunity.

Some characters are so tall like Doom and Mag that the kiss dash fp xx super should be unrollable. Ditto for speedup characters.

If not you can mess with their heads and do another kiss right as they roll up next to you.

and if that second kiss throws them back into the corner, dash fp + tron -> super. does big damage


Rogue is my FAVORITE Character. I use her as VERY aggressive character, because shes fast, and with a Power boost, she can take MAJOR DAMAGE. I use Cammy with her because if someone rushes u, they will be hit by Cammy if Rogue defends. I use her with Cable or another projectile character so she has a projectile. Easy. I think of it like this, always have a ATTACKER-(Rogue) PROJECTILE-(Cable) ANTI AIR-(Cammy)

CHALLENGERS- PS3 Hawkboy87 Challenge me if u dare!!:slight_smile:

Was fooling around with VDO’s team and came up with this.


After Colossus hits you dash foward with a standing lk then a cr mp and you end up on the other side. I paused a little to make the crossup obvious but you can do the kiss or other attack much faster. Doesn’t work on big characters.

Also, should we make a Rogue combo video thread with links to all the stuff on youtube? What do y’all think?

You got creative stuff joe so go for it. If It wasn’t so time consuming I’d do one myself. Maybe one day.

Nice to see you still innovating Rogue Drumliner, good ish! I also created a similar mixup with Sent Proj. assist a while back, but now I have to remember how to do it.

Hey guys, dunno if this thread is alive or not but didn’t want to read trough all the pages.

So atm I decided that Rogue is my main to go to character, i found her after playing around with a 3rd character for my old team (Cable/cyke/???) and when I played with Rogue I fell in love with her.

Thing is, I can’t find myself a solid team for her…
Rogue/Tron Bonne seems to work well, but my third slot is always shifting.

had good results with Rogue/Tron/Jugs and Rogue/Tron/Doom

I really like Rogue/Juggs/Tron since HeadCrush is a nice way to spend meter, and it does a shitton of damage, but I suck balls at him lol

Any tips?

I really like Rogue/Doom/Tron myselfand I used to use Rogue/Cable/Cyke a lot. If you really like the Rog/Jugg/tron team though, there’s nothing stopping you. MikeZ did really well with juggs on some of his teams you can watch some of his vids to get an idea of how he could be used.

I use Rogue, Psylocke, and Maggie. Or Rogue, Ironman, and Maggie. Ironman sets up sum great combos with his repulsar blasts assist. something Rogue needs. Maggie is a must with her.

Rogues hyper, DHC into mag tempest is unreal

I like Rogue/Sent DHC resets, they do so much damage.

Could any form of chun rogue and storm work as a team, i dont plan to do more than play this game for kicks really. Theese are the only 3 chars I really like, so much mobility.

You can also do j.dive and collosus anti air, dash Lp, Lk, down Mp and end up on the other side.
sj / nj airdash Lk, Hp low to the ground, imm Jump dive kick with collosus, Lp, Lk, down Mp, kiss, down Hk, Pause, Collosus, Goodnite sugah’ … on cable (only) you sometimes get the strange effect wolverine has with weapon X where it doesn’t finish. Smooch again … 100%

Start Rogue, Have Storm Second, and Chun Third.

This team is really a Storm Starter technically. Your goal is to build as much meter as you can landing hits, rushing down, and whiffing moves safely, then do her hyper and DHC [hit or not] to get in Storm. Now they when attacking or defending against Storm [who has the lead most likely] must decide whether they must jump away if you’re close, or block low. If they guess wrong, Storm gets a free combo. Let me explain…

On defense:
=Opponent expects Rogue, and triangle jumps over it
-Walks into Chun-Li’s anti air assist.
=Opponent expects Chun-Li’s assist and they block, most likely low.
-They risk eating Rogue’s throw assist.
=Opponent guesses right and you called Rogue
-You can launch them out of the sky disrupting their attack.
=Opponent guesses right and you called Chun
-If they block, they lose the initiative, and are at risk of facing Storm’s mix-ups putting you on offense.
-If they backdash, they reset the initiative.
Opponent guesses right and you called Rogue
-Standing hk, ducking hp to disrupt incoming air attacks with possible combos

On Offense, it’s even worse for all the reasons I talked about plus…
-Double Hail combos on assists you bait in
-Complete loss of initiative on almost anything blocked or avoided.

You really only have to worry about AHVB and invulnerable assists.

As for Chun-Li, I’m not too familiar with her. What I do know is that she has numerous infinite combos, so giving her an unblockable assist is really, really dangerous. As for Rogue, nobody in their right mind would want to be fighting her when she has a combo igniting AA and a Storm Projectile assist. It’s easy for Rogue in a team like this and assists like that to sneak a kiss.

Side Note: In this team, do not choose Chun-Li’s overhead assist. You already have an unblockable combo igniting assist, and you’ll gain more from the additional space control you get from Chun’s AA.

Final recommended configuration:
Rogue Throw, Storm Projectile, Chun-Li Anti Air

you mean without and aa and typhoon assist?

You misread what I meant as I took it at that point from the side of the opponent facing your Rogue With the AA and WITH the typhoon projectile assist. If you are using Rogue, it becomes WITH. If you don’t have these assists, it’s self sabotage in this team. I edited the post to eliminate this confusion.

If you use Chun-Li’s overhead assist, yes you can score elevation based unblockables, but you’re sabotaging the defense against air attacks that adds balance to the team.

ok, one more question, Im new to this game. What exactly should I be trying to do with/after landing rogue’s throw assist?

The copout answer to what to do when they get hit by this is “Anything You Want.”

That however, depends on who’s the character [point-man] who called the assist as you can pretty much do anything you want to them off it. I don’t use Rogue much, so I’d take Storm and wavedash almost full screen back, so when they’re released, I can standing hk for an air combo. Players that know the constant of release can launch, or do whatever the nanosecond Rogue let’s go. This is actually what you’re after if you’re going to use Rogue.

-Try to set up blockstrings, and cross-ups while dropping Rogue, or Chun-Li behind them. Since you’re new, learn what triangle jumps are [normal or superjumping, then holding down-towards and hitting 2 punches to dash. You can also and should always attack during the dash. You want to do this as soon as you leave the ground in hopes of sneaking a high hit before they realize you’ve even left the ground…] and how best this kind of thing can compliment your strategy. You can use this to whiff normals to hit low upon landing, high front, high back, or low back.
=On Hit:
-Hailstorms, and exploiting the hit for free combos, that’s pretty much it. Then again, that’s also alot, and really huge.

-The biggest combo you can land with her. Start with simple air combos, and or globe supering them as your starting point. As time goes on, make bigger and bigger combos. It helps if you have either a Dreamcast, or a ps3, or a 360.
-I may be asking alot of a beginner, but there is an infinite with Chun-Li that can be done to airbourne opponents, and it’s relaunch based. This means it is possible off the Rogue Throw assist. If you can learn it and how to do it off Rogue’s assist, that’s going to be really, really scary. I don’t use Chun-Li, but you should at least attempt to learn it.
-As a side note, you can also use the triangle jump thought process I gave you with Storm to a lesser degree with Chun-Li, but you have to dash forwards to do it.

I may edit in the videos that include the Chun-Li infinite later if I remember. I’m using a shitty AMD 64 bit Athlon x2 laptop that freezes when I watch videos sometimes, so I’m not in the mood with this right now.

Edited in 2 old combo videos by Shin Chan

I’m unaware of the names of any other combo and strategy vid makers for her, but a search of youtube should expose most of them.

Video 1
Video 2