Top Rogue Teams

holy mother of wow

How would rouge stop clockwork? I play a good clockwork team today and i couldnt do a damn thing

Well it’s not easy, anytime I’ve played that team I had to have at least one assist that’ll tear through Doom/Sent/Orbs like Storm or Cyke (preferably both).

Even one on one the matchup is not in Rogue’s Favor since Strider has more mobility, chip damage (birds, tigers, etc) than she does.

Do try to get speedup, it’s extrmely helpful in catching up to him. Plus he takes damage so badly and she gives it so easily the simplest combos end up giving him the big hurt. If you catch up to him don’t try to be fancy. Simple and damaging combos are best. Just lk lk xx team super puts Strider in a bad situation.

Try to remember when you’re playing team Clock that it’s going to be a full on 3 person battle. A good Sent player is hard no matter what assist, and with doom Rogue’s probably gonna have a decent amount of damage by the time Strider comes in, at which point Rogue is pretty much outclassed so be real smart with your assists so he can’t have the opportunity to get the upper hand.

Hope that helps somewhat.

Joe, could your corner speed up combo you used to destroy psylocke in that video you posted wipe out strider? i know you’d have to be cornered and against clockwork that’s a very bad thing, but i know strider takes damage worse than psylocke, so it seems like it could work if you get him. and if you don’t have tron could you super then DHC instead of calling her to kill him?

it works on anyone who gives you speedup. The timing is a little bit different on Strider though (and Wolverine I think). And yup you can DHC, and depending on who is 2nd it’ll kill them. Even without the DHC though it still ends up donig a hefty amount of damage. Especially on Strider.

I don’t know how to capture right from the TV so I just set up my digi cam to make some vids, here are two corner combos on Mags that are unrollable. hope y’all can make them out okay.



I’ll make some more later.


Here are two more.



Hope the Rogue/Tron vid quality isn’t TOO fuzzy. And just to explain what’s going on there, she’s sj canceling the cr hk then air dashing. With someone around Mags height the dashing fp xx super should be unrollable. If you happen to have Tron behind you you can DHC into her Servebot hammer super and it should kill them too. If you do this on a Speedup the dash fp xx super will also be unrollable.

Also you can dash under the character after airdash lk mk and go for a reset if you like. I haven’t tried this with Commando in a long time, but I think I remember you’re able to do it, just the spacing and timing is a little tighter. More later.

rogue tronne sentinel is my team. i got a pretty beastly tronn / sent trap, just learning rogue though, pretty much think shes top tier after seeing what she is capable of haha.

thanks for the vids joe, didn’t know the chk cfp chk connected, i gotta put that to practice with the commando assist. Also the last combo can actually be an insane set up on a strider, storm, or psy for the SU corner combos.

Here are a few more.

Crouching mp is sj cancelled in air dash. You can do the air dash lower so the combo comes faster, but this is about the best I could do with the god awful 360 dpad.

Fun speedup air combo. Doesn’t do much damage, but it’s cool to look at.

Tron/Rogue AAA combo in the corner. Doesn’t work on everyone. The vid after this shows what you can do against those the combo doesn’t work on.

Super impractical, but funny.

Solo Rogue reset. Again the airdash could be lower to speed up the reset, but it’s the best I can do on the d-pad. Against certain character sizes the kiss is unrollable, same with speedup.

Another Rogue combo on Mag in the corner. Kiss is unrollable.

I’ve started rockin the Rogue/Storm/Cyck team, watching these vids is rubbing off on me, I managed to get this reset in a game :tup:

Still lost though :sweat:


Pulled out my new Storm team for a Marvel RB, can you give me some tips DrumlinerJoe?

Its a weak tip but Ken Anti Air busts through a strider doom trap. The only downside is you have to play Ken. Good videos though

Well, watchting the first vid, I’d have a couple of pointers.

First off you tend to do what I do sometimes. You jump dhk from across the screen. This is fine if you’re building meter, but if you do it too often you leave yourself open since Rogue has a slight recovery time off of that move. If you do it too much from across the screen that little bit of lag could leave you open for random typhoon xx hailstorm or Strider orbs or Sent’s drone assist to hit you and set you up.

Second, Doom assist beats Commando. If you’re gonna take on Clock you need Cyke in there. But don’t spam his assist. Use it when Strider closes in on you to give you some breathing room or to get Doom out of there.

Don’t randomly throw out Rogue’s super. If you do do that, call Storm just beforehand. If the opponent blocks then her typhoons will cover you and give you a chance to keep attacking either high or low. don’t forget that her typhoons go through EVERYTHING as well.

And when you get Storm in and you see Strider activate, RUN THE FUCK AWAY!!! Superjump, airdash up, hold up and float to the bottom. Don’t forget to lighting attack upwards too. Just run till his orbs are gone. Remember that a good Strider can follow you, so after jumping out of the screen hold back. Even if he does catch you at least a good amount of his orbs are gone anyhow.

And go London! That’s about all I can think of off the top of my head.

joe, what are some of your favorite ground strings?

i notice that s.lp,, is pretty useful

what are some of your attack strings that lead into kiss when your opponent pushblocks?

i’m trying to learn rogue:rock::karate::rock:

What are some of the opening moves you guys use? Just trying to vary my approach away from dive kicking. Its nice if I get them cause it leads to big damage depending on my team, but you know, it doesn’t work on everyone

Cool man. GG’s by the way.

That string is pretty decent on folks blocking. From that you can either chk or jdhk. A lot of folks will gamble on that string and block high, so if you land the trip you can call and assist like Tron, Cap, or even Storm if you called her at the beginning of the string so you can do an OTG into either her super or a standing lk into air combo.

If they stay blocking after that string you can usually do a kiss after any of those attacks. If it’s midscreen folks like Mags, Cable, and Cap are usually good for an unrollable dash fp xx super. If you get speedup it’s pretty much garunteed. If you pull them out of the corner though it won’t work at all so you can get ready for them to either roll back into the corner or set them up for a high/low mixup.

Watch out of Cable. I forgot the exact properties of his block (someone explained it I just forgot) but it makes him harder to kiss on blockstun. It’s possible, but it just doesn’t connect as often. And if you’re gonna kiss off blockstun I’d recomment it right after before chk or cfp hits. That way they’re for sure not in blockstun and it’ll get them.

Thank you man :lovin:

Yeah, I’ve never played a Clockwork team before so I didn’t really know what to do, plus I’ve only started using Storm recently. But I’m learning :china:

London RBs are actually pretty cool, the scene is incredibly small (like < 30 people) but that kinda makes them more fun. Plus, as you can tell, our level is not even close to the US, so low tier teams do much better :rofl:

There’s a Christmas Fighting Games thing tomorow so I’ll see if I can take some more vids and improve :nunchuck:

Anytime buddy. I’ll add you on XBL to see if you wanna get some games in.

I’m guilty of this as well, that dive kick just catches so many magnetos because most of them tend to start a match with Try this… j. lp j.fp (bounce) kiss, just not so deadly as starting with a direct high or low but it works.

I forget what assists you use berm, but some matches ill bait out my opponent to assist call and counter call with commando, you also tend to catch the point char. as well if they don’t see it coming.

Another good start to a match that surprisingly catches people is to just switch out at the flash, obviously this is a generic tactic but can lead to some deadly stuff.

P.S. I haven’t been on past two months because I moved and then my xbox broke but I started playing on ps3 again this week so if any of you new faces want some games from a Rogue vet, bring it! And Joe once I get my xbox back up were due for some sessions, still messing around with rogue/cyke? Anything new?

thx for the help.

i dont think i was able to play you though joe, shoultz and myself share this account, maybe soon though:karate:

also the dive kick for the opener is fast enough to hit somone on crouch when they block low+helper. it might be predictable but so is the opponent.