Top Rogue Teams

BTW y’all, I noticed that if you snap out two characters towards the center of the screen you can relaunch them into the air. Thing is I’d been trying the sj fp, they bounce, sj fp, land launch thing but it doesn’t work after a snapout. So if you pop up the assist after the snapout xx launch, just super jump lk lk, land before them, then just do a standing hk till they die.

I would have to see a video on that. If your on later today we can make it, i need to see how this is done

Good find. I always thought it was just me screwing up the combo… thats why I have always stuck with launch, adjust, repeat. Once you get the timing down I think its even easier then launch fp fp repeat.

I’d really like to play some other Rogues online.

Add me on PSN, please. I should be on in about an hour and I’m online off and on all throughout the week.

I play Juggernaut/Rogue/Tron, for the most part. I’d say that my Jugs and Tron are pretty good, but I only really know how to do one or two things with Rogue.

Generally I try to power up Jugs then switch to Rogue.

Go for the LK + Tron, LK, QCF+PP then DHC into Headcrush for 90-100% damage. I know it totally kills Cable. I’m not sure about Sentinel or the other high stamina characters, though. You can also just do this instead: LK, Lk, Both Assists for plenty of damage if you have at least two bars.

I’ve fooled around with Rogue/Juggs in casual. Glitched Juggs on variety assis allows the combo, launch, call Juggs, sj hk, Jug hits, sj hk again. With the power up this combo is UGLY.

I’m distracted by joes avatar…:confused:

Gotta represent. :cool:


Rogue w/Tron is horrible damage, and has cross-up hazards, meaning opponents have to be very careful not to slip up.

A simple combo is lp, lk, lp, Tron, rush punches…Simple, but does like 50 on most.
Another one (takes almost all life) cr.lp,, cr.lp, Tron, dash in while Tron connects, (repeat cr.combo) into aerial combo or rush punch or rush punch cancel to Sugar. Takes basically the whole bar.

Rogue w/Storm- lp,lk, lp, lk, Storm, j+adf(Note: you dont have to sj. with adf), lk2, hp, repeat first combo, cancel into Sugar. Also, you can assist again in that series, for additional hits.

Some nice tactics to work with
cr.lp,, cr.lp,, cr.hp, Storm, cross under, lk, hk launch into aerial.
with Tron, whew!!! there’s a cross combo that is sick baby!!!
cr.lp,, cr.lp,, cr.hp, cross, Tron, landing hp, land, cr.hp into aerial…
It takes like 80 on most characters!!!
You guys know of the popular Rogue/Tron combo (where she knocks them down into Tron) but this one takes more damage, and can be used to confuse (< > dashes and such)
SICKNESS!!! There are more combos, but I felt these were the most powerful.

What do you guys think of rogue/sent/doom? The RP assist (sent) is pretty good with that team because you have doom to lock down as well, and the reset
potential is nuts with doom rocks(like more than half life with one reset). I was messing around with this team last week and it’s pretty decent. If they counter
with cyc I’ll just use rogue/sent/Cap if I have too. I know you would have to be
care full about cable, but thats what rogues for. Rogue is more than capable when
it comes to taking out cable.

By the way with sentinal drones assist if both characters are on screen:
S.LK+Sent, S.LK, Snap…

There assist falls on drones and then you can do the assist infinite of you choice.
I have some other ones that are a little different with different assist too, I’ll
post those later.


Rogue/Doom is okay. The only thing about that team is that you kind of have to be relentless with it. Unlike Cap or Tron there’s now way for garunteed big damage with that duo, so a lot of it is gonna be chip damge with occasional combos here and there. Plus a few characters can just fly away at their liesure once they realize your game. And once you get up against Mag/Psy it’s pretty much game over for you.

But against teams like MSS or Scrub it’s not as much a lost cause. It’s easier to land combos on them and force them to block. I’d use Drones rather than rocket assist though so you can put more stuff on the screen.

I’ve been using rogue/ironman/sentinal lately and it’s awesome so far, the damage off of the repulsar blast is really good. Although you may have a tougher time if they counter with commando’s assist, it’s still decent none the less.
I guess you could call this team a ghetto combofiend. I use IM more for the assist,
but I can play him decent if he comes out (rogue/sent/IM). You can get up to 90
damage easy of of one combo.The corner combos are ridiculous as well with this team (IM AA assist). This team is much better than rogue/sent/doom. With drones
backing you up it’s a decent assist for rush down.

I also think Rogue/Sentinal/Magneto has some potential as well. The combo’s that
rogue can do off of the mag proj are nice:

D+HK, S.LKx2, S.HK, call mag, SJ.FP, D+HK

Plus the combo puts you in perfect position for a reset into the combo again,
which is actually all you need as far as getting great damage in quick (X2).

I’ve seen soo do extremely well with just sent/mag while playing sent. (FFA)
So I thought I would give it a go as well.

I might pick up this team instead of IM due to the mad input and training
you have to invest in him.

Anyone have any opinions on the teams?

and Rog/im/sent all have something in common… no anti air. Does it mean it can’t work? No. But something I’ve realized over the years is the higher quality of play the more Rogue relies on aaa.

Rogue/Doom is pretty good… but so is iceman/doom, ironman/doom, magneto/doom, ruby heart/doom, servebot/doom… basically there is nothing special with Rogue/Doom. The pressure is nice, but that spot could be used by a better character for Rogue. Any resets with the two aren’t all that damaging, and most players familiar with Doom won’t get hit by them all that often.

Rogue/IM is ok too, but the combos involving his aaa aren’t all that damaging. Probably the most intriguing thing about the combo is a powerful DHC, but I don’t think its enough to pass up on other characters.

Rogue/Mags is nice for Rogue on point with mags proj. or mags on point with rogue throw. Either Edma or DLJ gave a nice explanation of it earlier in the thread. I play rog/cable/mags on occasion for shits and giggles but I just don’t like relying on someone as fragile as mags for my main assist.

Rog/sent/cc in my opinion is the best that you inquired about. Damaging DHC, help rushing down by both sent and cc assists, and not to mention you have options in which assist you use for sentinel; proj. for added damage to DHCs or ground to help cover the ground for rush down and also give you an alternate damaging combo to commandos.

That’s badass. Sorta like what Magneto does with his crouching fierce! Nice that Rogue can do that, although me trying that setup with the standard 360 controller is gonna be so much fail…

My main team is still Rogue/Sentinel/Cyke. Sentinel is a bit easier to play for me on the 360 controller since my old main was Storm and doing Lightning attack on that cursed controller is the biggest bitch of life! But either way, Cyke is just an awesome stand-alone character with a badass assist that beats A LOT of stuff since he has invincibility frames.

Hey Tanion I didn’t know you were on X-Box. I’ll add you and we can get some games in.

If y’all have X-Box add me. On there though I’m DrumlinerJol with an “L”. I made a typowhen I registered and I don’t feel like wasting 8 bucks on fixing it. lol

After playing with rogue/im/sent for a while, and reading the above comments
I’ll just stick to what worked the best for me (rogue/sent/CC or Cyc).
Your right about the AA, no solid relying AA for that team. I will say this though,
one combo with repulsar blast with rogue and thats almost 75% of your life
gone: (D+HK, S.LKx2, S.HK, Call IM, SJ.FP, assist hits, delayed SJ.FP,
assist hits again, otg S.FP, S.FK, SJ.FP) = 92 DMG

And yet still not worth the learning curve of ironman for me, and no good AA.
Although I think rogue/cable/tronn is a cool alternative to vegita-x (more so
because I don’t like using storm much). Either way I say cap and cyc assist all
day son. Now I just need to get online after I move, and it’s on. Thanks for
the input I appreciate it.

Anytime I 've faced a rogue/IM player I find myself slipping out of that combo by rolling, I suppose if timed right its unrollable, in which case yes that hurts.

I use rog/cable/tron once in a while to, very deadly.

Matches of me and DrumlinerJol using Rogue but you can see the skill gap between both of us.



Wow. Joe showing absolutely no mercy. Good stuff both of you

DrumlinerJoe u da man! I didn’t even know Speed Up Rogue could do so many magic series’s in one Aerial Rave.

The most hits I’ve been able to pull off of a cfp with speedup is 9. It’s lp lk lp, lk lp lk, lp lk lp, then kiss. It doesn’t do all that much damage, it’s just cool to look at and show off with.


100% in the corner speedup with Tron y’all. Even if you don’t have Tron it still does a nice load of damage.