Top Rogue Teams

09-27-2009 10:33 pm

Yea, the 2 advanced tactics videos for Rogue are where I learned my tricky stuff. Anyone seen the match where DrumlinerJoe does this nasty corner trap against Storm and Psylocke? Someone showed it to me and I cant find it again. If he or anyone can find it, I’d love to learn it

I think what you might be talking about is the back to the corner speedup combo. Does almost 100% on either storm or psy.

If your back is to the wall and you land the kiss to get speedup dash towards the corner with a stfp shk, after the shk lanuches jump up towards the wall and do a lp lk mk in the air. Now with the speedup when you jump your back should be towards the wall again so when you do the lp lk mk end with the kiss again and it’ll throw them back into the wall.

From here you’ll get the speedup again so when you land the sfp is unrollable, from the sfp you can either

  1. snapback
  2. lhk xx gns
  3. slk cmp cfp air combo

It’s all unrollable.

Here’s a bad vid of me doing what I’m talking about. I pull it off with a snapback at about 2:05. The matches suck though, I end up losing both. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good to see this vid again, nice stuff DLJ. I learned something else about
rogue/capcom (nice corner combo at 2:08).

Much props too all rogue players :rock:

I’ve looked at a lot of rogue vids (youtube), and DLJ, Golba,and Vegita-x have
good rogues, not many people use rogue at high level play(tourney). I would
like to see some more vids of your rogue DLJ.

I think rogue is better than chun-li in my opinion (random I know).

Do any of you guys use rogue/Sent, Rogue/IM, or Rogue/Mag at all?
I would love to see some vids of that as well If any one plays them
(rogue/sent/Doom too). I hope to have some vids up myself in the future.


found it

This is actually the match I was talking about, but same basic thing.


starts it at about 40 seconds

Ah okay. Yeah that’s what I’m talking about. I did the rushing punches instead of GNS cause I play on a pad and it sucks. :stuck_out_tongue:

I use a regular PS3 controller, I feel ur pain
Just to prepare Neo Odin, I was accused of fighting cheap today by someone whose team was cable/megaman/iceman. you can guess what their strategy consisted of. Quit on me just as I launched MM into a combo that woulda ended the match. Rogue’s health made it down to about the U. Being accused of fighting cheap with Rogue made my brain hurt.
BTW, any useful speed up combos and such that u guys use a lot? Personally I stick w/ (c.lp c.lp) for a bit then sweep, sweep, GNS. Seems to take out most characters that give you speed up, plus it’s nice to get it back at the end of the combo.

Happy Birthday Sanford, Santhrax 4 LYFE!

The scrubs will call you cheap all day long no matter what character you use, as long as they lost and you won, you were cheap. Ponder has a great article on “cheap” that if you haven’t read yet you should.

As far as that speed up combo you do, it works well, I like to keep it simple with mixups with the dive kick as well and then either continue inf. or hit em with a more damaging burst combo.

Could someone break this video down? there is soo much going on at once its hard for me to keep up lol


It would take a while to break it all down unless there is a transcript available
for this video. (There is also a rogue tricks of the trade video chapter 11,
and that video came before the other one I posted.)

It would be faster if you could post what you don’t understand.
In the beginning there are resets and combos with rogue alone,
then with different assists, then a speed up section with variations of
combos and resets (You may have meant button presses so sorry in

Does anyone know where to find the transcripts for this video?

Dont forget VDO:smile:

Good find, Im all about the higher rogue baby:cool:

The section with storm i need that broken down

ATTN Rogues:

Attention Rogues:
Let’s bring this girl to a higher level of play…!

Anybody on XBox Live who wants to take my Rogue for a spin add me:

Drumliner Joe, I’ve enjoyed our matches!

What’s going on is a speedup only combo. After you do the kiss you need to dash back into the corner and to a st fp and a st hk. The hk will launch and the momentum of the dash should have you jumping so that your back is to the wall while you’re in the air.

Once you reach the height do a sjlp sjlk sjmk xx kiss. The kiss will throw them back into the wall and when you land you’ll be able to stfp and it will be unrollable. From there you can do those other things I was talking about.

fought a really good rogue today, Hailstorm90. Guy had some good mix-ups going on and was flat out good. I tried to take the opposite approach and play conservative, hoping maybe he’d mix himself up. i used napkin, he used rogue, doom, storm. came down to commando vs storm at the end and i couldnt pull it out. got strom down to about half an inch/inch worth of health before i ate my last hailstorm. props to him if he’s out there.

Rogue has a lot of potential for high level play. Just simple, easy to get into combos, like jump in tron ad over j.dhk c.lp qcf p xx super, do lot’s of damage and give you a power up. The speed up infinite is also ridiculously easy to learn. I got it on my second try.

Rogues assist is really useful too. I go Rogue/Ken/Tron, and both of the others can super off of the assist. Tron can even catch with the servgun, then lunchrush.

More fights yes i know my storm is hella slow, but im working on that lol



Good games bro, you improved a lot since the last vid, dhc’ing when rogues
health was low and everything. U started using more combos into commando’s
assist too, much props. The super jump air dash needs to be implemented more
when rushing down (D,DB,B,UB+LP+HP), and snapping sent out will help your rogue out a lot (2nd vid) (make sure you snap there assist in too (ex:doom) and tear them up).

Cyclops comes in handy when you face doom assist as well. (rogue/storm/cyc)
You can still do it with commando though, you make me wanna try that team
out on thursday son (rogue/storm/capcom).

By the way, whats that anime music in the first vid?
I’d like to listen to that too when I play this week.


Thanks ill work on getting “snaps” and my super jump air dashing.

Also the name of the first song is Enrai Tooku by high and mighty color

why don’t u start up close instead of far away? i like to start right on the other character and go for the dive kick as my first move. it works against a lot of people since they’ll either block it wrong or go for a crouching low attack. i don’t do it against sent, but it’s a nice way to do big damage immediately if it hits cause u can follow with lk, lk, launch, call commando, fp, fk. opinions?