Top Rogue Teams

Dash is usually a weak assist for Rogue. Her throw assist helps out in “resetting” a combo, since the more hits you do the more the damage scales down. So you can land a standard ground combo with Storm, summon Rogue, then perform an air combo free from scaling of the ground combo.

I would suggest also that you use Iron Man’s AA. Rogue and Storm are excellent triangle jumpers [characters that can dash downward from the air] and throwing out Iron Man’s anti-air is great to confuse them to get them getting hit.

Go with Rogue Throw assist or AA

How do you use Rouge’s throw assist? well i know how to use it im not sure how to place it in terms of combos and what not any tips?

Where are all the Rogue players online?? Only legit Rogue player I’ve met up with so far is Drumlinerjoe.
As far as Rogues throw assist it is capable of silly damage because of the reset but I wouldn’t recommend using it long term because any player who is used to fighting against it will easily avoid it. For most Rogue set ups AAA is the way to go.

I plan on repping Rogue :slight_smile:

Just unsure about who else to use. I was thinking Storm and Psylocke. I’m a noob w/MvC2:confused:

I rep Rogue to the fullest! Rogue AA is good but kinda clunky in terms of hitting like Cyke’s AA but w/o the invincibility, unless you have the timing for it, it’s not that easy to use.

hit me up for a few on xbox.

I would like a little bit more feedback on my team here.

Rogue (Dash) Cable (Projectile/AA**) Psylocke (AA)/Storm (Projectile)

** If Storm is on the team

Based on the stuff on the first page Rogue/Storm is a great dou for her, but I didnt get anything on if I threw Psy in the mix.

Psylocke AA is essentially one of the major AA’s that support rushdown. It is fast, has great priority [not invincibility priority but damn close] and provides a knockdown. These are things you want with a character like Rogue which all she has is rushdown. Cable and Rogue have good synergy as well [unblockable AHVBs with Throw asist? YES PLEASE!] but Cable’s AA is a double edged sword. It knocks them the hell away from you which can be a bad thing against anyone with air mobility, but it does give you some breathing room.

I did some games with Rogue/Sentinel/Cyke… man I am out of pratice. Granted it doesn’t help that I am using the standard xbox controller so I am really fighting at 1/4 my usual capacity [that and I haven’t played Marvel in YEARS]. Been doing fairly well but I fought someone who chose a team that I held close to my heart… Rogue/Storm/Cyke. Got rocked hard. The Rogue part was garbage but I guess the player had Storm as a backup since I got triangle-jumped rushdown to hell.


Actually it does have full invincibility all the way through, only the recovery portion isn’t invincible.

If you play Rogue with cable, aa is the ONLY way to go. That alpha counter of death is too good to pick any other assist. As far as psylocke the thing you need to ask your self is if Rogue/psylocke does damage. I don’t know of any damaging combos with the two, I don’t think it would work so well, Rogue isn’t magneto. I’d switch out psy for Tron, sent, or cyke, just stay away from commando :wink:

So with Rogue, Cable’s AA is better then his Projectile? Hmm Ill look into that. If thats the case I should switch out Psy for possibly Storm/Tron/Cyke. I tried Sent once, I didnt like his feel. Awesome air movement which I liked, just too large of a target for my tastes.

Rogue (dash) Cable (AA) Storm (projectile) I just need to learn storm then because shes nasty in speed and rushdown (which suits my playstyle) but i just can’t set up her Hyper Combos.

XBOX controller johns.

This is my new team.

Rogue[Throw] Psylock[Anti Air] Storm[Projectile]

that was my old team!

Why is Psy second?

Yeah if youre going to put Psy, she should be 3rd.

If i remember correctly, when building your team think of this:



I have Psy 2nd cuz to me shes dies a lil too fast to be at the point.
Rogue can take some hits

Im no pro but, usually your 2nd person is the person youre going o use a majority of your meter with. Psy AA assist is perfect for a 3rd member. Storms Hail Storm or Lightining Attack is a awesome Super to use most of your meter. Rogue and can build up that meter quick with the assistance of Storm. Psy’s AA can help get you out of jams.


Well I try to use rogues gamma assist with moves that cause characters to fall into it. What I mean by that is take magnetos the first hit causes the opponent to come of the ground a little. If you call rogue a do a and cancel the first hit into his magnetic force field the opponent cant escape. So try to use moves that put the opponent slightly in the air.

spiderman- call rogue +,
marrow- call rogue +,
iron man- call rogue + cr.lp, cr.lp

I also use rogues gamma assist as a pushing/combo extending tool.

Ken- call xx command roll otg, cr.hp>>>>>>>>>>into whatever
Ken- crossup + rogue (call rogue on the descent of the crossup) s.hp, s.lp, s.hp xx hadoken xx reppa It works because rogue pushes them closer to ken so he can continue the combo.

You have to use your imagination to find more scenarios to use her assist

Ive been messing around a bit more with my Rogue set ups.

So Far I have gotten a few teams but i still ahvent found my true team yet.

Rogue - Cable - CapCom

I played/seen Golba with this team and Rogue with CapComs AA assist is just beastly! The problem for me is, then Rogue and Cable are out, im left with CapCom and he ccan barely manage a 1v1.

Rogue - Cable - Tronn

Excellent projectile assist help from Tronn. Just like CapCom I have issues with her in 2v1 or 1v1 situations setting up into her HC. But overall she is better then CapCom.

Rogue - Cable - Storm

My current go to team, Awesome help from Storm’s projectile assist. I just lack the overall Storm knowledge to be fully effective. I pretty much BnB combos all day and chip off with her HC Hailstorm.
