Top Rogue Teams

Top notch semi-trap team

rogue mag that ish

Here are some combos I like with rogue/mag/sent, with rogue on point:,, rp hits, dash in c.hp, magic, sj.hp, d+hk (whiff)., c.lp,, c.hp, call sent, sj.hp, rp hits, d+hk.

d+hk, dash in, c.lp,, c.hp, call mag, d+hk, mag hits, GNS, mag tempest. = death

With mag on point and rogue next in the line up: ad/hk, dash in, launch,, ad/sj.lkx2, launch, call sent, sj.hp, rp hits, tempest, GNS. (you could even dhc to sent after she grabs them in the air to make sure they die)

I hope I helped a little. Laterā€¦


Anyone play this team competitively and if so how well does it do once ironman dies.

more rogue/mag

By the way just in case u didnt know Alucard, mag is probally the only person where kiss type can com in handy due to the unblockable.

Example:, launch,, ad/df+lk,, land, (1 hit),
cancel first hit or hk into flight, rogue hits, move in position for
unmashable tempest. You could also launch and do 4 fierces, rom, or whatever.



Thatā€™s a filthy lie. Cable and Sentinel both can do really disgusting things with Rogue-Y, to a point that when I play Rogue teams I donā€™t even like to mess with the other assists.

My favorite Rogue teams:

Rogue/Cable/Sentinel (which I sometimes tongue-in-cheek call Team Rowgue :sweat: ), always with Rogue-Y. Sentinel can go either with rocket punch or drones, Rogue probably likes the drones better for positioning but having the rocket punch gives her ways to do damage without needing to use the meter. Thatā€™s usually the idea, get the damage in without the meter so that Cable can use it. Rogue makes Cable a beast on this team together with either Sentinel assist if your Cable is good, and makes people afraid to get close. Getting hit by either drones or the kiss gets you shot, but you need to attack to deflect Rogue and you need to block to avoid running into either Sentinel assist, and if you do the wrong one youā€™re getting lit up. I actually won a tournament back in Portland with this team once.

Rogue/Sentinel/Tron. Probably Rogueā€™s best pure rushdown team, IMO. I still generally like Rogue-Y with this team but I could be convinced that Sentinel would rather have the AAA. Weird 100% combo that may interest only me, Rogue poke into Tron, GNS DHC Plasma Storm DHC lunch rush. OTOH, just Rogue to Sentinel isnā€™t a bad DHC either. Good against rush-happy opposition, terrible against Cable.

Rogue/Doom/AAA. Zone and chip. End of story.

The thing about Rogue kiss assist is that when it comes down to Sen/Rogue vs something like Sent/Cable, Cable/Sent, Sent/Commando, whatever, The assist turns complely useless since alot of those duos donā€™t need to come near you to do damage. Of course killing a character and having the next one land on the kiss is badass, but getting stuck with Rogue as an assist with throw is usually asking to get shot or rushed down against another top tier duo.

Well, no, you wouldnā€™t want Rogueā€™s kiss assist to be your only assist in most cases. But if youā€™ve got somebody else to cover the basic defense assist role, having Rogue in addition to that is really, really good. Somewhere in there, somebody is going to have a good reason to think their best move is to take a moment to block on the ground, and Rogueā€™s kiss assist can be lethal in those situations. Would you rather have Sent/Rogue-Y than Sent/Commando? Hell no, thatā€™s stupid. Rogue doesnā€™t have an assist that Sentinel would rather have as his lone assist over Commando. But if you had Commando as well, having Rogue-Y as a second assist can be really nasty.

Yeah I hear that. Most of the time when Iā€™m picking Rogue/Storm/Cap or Cyke Iā€™ll do the kiss assist. But if they take out that anti air assist then it really really sucks.

rogue sent capcom

Since I do play rogue sent capcom any tips would be much appreciated.

You gotta play Rogue/Sent/Capcom like Santhrax.
Not too rushy, not too turtly (yes I made that word up)

Capcom still should be used only in cases where Rogue is getting Rushed. (Particularly Mag, cuz Storm could punish w/ another assist)

If you ever find yourself against a Storm, just uses Power Drain, she will give you Speed up, so you can preform the infinite on her.

Note: The infinite can be used w/ sentā€™s-y assist, and in speed up, normals will chip a blocking opponent. Storm is the only high tier that gives you speed up, but do not preform the infinite on MSPā€™s Storm, a Psy alpha counter will easily eat up your attacks.

Iā€™ll stay on Rogue cuz I assume your Sent is pretty decent.
Do not leave yourself open to rushes, most experienced players will snap out Rogue and go straight for Commando, and if they take out commando your teams order will be destroyed, Sent canā€™t do anything rogue, and rogue canā€™t do anything by herself.

Well there are some combos with Rogue Cap. The best one to learn is jumpin lk lk call cap launch lp lp fp. Cap hits along with the two lps in the air so they donā€™t go flying off. It does half a bar of damage.

You can do other things like cr lk lk chk, call cap, then either GNS or snapout. Itā€™s otg though so remember they can roll out of it.

Even standing lk lk calling cap will work. Make sure you learn some of those.

be patient.


Does anybody have any tips with team vegita vs clockwork? Lately I`ve been having trouble against this team more than others.

jump? snap?

fly away???

I got a question about team VDO, how do you do that combo that I see him doing with rogue and collosus AAA
the rogue air combo where she kicks them in collosus then ends with fp??
I also have a hard time doing the one in the corner with her grab into fp collusus AAA and launchā€¦specific timing or something??

launch, call colossus, sj. jb, fierceā€¦ u should be good.

works likes a charm

Rogue/Doom/any top or god tier

[, c.lp,, dp+lk, lk (dives down)] repeat,
works better midscreen or
if you power drain them for speed up
[, c.lp] repeat
which does about 30% midscreen, and 60% in the corner

thereā€™s even a power drain semi-trap

DOOM scuks.