Top Rogue Teams

I’ll take a bet that Jumpee could take you.

God damn first to ten!!!
What ever happened to best out of 7…

Which match is the one where VDO takes on the Blackheart?

Humm Money Matches I Wanna Play…

hey vegita-x i need some pointers against an anti rush down team that has doom in it and like cable and iceman… whenever i play that team i have a fucken hard time because all the chip and i most of the times end up losing so i drop the rogue team and bring in storm cable capcom… that is kinda like my serious team but i dont like it… i feel better when i win with rogue but doom stops my rushdown like a motherfucker

what i try to do is start with storm and build meter like a bitch and try to punish doom whenever he comes in but i need to practice the snapbacks a lil more but what elsa can i do against that? any lil details can help



1.I’m starting to get serious with Marvel I guess, and I’ve narrowed it down to two teams I want to play (dont want to play too many teams because I don’t want to learn too many people) but anyway I want to play Rogue-throw,Sent-Ground,Tron-Proj. Good beginner team? I’m also trying play Rowtron but I like Rogue the most so I wanted to test this team first. I’m working on Rogue and i’m making slow progress, also working with Sent, and Tron/Rogue is too damaging^_^. . Any tips or combos for this team or pros/cons about it?Oh, and I already know about no AA. And about the DHC for this team, I really don’t have a 100% way for it to connect. As long as it goes Rogue,Sent,Tron I do GNS and when she kisses them i’ll DHC to Sent HSF and when the come back down, it’s over and then i’ll try to launch but either I mistime it, or when doing the air combo I’ll be too close, and they’ll fall out or something else will happen. Any help?

2.Anywhere besides Preppy’s site for Rogue vids? I haven’t seen ANY besides for Pat on Evo2k4 and a match with Pat vs Combofiend, but it had bad quality.

3.I saw a combo video on youtube, and it showed her doing a guard break on the incoming opponent, but cant remember exactly what it was. I think it was like hk then power drain but when trying that in training mode, never works. I’ll also try and see if I can after

4.In one of the topics on here, it says that you can do launch,fp,(they bounch back up),power drain. But after they bounch back up, I can rarely seem to have enough time to power drain. I haven’t gotten it to work on larger characters but I did get it twice on SonSon and every time on Spiral, so, is it only for the smaller cast?

One reset i like to do with rogue/tronn is d+hk, s.lkx2,, call tronn, sj.hp towards opponent, tronn hits, d+hk, land in back, tkb air dash in back of opponent d+hk, repeat, dead character. If you have rogue/sent in that order, do GNS then when she grabs them cancel into HSF, (u will have to cancel in opposite direction) then launch, call rogue aaa,, rogue hits, fly, sj.lkx2, RP. I used to use that team, but i also like her anti air assist better.

I’m def try that reset sounds good. I’ve done similar like c.lp,,, tk back crossover,d+hk,,,launch,fp,(when falling down and they’re boucnhing up)lk,power drain.

And about the GNS to HSF every time I cancel it I still input the same direction even when Rogue turns but I dunno, works for me. But still no 100% that i’ll get Sents launcher to hit everytime.

And I’ma mess around with Rogue AA but I use Throw (when it may rarely connect) and it can really set up some damage which is why I like it more than AA.

rogue aaa

I use it for magneto its like a poor mans psylocke, with mag c.lkx2, call rogue. Anyway i use both. anti air or throw is good for tronn is a non otg for any one she hits with it, it breaks thru super armor, try it on sent. In case u didnt know, when rogue has speed up u cant otg when she hits u. U can power drain storm into corner otg s.hp,, call tronn, sj.hp, tronn hits, slightly delayed d+hk, power drain, dash, otg s.hp, GNS, goodbye storm. Anti air assist does good damage to assist

  1. I probably prefer to leave Rogue on anti air. As for that DHC stuff, I think the best way to do that stuff, is to just DHC just after Rogue does the upkick, don’t even worry about the kiss, it is way to inconsistant to pull the DHC off from there in a real intense match. I only play Rogue teams casually, but you want to try and keep the momentum and pressure on as much as you can. This is important with most teams, but there is more emphasis for this team.

  2. The only other best place to get matches is on the hub. There’s a thread I think in FGD or something.

  3. I really don’t do guard breaks on her, so I can’t really comment here.

  4. The timing for that is harder on bigger characters because of the rate that they fall. Something that works with everyone though is Launch + Tron, sj. fp, tron hits. This is good to know for tagging assists and the point character, as it does decent damage to both.

I’ve been having some luck with after they bounch back up do falling lk then power drain.

Oh, and Preppy put up some Veg. X and Jumpee vids on the main site now. I was checking the ECCXI thread and preppy said he put some match up of Wigfall getting pissed at Duc Jr. so I checked at scrolled down and was like:sad: :sad: :wonder: :wonder: :sad: :lovin: :rofl: :looney: :looney: :hitit: :tup: :clap: :rock: :karate: :encore: :pray: :bgrin: :smokin: :crybaby: :party: :china: :woot: :cool:

Had to PM Preppy and thank him for that. I’m d/l all of those and probably end up posing them on Youtube so that whenever anyone asks for Rogue vids, there will be some that can be viewed.

Thank U

Those vids were great, I appreciate it preppy. I went back to Rogue/Sent/Tronn
blakstar, im gonna see what else that team is capable of.

lol I saw the interview in Vegita-X vs DSP (great match) I loved it when the guy in the background yelled “VDO” when they were mentioning best Rogue players, random.:rofl::clap:

i dunno if this has been posted already but here is a sent ground assist combo with guarantee kiss reset into super

opponent close to corner,,,c.fp+drones, sj lk delay, sj mp, fp, fall behind the opponent while they hit drones then one falling lk before you hit ground, re-jump lk,mp,fp then kiss that bitch, then do or if you’re close enough into corner combo ect

really sucks that it’s really only possible when the opponent is spaced a lil ways from the corner, i wish she could do midscreen kiss into super resets:sad:

the combo by itself midscreen is pretty damn good though, right at half life or so and whatever kiss bonus that you get from the special.

if you wanted to omit some of the hits you can just, then sj.lp delay fp, but it gets pretty specific with the delay for the fp based on sprite size. you can still do the basic combo kiss and all, timing is strict though.

Rogue/Sentinel/Tron is good but so hard to play against cable with that team…
Rogue would have to do most of the work and Sentinel-Cyc Vs Sentinel-Tron…well unless your sentinel is God-like your probable going to lose that match…
But that’s a Great team vs MSP…sooooooooooooooo many ways to kill pyslock:wgrin:
You should start sentienl and play rogue on anti-assit if playing against a storm/sentinel/capcom-cyc player.

Well I tried Rogue/Sent/Capcom, im assuming thats a better alternative since sent needs that aa bad. I dont think sent gains as much from tronn as he does with capcom (in the air at least). Right now im using team vegita and rogue/sent/capcom.

PS: vegita in your opinion whats the better team, jumpee(rogue/cable/capcom) or rogue/sent/capcom?

Rogue Cyke Tron ??

(with proper assists)

I’m thinking of using

Rogue/mag/sent -rp

What do u guys think?

I feel that rogue doesn’t work as well with RP assist especially when they run away. Then again your magneto is probally much better then mine. Rogue works better with tronn or capcom I think in my opinion. Then again two rps and that shit is over. I think rogue mag sent is a good team especially since I like using that team and it just might be the best rogue mag combination. You can’t go wrong with storm sentinal though.

Rogue/RP Sent/Cyke used to be one of my old teams.

A decent combo I developed is: S.LP, call Sent Proj, S.LK, S.MK RP hits quickly to J.LK, J.MP, J.FP xx Power Drain.

^ With this combo you can gain the benefits of the standard air combo and still get a Power Drain off.

Also: S.LP, call Sent Proj, S.LK, S.MK RP hits xx GNS.