Top Rogue Teams

nope, i wasn’t kidding haha… if u get to see the team tourney for marvel… u’ll see my fight against joe r. for that rogue/commando cross up… it was the only way i could’ve won with his ass running away with storm…

If I ever use Rogue/Cap it’s with Storm in the middle. My Cable and Sent are so horrible.

Good games this past weekend John. You going to ECC?

Hey hopefuly u guys head to ECC. I’d love to play another Rogue player. I’m thinking that either all us Rogue players get together for Rogue battles at the hotel by ecc or at the tourney itself if possible. Tell me what you all think.

Team Napkin? that shit is my team foo!! hahaha and i will fight for it? team napkin? are u serious? or are u being ridiculous?

team jumpy is what it is… fo realz :tup:

Team Napkin? Elaborate on that cause I’m not getting the meaning on that one. Maybe cause I’m drunk I don’t know. Whatever.

LOL i call it team napkin cause back in the day a friend of mine played a team and called it team napkin. It’s more or less to piss him off. But at ECC i want to play u.

Good job in T5 Jumpee good job! :tup:

hey what is this rogue capcom cross up?! one of my trny teams was rogue cable and capcom (they were even all blue lol) but i kinda dropped it for team vegita x (here now they call it team kaneda x lol) but plz tell me what this cross up is =D

i have a trny coming on april 1st… any advice against a team that has sentinel and/or doom and/or commando?
i can kinda handle sentinel if he’s like with psylocke and i can even handle some good magneto storm psylocke and magneto storm cable… but is against anti rushdown teams that i struggle with the most…
a friend told me that he already got my number, he told me not to rely to much on the tron cross up or at least not try and do it that often (even tho i almost always follow up with an unblockable kiss if they block) he also told me to try and build some meter with her as much as i can and try and use the diving kick a lot more… i always thought the fierce punch had a lil more priority so i always did the diving kick like after ending a combo with fierce punch but just so i would get to the ground sooner… also another reason he told me to use the diving kick was that i wouldnt het launched that easy if someone i was jumping at walked under me and launched me…
what do you think? =D

anti rush? well if u use pat’s team… u have to be smart about ur rushing, thats about it… and if u can’t get in… ur fcuked…

i play rogue to rush, then cable to turtle/rush… so im pretty much set to do both…

use capcom 24/7 against sentinel… only use cyke like if they have doom or team row… b/c if not, cyke will be totally stupid…

dont abuse dive kick… use short or fierce…sj. airdash.+short is tooooo good… if u dive kick alot… they’ll either shoot ur ass, call their assist on u… or slap u with a frying pan… b/c the only way out of it is the damn kiss and lord knows ur screwed if that comes out while ur in the air.

wen u finish a combo, u can just end it with fierce and then go to the dive kick… it works but iuno how u want to use it…

if only i can master this damn getup crossup… it pisses me off!! like its in the corner.u go short short d.+rH plus commando assit…(they’re not suppose to roll out) then u dash foward d.jb, jb. standing short… and ur on the other side w/ ur back to the corner… then just do like jab kiss, and reset it to a launch

i did it once wen i dashed under and kissed them back to the corner, and did standing fierce… repeated that jab jab short… but its so damn hard!!! its like that magneto crossup wen he dashes over ur body… its hard but amazing to pull off b/c i bet none of u have seen it… justinW and me did this a year ago…shit took forever and the night!!!

oh, not to mention that u should learn the square jump with rogue
its like airdash fierce, then u have to time it to the rh. touch the ground, dashing in short short… but yea, her sq.jump should be learned to beat up on sentinel more…

the crossup? i have to show u… haha… its good, really. here the hint to do it… “keep ur eyes on rogue”

hope some of my bs helped… i dont play the game ne more… im just magical thats all… laterz

what do u mean by square jump? what would be the point? or why specially against sentinel?
lol about the cross up, at least gimme another hint and tell me the order of the chars… im thinking rogue on point followed by commando…

do you have any rogue sprites u can send me o where did u find them? =)

fuck you

Rogue slayer? Is that why i beat ur scrub last night with my Team Napkin 6-2?
I know black hearts a fag but i still won last match.

fuck you

Hey drumliner joe do u still have that pic of Rogue on top of a bunch of dead sentinels? If u got one of a dead magnus that would be hott too.

hey where do yall find rogue pics… i’ve googled that shit a couple of times only to find average pics but not sig worth…
what can you do against a happy jumping black heart? i only know of two ppl that use him fairly good but i havent played them with team vegita-x, only with cable and capcom…
and hey, tell me about this rogue commando cross up already! lol

Bh is actually a good counter to Rogue that i think most ppl dont know about. The answer is capcom assist+ build meter for cable.

I haven’t played BH’s around here for a while. Most folks here are hung up on Sent. But most BH’s I encounter, I try to wavedash under his Demons and go for a crossup or mixup. Tron really helps in that situation to hold him in place if he blocks. Just remember to stay the hell on him once you do catch up.

lately ive been using storm’s gamma assist, which is kinda useful cause you dont know when is it coming out and i dont use the alhpa as often when im rushing down… i dont really need the cover for rogue cause im in the air almost all the time when im not rushing down…
funny how i got used to play against magneto storm sent cable capcom psylocke and some other random strong mid-hi tiers and rogue could stand her ground, but at this trny im going to a lot of ppl dont like to use them and they got awfully good with the likes of ironman(which isnt that unusual), jill, morrigan, bbhood, strider, spiderman, wolverine, amingo and some other low-mid chars and sometimes i have a hard time against them… its kinda fun but im sure its gonna be interesting

i kno this is a rogue thread… but just shoot them…hahaha

Yeah, Rogue ain’t doing shit to Blackheart. Isn’t that right, Golba?