Top Rogue Teams

Wow I haven’t been there in a while. lol Anyways my current best Rogue team is Rogue/Sent/Capcom and I have a combo that’ll I like share.

J.FP, S.LP, S.LK, S.MK, Call Capcom AA S.RK, SJ.FP Capcom Hits SJ.D.RK xx Power Drain does around 50% damage on Cable and probably does more if I didn’t include the Light attacks. PLUS if done facing away from the corner when you do Power Drain you can OTG afterwards.:badboy: You should see my oppoenent’s face once he notices all the damage I jut did.:clap:

Sometimes that combo doesn’t work so you can also try:

J.FP, S.LP, S.LK, S.LK Call Capcom AA S.RK, SJ.FP AA hits SJ.LP, SJ.FP. Don’t know the exact damage but it does about half on Cable. Plus there’s probably a myriad of more damaging variation. :razzy:

Yes rogue/capcom = death. It’s great for run away storm and gives rogue a better shot at sent.
Although I’ve actaully decided to drop Rogue(aaa)/sent(drones)/capcom about 3 weeks ago and focus on team Roguetron: Rogue/sent/cable.
It’s nice to not worry about getting capcom snapped in and also cables aaa comes out quicker so its better on facing rush down. Also if cable is on point hes got sent to cover the ground and rogue as a good aaa. the only area i see the team gets weaker is with sent on point. sent/capcom is just better then anything else in the game so thats kinda crappy.

But what shocks me about Rogue/Capcom combos is how devastating they are!!! I mean sometimes I’m suprised I killed my opponent on just 2 combos.:bgrin: Every hit seems to be chunk, chunk, CHUNK!!!, chunk, chunk, Kiss. lol:rofl:

I use Rogue/Cable/Sent proj. too. Here’s a combo I commonly use that’s better than her reg AC.

J.FP, S.LK, call Sent proj. S.MK, jump RP hit J.LK, J.MP, J.HP xx Power Drain


J.FP, S.LP, S.LK, Call Sent proj. S.MK, S.FP and then QUICKLY cancel into GNS.

I still like Roguethrax more though.:razzy: Her combos with Capcom put some of Magz combos to shame and are more accessible than Tron combos IMO. :pleased:

any u rogue hoes coming to TS5 besides joe, and pattie?

we can have a rogue cook off or something… haha

I wish I could make it to TS5 :sad: so hopefully I’ll go to TS6 :karate:

I am a new comer to rouge so can anyone pm me some rouge combos

i use
rouge/cable/cyclops or comando sometimes swicht is with pskye

so pm or post with any idea combps or stragy

Not trying to get n your case but her name’s spelt Rogue. Anyways nice to see a new face on this board.:smile: For Rogue combos just look in back of this thread.

thanks i will also anyone knowwhere i can get some kewl rouge avitars

Drumliner Joe might have some old ones he can give you.

I’ve been trying to use Rogue more now… I really like how you can hit them with a and then if they block just xx into power drain. My scrub buddy stopped playing against me because of this lol. Also, to add a lil bit o damage to her arial rave, if they’re up against a wall you can go, c.hp, sj.lp,,,, sj.d.hkxxrepeating punches. Nothing game breaking… I usually use her with Tbonne (mainly cuz I ALWAYS use Tbonne) so you can do,,, call Tbonne to otg them, then you can dash and, c.hp to arial rave them or just repeating punchesxxgns. It’s rollable but worth trying once on an opponent to see if they know how to roll lol. What assist type do you guys like? I’m using her AAA cuz I’m not a fan of her throw atm cuz it doesn’t work when they’re in block stun. Throw type is good with Cable and BBHood, though, cuz you can do ahvb x3 after it or do cruel hunters.

you gotta take advantage of that unblockable grab :nunchuck:

I try to do a lot of air dash almost on the ground, cross up and try to get a GNS in… after that cancel into hailstorm, by this point if they’re dead i have storm on point and when the next char is coming in i call rogue and hailstorm again :badboy:
I love that unblockable…

also when i have them almost near a corner i try to attack directly so they block, then kissXXdash + fierceXXGNS… very classy move and no one expects it, and when ive done it correctly no one has been able to roll…


Here’s an old one ROC made me. It’s the only one I have without my name on it.


You can juggle with C.HK instead of OTGing and that combo: .lk, c.hp, sj.lp,,,, sj.d.hkxxrepeating punches isn’t so good because it leads to no mixup potential, which is Rogue’s main offensive strategy. Fininsh AC with J.FP pause and then use J.D.HK to hit them high or reach the ground slightly early to attack low but the opponent will get confused and …:badboy: GET READY!!!

BTW has anyone succesfully done her corner inf in a real match?:confused: If it was made "common it would up her game definately.:karate:

Corner infinite!?!? I gotta look through all these pages to find that lol.

As white shadow said u must cross up more. Also the into kiss is very easy to escape. All they gotta do is jump back so dont abuse it.

where can i find some rogue videos? some vegita-x ones or some other guy who does interesting things with her…

I was gonna tape my vid yesterday but a friend and i couldnt get it to work. Does anyone know how to tape from the television to the camcorder?

isnt it the same as if you wre gonna tape it to the vcr? just using the audio/left/right cables? mebbe iono

Nah it didnt work.

u weren’t kidding lol. I considered using rogue/cable/commando… good stuff man