Top Rogue Teams

I don’t count that he was just playing around. The only time I felt that I truly beat justin was the florida toruny not long before evo2k4. my Rogue/storm/tron Vs Cable/Sentinel/capcom but it was just casual and not tourny.

say kanedito:
I wish I could send u some vids but i can’t so are u going to showdown?

I think I finally figured out how to beat sentinel u must be inside that niggi. just been playing my boy chris/magneto-x storm/sentinel/capcom

hopefully I’ll see u there. I really wish it was on console. :sad:

what? be on his ass? what do you mean swol guy?

i dont think im ready to go but if can get some cash maybe ill try it… i need to practice a lot more or i would make your team look really bad lol

btw, could you explain in detail domething i saw in a vid of yours where sentinel does the hcf+kk super (iono what’s it called) and you seem to push block and call tron, she takes a hit and GNS goes through, but iono exactly when do u pusblock and when do u call tron

Do GNS on instant u see the hsf. The start up frames are invincible. You dont need any other assists just Rogue. If its mid screen then time it a little slower.

I thought it WAS gonna be a console tourney?

Anyway, if you and John wanna do one of those team tourney themes again this year I’ll be sure to get there earlier. Just let me know.

how do you make tron’s LR come out even if it doesnt hit at first??? ive seen it somewhere before and i might have even done it before lol but iono how its done

That only works using the team super if Tron’s assist is on throw, which isn’t a very hot assist.

crap… oh well

I thought about using rouge/IM/Doom, but it still is just a thought.

Eeeeeevery so often I’ll use that team. Here’s a fun combo…

jumpin fp or whatever with Rogue, call IM lk lk hk, IM hits, when the opponent falls, chk xx into GNS, xx into Proton Cannon

I dont think he plays anymore but where’s ed when you need him.

has anybody tried rogue/strider/doom?

ive been thinking about it but the arcade i play at its fucked up for like a week so ive been going over it in my head :nunchuck: or maybe even storm/strider/doom but i want to keep rogue

I play both those teams from time to time, a lot of fun. Rogue builds meter great, of course, and GNS into orbs does a good amount of damage. If they block the GNS just come out with orbs and at least you can get the trap going.

rogue/cable/cap or cyke… or rogue/cyke/tron… will own u all :stuck_out_tongue:

whats the advantage of a rogue/cable/cyke team?? i kinda not like cyke but id be willing to pick him up… i mean depending on what you think works with that team

Rogue can GNS, DHC into Timeflip and it’ll combo. She does good dagame by herself without having to use supers so that’s great meter for Cable. Cable/Cyke is great for rush away. Just a solid team overall if your Cable is good.

use cyke if ur playing a doom team really or u just KNOW that you won’t need cap, cap is there for sentinel, storm, magneto… cuz he pushes ppl out of the way and makes the chase a lil more easier, besides, 80% of the teams u’ll play against may have it, ohhhh and rog/cap alone together, w/ 2 supers, team super cross up… haha u’ll have to see how that works on ur own… its pretty good against storm, mags, and cable… doesn’t hurt sent enough:-(…

joe: i have a good cable, i think? haha, mayn timeflip is gay!!!

rogue/cyke/tronn… greatest combo ever… lk.+ tronn,lk.,jab,jab,lk,lk, gns, megaoptic blast, tron’s gun super… then drill and do robot super…

or you can get them in the corner, and do team super, of course they have to stay there… and right wen it ends, do a dive kick supa quick, cuz ur safe even before the team super ends… but who knows that but me :smiley: hahaha

hmmmm… super cross up?? w/ 2 supers… the only thing I can think of is that whenever they’re flying do GNS and when it goes under them past them do capcom’s capnsword… did you mean something like that? that would only be useful when they have only a lil life left wouldnt it?

Yeah your Cable/Cap is pretty annoying to get around John man. No one here in SA uses a good Cable so I’m not very experienced on how to get around him. And I know that time we played against each other in Austin this past Sept that the controller you used was pretty weak. Look forward to some matches in March this Showdown man. Take care.