Top Rogue Teams

Yes using rogue against strider doom is kinda tough. I’ve only been using Rogue against strider dooms recently so i’d like some tips as well.

Well the thing is if the Strider/Doom team gets the momentum and you’re using Rogue/Tron you’re kinda fucked.

With that in mind, try and snapout Strider into Doom or whatever the other character is then DON’T let up. Up close Doom counters Tron so calling her out is useless. Try and make more use of Storm’s assist if you can to get past Doom’s assist. Remember, for some reason if Strider starts up his orb super without good cover, GNS will go through it and hit until the launcher at the end of the auto combo. Though most Strider players will throw a tiger or bird before calling the orbs.

If you’re playing a good Strider/Doom it’s mostly an uphill battle, just don’t let up and try to snap Doom in and kill him as fast as you can. Also Rogue/Storm/Cyke is a decent team itself so if Tron keeps getting eaten up by Doom you might consider Cyke to counter him.

yeah im asking for help here cause we have a tournament coming on April 1st and its in Mexico, in Juarez to be exact, right next to El Paso, and the guy that won last time uses this strider/doom/bbhood team and is pretty good at it, but this time unike the past tourney, ppl from Mexico City and Chihuahua are gonna come play too so it’s gonna be pretty cool… El Paso/Juarez vs Mexico City, and from what I’ve heard they’re very good so… I just wanted to know if rogue had a chance against this or should i just become a top tier whore… coz i’d like to win with rogue though… :badboy:

not for nothing but if hes winning a tourney with that team im sure Rogue could win as well.

Well, also remember that Strider gives you speedup so if you catch him in the speedup inf use the glitch to do as much damage as possible.

thats’ why I want to play with her, but if I cant do anything against doom then I’ll have to use cable i guess :xeye: I always have a hard time against doom… feel i cant rush down as good as i would usually

yeah i love to mash that button together with the tron assist against psylocke, jill, cammy or any other char that gives u speed up :nunchuck: but its pretty hard to get strider to be that close without any coverage by doom or this tiger/eagle :sad:

Rouge Cammy Colossus can overcome any cheese team don’t run from them just embrace the pain. 3 combos bye sent. 2 combos bye cable >I don’t see characters. All I see is running power,life,armor,and defence up. Whether you like it or not she getting in.

Why Cable isTrash! F (top-tier)

Listen you suck for doubting your rouge. Doom is a glitch assist he comes out even if you don’t want him too. Cable trash without protection kill the back bone game time!

You should play people that are better than you OmegaRed999. Cause if thats a “top tier” team then the people you play suck. As for Doom’s glitched assist :confused:

I think Rogue, cammy, colossus are all good but not in the same team

Is it just me or can no one else understand this guy?

lmao :rofl: gotta love this guy’s randomness haha

anyways… i dont want to drop tron out of the team but when everything goes wrong she’s all by herself till i learn how to use her against say a sentinel :xeye: …it’s like when you only have capcom left against cable or storm, i feel everytnings doomed, so ive been considerning giving her a rest and try with rogue/storm/cable btw im not sure about the order yet, what do you think?

Sugar Hail

GNS DHC to Hailstrom is too good to pass up. I would change cable psimatar for drones.

Well, you could do Rogue/Cable, GNS into Timeflip actually connects and you can AHVB after it. Rogue does good damage without having to use supers so there’s your battery. Rogue/Cable/Storm isn’t that solid though. It’s really easy to rushdown, runaway from, or stomp on when it comes right down to it. Rogue/Cable/Cyke or Cap is good if you wanna use a Rogue/Cable team.

OMG that’s easy u don’t need to start rogue for that team just start storm. my boy down here plays Strider/doom/ capcom and He used to give me trouble but now all I do is start storm I mean one hit with tron and storm 50%. If u catch him don’t do lighting attack super just hit him to the ground and mix him up I mean double over triple over head crossup all u need is one more mixup and he’s dead. save your supers in case he starts the lockdown. But if u must start rogue how I do is I’m pretty sure u know about the glith when u start let say storm/rogue/tron hold down assist to start rogue, at the beginning of the match hold down jab and tron at the same time, then down jab, jab short kiss speedup if they pushblock delay it like about 1/2 sec. after that he should die, I mean speed up at tron is just not fair.
But really u shouldn’t lose to that team call out storm proj and not tron so much that’s really the only advice I can give u.

Anyone going to showdown this year?

I’m going to showdown. remember me. The iceman player at regionals in houston this past november. I picked up icethrax: iceman, sent, commando. I’ve gotten more wins since I can do fast-fly really good. Unfly almost there. Sent, commando, is too good. Iceman owns magneto. Ur rouge team vegita-x is da shit. Practicing for showdown. see u there.

THAT’S the kind of stuff I need to know!!!
lemme say Im a big fan of yours :karate: and I love your work lol jk but I have a few matches of you (like 2 or 3 iono) and I love what you do against sentinel or a magneto when suddenly they dont have any life left…
I didnt mean to copy your team :xeye: I had just been using rogue and storm separately with other chars just trying stuff out when a friend asked me if I had seen a vegita-x match and I was like umm no, but Ill look for the guy… so tron made the team cause i liked what i saw :tup:

anyways… i dont really understand what you mean by “if you catch him” (strider) cause this guy Im gonna play against in a trny on april covers himself very good and the most damage i could do against him was like half of each of his chars… maybe you could show me what you mean in a vid (i know thats asking too much, but there’s still time for the trny). Also about the glitch… I had read about it somewhere around here but i havent tried it yet and i dont know the details that well, even tho you took some time to reply on your post, sorry… hehe but lemme know what you can do to teach me a thing or two :tup:

btw, when I began to get good with this team I went from middle tier to officially top tier in at least my group of friends (they’re ok lol) but i finally did with Rogue what i couldnt do with cable and storm… beat those guys :nunchuck: when i beat my friend’s magneto/storm/psy twice they were like :wow: “kanedito on drugs!” :lol: anyways gotta go to class, laters

The speedup glitch. When you get speedup with Rogue start the semi infinite (clk cmp, repeat). Right after the cmp do a quick standup mk and you’ll be on the other side of most characters. It won’t work on bigger people like Sent or Doom and those folk.

Of course. See ya’ll there.

Hey VegitaX, i thought u said wong was undefeated all day during evo? But i was watching a match of u vs his 3 commandos and you beat him.

i cant try this cause the arcade i play at is broken and i already returned my friend’s DC :tdown:
but does the fact that storm is supposed to start and you switch to rogue have something to do with this?? what happens when you hold down jab + tron assist at the same time? if you hold it before the match starts, does it count it as the first jab and then the down jab that’s the one that travels comes out as if it was the down medium punch, and by pressing also tron’s assist does she come out immediately??

the way im picturing it is that when you start you’d call tron immediately at the same time as the 2nd down jab, and by doing the short kiss you would throw them at tron… :confused:

i dont understand what’s supposed to happen when you hold them before it starts :xeye:

i read something that it could be done without the speed up… do you know how to do it? is it worth to learn or actually useful is a serious match?is it hard to time it?

sorry, too many questions :pleased:
btw… is a 3 capcoms team that good? :wow:

On certain characters you can do it without speedup. Rogue on Rogue for instance. I think Storm too except I haven’t tried it without speedup for a while. I guess just test it out on your PS or Dreamcast or5 whatever.