Top Rogue Teams

If rashassn dosen’t have a team then I’m still down. I he does then I have to be on chris and duane team, but we won’t know anything until we arrived there.
O yeah sorry for the wait but we’re been playing MVC2 like everyday for the past 2 weeks. We should be there around 6pm.

I’ll be there tomorrow round 8 or 9. Don’t know what time we’ll hit the arcades though. Would be cool to get some games in with ya’ll. Peace.

Vegita-X what’s up:). Do you have any new Rogue strats/combos that you’re willing to share? I’ve noticed that using using Rogue’s S.LP during rushdown on Sentinel is more effective that attempting to hit low because he’s always attempying to jump/fly away.:o

GET READY!!! :cool: :evil:

wanna rape pat?

sent/storm/cyc that cheap slut

And if you’re REAAAAAAALLLLY good you can can juggle off the S.LP if it hits into GNS. I’ve done it a few times but you need the reflexes of a fly to pull that off.:eek: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey great games John and Patrick. Ya’ll throw down some uglyass rushdown with Rogue. There was some other Mexicano dude using Rogue pretty well there too and I noticed more than a few guys commenting on how many Rogue players there were. Wonder if she’ll be the new wave of MVC2 now or something.

That is GOOD NEWS!!!:smiley:

Hey ya’ll, got a reset ya’ll might wanna check out. If you do the power drain with your back to the corner, dash forward and clk, and launch, when you launch you’ll end up on the other side with your back to the wall again. So follow up the launch with a sj lp or lk, power drain, then land clk GNS.

Unfortunately the combo doesn’t work on everyone, I got it to work on Doom, Storm, IM, Psy, and maybe Cyke, can’t remember right now. It didn’t work on Mag, Cable, Cap, or Sent. Although with Mag if you dash and clk after the power draing if you hold forward you can end up with your back to the corner anyhow. See what ya’ll think.

Yeah I already know about this trick (think I even posted this earlier or in another thread.) its awesome!!! Sometimes I OTG using S.FP into S.FK instead of C.LK.

Do you guys think Rogue/Strider/Doom works?

I tried it, and it was fairly decent. Rogue builds meter hella fast and its easy to land a GNS into orbs. Even if it doesnt connect you can just GNS into the trap. If you DO connect, do it right before rogue launches them up, and then you can hit with orbs. Ah!

Anyhow, Rogue is pretty decent with Doom i think. You can just call doom and cross up and get them stuck in rocks and do chip, or you can land a hit and do a decent damaging combo. Strider is okay with rogue, cause you can get them out of blockstun andinto getting hit, whihc is good with Strider, instead of doing purely chip.

It’s good but other characters go better with Strider/Doom.:o

heh, I use that team from time to time for the hell if it. Really fun. Also if you have Rogue throw after you trap them with the Orbs call Rogue for a reset into whatever.

I’ve been using Rogue/Gambit/Cyke too for the hell of it. Suprisingly effective and fun. Though not a tourney team by any means.

I wuv Rogue/Sent/Capcom!!!:smiley: :cool: :smiley: :cool:

Get 3 meter Super…super…SSsuper 100% damage.
O yeah don’t forget to mash:D

With Rogue/Mag you can do a jumpin, slk slk shk (call Mag proj assist), sj fp (opponent hits proj) sj dhk, land power drain, dash fp xx into GNS, xx into Mag Tempest. Pretty much kills off any character with a full bar except for those with high defense. Even then they’ll be close to death.

Yeah I love that combo, almost as much as jump in, s.lp,,, s.rk, call Cammy or Capcom AA SJ j.fp, j.d.rk. :slight_smile:


Love to, but tuition is owning me this summer. Oh well, always next year. :bluu:

I can’t go either. :frowning:

good shit to Vegita X at evo. got some footage of him vs X in the money matches.