Top Players list

Well, obviously you would only put like O.Ken O.Sag and O.Guile because really, who uses like O.Claw or O.Cammy? (I only put O.Guile cuz I play him, and imo he’s better than N.Guile)

I don’t know enough about Guile to decide whether or not the New or Old version is better. And I don’t think there is a point in putting O.Sagat up since everyone basically uses him(except for yaya). But there are some players who use Old versions of other characters, like shirts who uses O.Sim.

And O.Hawk…

Toutanki seems to have switched to him permanantly

who the fuck is this scrub Rambo??

:lol:thanks bud, see you @TGA

PS- DS & Supaman are cool

I’ll assume you meant HSF2. Few reasons why we play it other ST

at our main arcade, HSF2 was put in, and right next to ST. You got the same amount of credits for the same amount of money on both machines, only difference being that on HSF2, rounds were set to 3 out of 5 (can’t do this on ST), instead of the standard 2 out of 3. So you basically got longer on the machine which equals better value for money. So people gradually switched over to that instead.

Another thing was the accessibility. Its cheap, easy to find and on ps2, so there was no problems getting copies for events and people could use their ps2 sticks without fuss.

Since we hold all our main events and tournaments on console, we don’t have to worry about arcade perfect ports like we do with ST. While HSF2 on ps2 is not 100%, its still very faithful to the arcade, plus people don’t generally care too much about anything in HSF2 when theres CE Bison to look out for.

The main catalyst though was probably the Neoempire Chairman, Bullet Proof. He really promoted the game, building up a scene by holding tournaments for it, 1st there was only 8 entrants, then 16, then 32, and even bigger. We also got ranking battles at the arcade held by yours truly thanks to this guy.

At the end of the day, even though we do support and hold regular tournaments for HSF2, most people don’t take it all that seriously, we don’t think of it as a replacement for ST, cause its not, its a different game. And once we realised that, we started having a lot of fun with it, instead of moaning about all the usual things. Its been a good ride. And when ST:HDr finally arrives and if it lives up expectations, i can see 99% of players here just moving over to that.

Thats a very interesting insight, and I’m really hoping that the whole world just switches over to HD as the new standard. Because having different parts of the world playing different versions of the same game is a bit of a mess when it comes to international tourneys.


omg. and, no daigo for balrog?

I’ve seen some footage of Muteki using Deejay and Chun-Li.

I’m not sure about his Deejay but I know for sure that he uses Chun-Li as an alternate character.

Nominate NKI for Hawk. I played him at Evo2k7 on his cab (I think), his Hawk is BEAST.

This list needs more Europe!

France has a scene, Italy has a scene, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and the list goes on.

Ok… it won’t exactly be easy to make a list of that but hey…I can try

I know the French have some awesome players atm, but the only ones I can think of are

Chicken Boo/Professor Jones - Dictator
Chrisfighter - Dhalsim
Yamazaki - Uses lots of characters, but i think hes main is Ken if memory serves.
Frionel - Boxer
Kenpachi - Zangief
Mich - Honda

r3ko, you happen to know some big tournaments that the French host ? Last one I know is the one where our best 3s player Bruno had beaten Yamazaki93 and KX.

The big french tournaments are SWGA, CPL and Stunfest I think. SWGA was in october but no ST tournament. CPL had ST tournament earlier in the year, where I think Kenpachi or Mich won. Also Stunfest had a 2on2 but i never saw any results for it.

Only ST going on right now in France I think is the Gnouz Ranking Battles which happen once a month. I think Yamazaki won the first 2, but more of the big players can in the 3rd one and Professor Jones won it, beating Chrisfighter in the final.

Watch out for SVB2008 in London though, probably be the first European major tournament to run STHDr. Gonna be big!

Ah ok right, I’ll check neoempire for info on that , might come over with a bunch of dutchies :stuck_out_tongue:

btw u never on msn anymore?

Italy HAD a scene. Now you can count the active players on the hand of a Yakuza.

Only Italian players I know of are SpinalBlood and Biollintrip, both bedroom champions :slight_smile:

I’ve been busy, i’ll try and get on msn sometime soon R-jive

Hey Reko what about me?Skankiest italian CE Honda in London!!!:rock:
Team Chang/Honda:bgrin:

i dont even recognize some of those players on that list…especially the honda guys.