Top Players list

I’d like to compile a list of all the top American and Japanese ST players by characters. I’m not doing this for any BS study or anything like that, this is just for my own personal knowledge. So just give me any player plus their main character and where they’re from.(I’ll update this post whenever someone gives me a new name)


Ryu- Alex Valle, John Choi, Mike Watson, Afrolegends, Jump Suit Jesse, Dave Doyle

Ken- Wes Truelson, Alex Valle, sabre, cigarbob, Mike Turner

Honda- Bob Painter, David Sirlin, John Rambo

Chun- NKI, Chris Doyle, Buktooth

Blanka- DSP, Nohoho

Zangief- Alex Wolfe, Zaza

Guile- John Choi

Dhalsim- Jason Cole, Alex Wolfe, Shirts, Graham Wolfe, David Sirlin, John Rambo


Cammy- James Chen, Mike Creque

Fei Long- Jump Suit Jesse

DeeJay- Afrolegends, DSP

Boxer- Graham Wolfe, DSP, Afrolegends

Claw- David Sirlin, Graham Wolfe, DSP, sabre, viscant, Apoc

Sagat- John Choi, Alex Valle, DSP, Justin Wong

Dictator- Jason Nelson, Zaza, Mike Watson, Pete Talley


Ryu- ShootingD, Daigo, Gotoh, Tencho, Umechin, Inoki, Tomo, Kurahashi

Ken- Aniken, Mattsun, Mi, Yoshimi

Honda- Kusumondo, Bunkichi

Chun- Otochun, Tojo, Chamu, Akishima

Blanka- Komodo, Nakamu

Zangief- Pony, Gunze, Kakki, Kuni

Guile- Muteki, Kurahashi, Shiki, Suzuki

Dhalsim- Gian, KKY, Hakase, BAT, Yoshimura

Hawk- Toutanki, Mayakon, K

Cammy- Oota, Nakamura, Sawada, Tasaka

Fei Long- Noguchi, Yuubou

DeeJay- Yaya

Boxer- Tsuji, Tamashima, The SuperStar, Kurahashi, Makky-7, postman

Claw- ARG, Noguchi, Holy Scarlet Balrog, MORE Balrog

Sagat- Yaya

Dictator- YuuVega, Taira, Kimomaru, Onucho, Ryu

United Kingdom:

Ryu: Prodigal son, IMX, Kaosflare, Chunkis, Sho Dragon, Pulpasis

Ken: Fuzzy, Sho-g, Geejay, Daz, EX_Mosquito

Honda: RWD, r3ko

Chun: Desk, Zakuta

Blanka: Ryza, Robocop2



Dhalsim: Ryza

T.hawk: Bullet Proof, RWD

Cammy: …

Feilong: Shin Dragon

Deejay: Hatim

Claw: The Chef

Boxer: Sho-g, Garf, Wizardchicken, Wishworm


Dictator Randomhajile, r3ko


Ryu: Dogberry, Shane Fleury

Ken: WB!, Shane Fleury

Honda: Familyman

Chun: Psychochronic, Psychokid, WB!


Zangief: Contra

Guile: Dogberry

Dhalsim: Bk2099, ~TeN~, David Spence, Shane Fleury

T. Hawk:



Dee Jay:

Boxer: Contra

Claw: Dogberry

Sagat: Shane Fleury

Dictator: FreddyL0c0

i think i got em

Ryu: ShootingD (Osaka - Kansai), Daigo (Tokyo - Kanto), Gotoh (Chubu/Kansai), Tencho (Kanto)
Honourable mentions: Umechin (?), Inoki (?), Tomo (?), Kurahashi (Tokyo - Kanto)

Ken: Aniken (Osaka - Kansai), Mattsun (Tokyo - Kanto)
Honourable mentions: Mi (uses Old Ken), Yoshimi (?)

Honda: Kusumondo (Kansai), Bunkichi (? Old Honda)

Chun Li: Otochun (Osaka - Kansai), Tojo (Kanto), Chamu (Kanto)
Honourable mentions: Akishima (Tokyo - Kanto)

Blanka: Komoda (Osaka - Kansai), Nakamu (Hokkaido)

Zangief: Pony (Kanto), Gunze (Kansai)
Honourable mentions: Kakki (?), Kuni (?)

Guile: Kurahashi (Tokyo - Kanto), Muteki (Kanto), Shiki (Kanto), Suzuki (Kansai)

Dhalsim: Gian (Tokyo - Kanto), Hakase (Tokyo - Kanto), KKY (Kanto)
Honourable mentions: BAT (?), Yoshimura (Tokyo - Kanto)

T.Hawk: Toutanki (Kanto), Mayakon (Kansai), K (Kanto)

Feilong: Noguchi (Tokyo - Kanto), Yuubou (Tokyo - Kanto)

Cammy: Oota (Osaka - Kansai), Nakamura (Kanto), Sawada (Chubu), Tasaka (Chubu)

Boxer: Tsuji (Osaka - Kansai), Tamashima (Tokyo - Kanto), The SuperStar (Chubu)
Honourable mentions: Kurahashi (Tokyo - Kanto), Makky-7 (Kansai), postman (Kansai), USA (?)

Claw: ARG (Chubu), Noguchi (Tokyo - Kanto)
Honourable mentions: Holy Scarlet Balrog (?), More Balrog (?)

Sagat: yaya (Kanto)

Dictator: YuuVega (Kansai), Taira (Kanto), Kimomaru (Kansai)
Honourable mentions: Onucho (?), ryu (?)

I’ve already made a Worldwide Player Index for St, along with other games if you want to take a look at that.

The best I could scrape together …

Ryu: Alex Valle (California), John Choi (California), Mike Watson (California)

Ken: Wes Truelson (?), Alex Valle (California)

Honda: Bob Painter (?), David Sirlin (California)

Chun Li: NKI (Missouri), Chris Doyle (?), Buktooth (?)

Blanka: ?

Zangief: ?

Guile: ?

Dhalsim: Jason Cole (California), Alex Wolfe (California), ?
Honourable mentions: Shirts (Old Dhalsim - California)

T.Hawk: ?

Feilong: ?

Cammy: James Chen (California)

Boxer: Graham Wolfe (California), DSP (East coast?), Afrolegends (California)

Claw: David Sirlin (California), Graham Wolfe (California)

Old. Sagat: Alex Valle (California), John Choi (California)

Dictator: Jason Nelson (California), Zazaman aka Gigamsx1974 (Arizona)

Ill take hawks spot for USA

Sure I’d love to see it.


Wheres the DJ love at?



add yaya to deejay as well

Yay a Deejay player :lovin:

As far as I know, you can make the following additions:

guile: John Choi

zangief: Alex Wolfe (i know of him using gief more than sagat, who hes listed under)

fei: jump suit jesse

sagat: alex valle

ken: alex valle (unless its just a mess around character for him, but a friend was telling me about valle killing him with all his knee bash tricks)

also I know DSP tends to use many characters, but from what ive heard, he can be safely added to the DJ and Blanka lists. Also, doesnt watson use Dictator too? Or is that just the CE version in anniversary?

-Thanks for the additions
-I meant to put Alex Valle instead of Alex Wolfe under sagat
-It feels like DSP is just under too many characters
-I’ve never seen a single match vid of Valle using Ken

I’ve seen him using O.Ken a few times.

heres a few N.Ken matches from SFAE SBO 2007 Quals… vs alex vs graham

I wasn’t expecting you to be posting on this thread, good shit man.

Hey Alex/Calipower- That reversal DP and air throw VS alex wolfe’s CE Bison were absolutely phenomenal. Stuff like that is why you are my favorite player ever.

I knew Valle belonged under n. ken, tho I definitely didn’t expect such high quality proof! LOL

Here are some other editions I thought of, though for some of them I’ll give reasons why why they may or may not be speculative… and anyone who has some concrete data confirming or denying any of these is welcome to share…

Zangief: On youtube is several videos of Zazza playing Gief. I know he can use a lot of characters, like most great players, but outside of Dictator, gief is the character he’s seen using the most(ie. more than once or twice), in vids at least.


  • Afrolegends uses Ryu. He’s definitely known primarily for his DJ and Rog, but he’s told me directly that DJ, Rog, and Ryu are his main 3.

  • Also, on an old EVO dvd I have (I forget which year, tho 2004 is suggesting itself), Jump Suit Jesse uses a good deal of Ryu, in stylish fashion I might add! Perhaps he gave Ryu up to use Fei “full time,” but Ryu is definitely on his resume, even if in past tense.

O. Ken: Sabre

N. Ken: CigarBob


  • Sabre

  • Apoc. Though I have no idea if Apoc still plays ST. So I dont know if this list is limited to active players. if not, then this is a definite addition. if so, we need to find out if he’s still playin’ ST.

  • Viscant. A la Evo west 2k7


  • Apoc. (same notes from Claw apply)

  • S-Kill


  • Graham. Youtube shows some EVO 2k6 footage of him playing the mirror match versus his bro. Tho perhaps this is another case of a great player who uses a ton of characters showing some versatility. Since Graham tends to browse these forums, maybe he can shed some light on this, and/or the list in general.

  • Sirlin. I have some old videos of him using Sim vs Daigo and vs Valle. These were old, though, so who knows if he still considers Sim a main.

Cammy: Mike Creque

Sorry to take up such a big chunk of space, but I felt the notes added were for the most part neccesary. Feels good to be able to help with the list tho. It’s a major help in finding good videos to watch and learn from! Good work, guys.

Could somebody list Zazza’s american tourney wins please? Thanks!

On a semi-related note: doesn’t he consider himself a british player (even though he’s in AZ?)

Anyone mind if i jump in with a UK List. Please bear in mind, no one is really playing ST atm in the UK, not competitively anyway, we are playing HSF2 instead. But here goes.

Also aLot of these a given, but some are just my personal opinion, so other UK players may have different players in their list. I haven’t included any top players that haven’t really played for a long time.

Ryu: Prodigal son, IMX, Kaosflare, Chunkis

O.Ryu: Sho Dragon, Pulpasis

Ken: Fuzzy, Sho-g

O.Ken: Geejay, Daz, EX_Mosquito

Honda: RWD, r3ko

Chun: Desk, Zakuta

Blanka: Ryza, Robocop2

Gief: no one was really using him

Guile: no one was really using him

Dhalsim: Ryza

T.hawk: Bullet Proof, RWD

Cammy: …

Feilong: Shin Dragon

Deejay: Hatim

Vega: The Chef

Balrog: Sho-g, Garf, Wizardchicken, Wishworm

O.Sagat: … No one has been using him since hsf2 took over…

Bison: Randomhajile, r3ko

Special Mentions:

Sho-g: Our very own Japanese player, currently studying in the UK atm. His Boxer is really something else, although he claims he is just an average player in Japan, that doesn’t stop him getting 50+ win streaks at the arcade on 1 credit. He is also extremely competent with ST Ken. Took 1st in HSF2 Summer Showdown in July.

Prodigal Son: Alot of people on here will recognise the name, top player in nearly every game he plays, been to evo a few times, took a joint 17th spot in ST i think a few years ago. Took 1st at HSF2 in Super Vs Battle in January, and 3rd in HSF2 at Summer Showdown in July.

Ryza: Before Sho-g came along, probably the best player in the UK, or at least the best player to turn up and play at events and at the arcade. Doesn’t enter tournaments, but shows his quality by using more or less and any character and dominating all the time. I joke that he can see hit boxes when he plays. A very respected SF2 player in the UK. Took 1st in the March HSF2 2on2 Team Tournament in March, along with Bullet Proof, their team, ST Blanka and T.Hawk.

RandomHajile: Using CE Bison, Randomhajile has cast a shadow of fear over the UK scene for awhile now. Taking Quarterfinals at Super vs Battle and 2nd in Summer showdown. As well as being at the top of the HSF2 Ranking Battle league. Regardless of his CE Bison antics, his ST Bison is extremely competent too.

IMX: Another Old Skooler with an extremely solid ST Ryu, won both of the ST Ranking Battles late last year aswell as taking 2nd at Super Vs Battle.

Desk: 1st of a school of new generation of SF2 players, and combo vid maker. His vid of dreams even made it to the big screen at Evo this year. Using ST Chun Desk has put in some solid performances this year. Has extremely in depth knowledge of the game. 4th at Super Vs Battle, 2nd in the 2on2 tournament, and quarterfinals at Summer Showdown.

R3ko: Another new school ST player. Using mainly ST Bison earlier in the year, switched to ST Honda later on. Also used WW Sim and Blanka. Known for being abit of a Tick throw skanker. Took 3rd at Super Vs Battle, 3rd in the 2on2 Team Tournament, 4th at Summer Showdown.

I could probably write something about all the players in the list, but i’ve only mentioned ones who made the top 4 in either of the 2 big HSF2 events this year, Super Vs Battle and Summer Showdown, wit the exception of Ryza.