Top 10 Best Alpha 3 Characters

Street Fighter Alpha 3

1.Shin Akuma
2.Evil Ryu
10.Shin M. Bison



-holds his chest-


i almost died…

thats gotta be the worst tier ranking i have ever heard for a game… :rolleyes: :confused:

Well, none of them are BAD characters…except for Juli. And if we’re talking home versions I guess Shin Akuma could be #1

But, yeah. Hella, hella wrong…


back to the circus, clown

I think you would benifit by learning English.

you forgot to add Dan silly.:lol:

Very interesting indeed, what are your sources? :confused:

-5 shoto
6- gief
8- cody
9- v-charlie
10-hummm…all the v-mode are good actually :stuck_out_tongue: depand on how u play them!:cool:

not true, there are a lot of characters that suck in v-ism, balrog guy, and gen in particular, but balrog especially. he has no vc’s except for air to air ch into cc vc. definitely not worthwhile.vega is definitely not top 4. very high 2nd tier tho. top 4 for the past 2 years has been akuma,gief,sakura,sim in no particular, with v-ryu trailing. after that, its all a blur, anything happens after that.

well i didn’t put the name by top 10 in order…
i was just making out the 10 chars is mostly top player …
i didn’t mean vega at ranked 4th place u undertsand…?
and actually Vega …is good again gief …sakura…and sim…and akuma as well…like i said depand how u play how do u understand the gamesystem…

and when i said …v-mode is actually good… id idn’t mean good for evry chars either…but most of teh chars yes v-mode is good…

Sorry, Balrog, and Vega are no where near the top. While they are good characters in thier own respect they get owned by the true top tiers.

In my opinion tiers should look something like this. Grouped, in no particular order.

Tier One

Tier Two

Tier Three

Tier Four

Last two tiers are kinda scetchy, but I am pretty certain about the first two. An before I get the “when used correctly he/she is top tier” speach let me say this. As with all characters, low tier doesnt mean they are useless, it just means there are other characters who can do what they do better, or with minimal effort. Also, normally, if they are in the bottom two tiers, all characters in the 1st and top 2nd tiers own them for free. Hope this helps, but I am almost positive this has been discussed here before…

you left out characters, sodom is high 2nd tier. and guy and rolento belong in tier 2 also.

Sodom high 2nd? >shrugs<
Guy in 2nd? You really think he’s on par with Ryu/Nash/etc? I didn’t think he was that good.

Oh yeah Prowess, you spelled Cammy wrong in Tier 3. It’s spelled J, U, N, I.


Yeah, you are right about that one. Juni>>>>>cammy. But I didnt feel like naming secret characters, I was lazy. So 'Rog, and the cammy counter parts didnt get put in. But for the sake of putting it there. Rog is 3rd tier, Juni high 2nd, and the other heffer is usless…

Sabre, i think you are right, it forgot about v-sadom, but i still dont think that makes him “high” second tier when most of the people in 2nd tier can beat him pretty much hands down. So if anything, I would put him and Guy high 3rd tier. But not quite second tier. Guy to me would be lower tiered cause of his lack of low moves and pokes. Its hard to play a high low game with him against some one who knows half of what they are dealing with. You pretty much have his basic two in ones into 236+k to use on the ground. The chain combos wiffs standing opponents and his over head is blockable on reaction. While he has disgustingly damaging combos, its more than a notion to actually catch them on people. Hes a one trick pony with a basic mind game that rely’s solely on his speed. Which doesnt help you much when you are being rushed down, or can’t jump because someone in v has full meter. Honestly, his speed is good, but I cant honestly see that helping him against a v-chun who will stuff everything he has in the air or ground for free, v-nash zones him to death untill he jumps and then if he has level, Guy gets owned. Gen can match his combo-ability and has a way better ground game, only place guy wins (sometimes, but rarely) is in the air, but Guy’s jump is so high its telegraphed. Cody owns him in the air and on the ground, and if he gets cornered its over, he cant jump either. Sagat’s ground game is far more superior, he can zone, and crouching/standing fierce is rediculous. Do we really need to break down the x/v-ken and v-ryu match up against him? only person I can see him having a reasonably good chance against is Karin, and she still has a better ground/high-low game and a v combo mind game/set up that he doesnt have. Sadom has a decent v, but his ground game is weak. Some one with good pokes/projectiles will sit there and run his ass. CC fierce combo looks sweet, but unless you are playing newbies who jump on sadom when he has full level you arent going to hit them with it much. Sadom doesnt have anything to fear but the v honestly. He is extreamly basic really… On paper, he doesnt even beat anyone who is in tier 3. Realistically, I would consider both Guy and Sadom scrub killers. They are only good under spicific circumstances and otherwise only considered mediocre or less.

Rolento is a bit different, he can zone a little better because of high priority pokes and a projectile, which makes him decent in a, and quite formitable in v. So i agree with you on that. I had forgotten playing nibors rol and having this done to me. He has some nasty corner lock downs that I would put on par with cody’s. His lack of damage is his only downfall.

Doesn’t Rolento have an infinite that he can connect off of any VC? If so, he’s difinitely a beast.

for one, cody gets owned for free on ground by guy. cody cant do a damn thing to guy’s slide.

2nd, guy is a poiking machine and rushdown maniac with run cancels. he is far from a 1 trick pony. i just dont think you seen a real a-guy in action. massive rushdown, killer AA, excellent pokes and range game, great supers, he is extremely good at punishing flips, resets. tons of shit. hes even better if you know how to proximity cancel. his downfall is he is extremely hard to use and he sucks in V.

also, 1 c.jab counter = death. c.jab ch, s.strong, lvl3 kick super into whatever means atleast 80%. also aa c.strong leads to free bushin grab for tons of damage into more grabs if they flip out wrong after the first flip. also his s.forward and c.rh(slide) are incredible pokes for zoning. and qcb+p is excellent to passthrough fb’s and a great poke string ender thats safe. his hk also has some damn good priority. while it can be air blocked, opponent can be screwed if near a corner air blocking it cuz guy can get free c.strong while still in air block stun into level 3 punch superor whatever you like.

i can go on and on. but its all opinion. guy is one of those characters, in my eye, that doesnt have any bad matchups, but doesnt have any fights in his favor either. hes more of a player reliant character.

as for sodom, he can hang with most characters. he owns gief with one move, some times 2, for free. so thats a major plus :smiley: i think his only true bad matchups are sim(duh hehe), ryu and akuma just for the fact that hopkicks own his slide for a free 2 hit(hopkick xx dp or what have you), sakura, and chun. maybe rolento, but that turns into more of a cat and mouse game. but you gotta look at his good sides. his slide is so freaking good. most of his ground normals make for crazy good poke strings. combos into the 360+k fucking hurt. his vc’s are extremely good and easy vc into cc setup for free 48% meter back. killer crossup. his 360+p may not be instant but is still hella good and you never have to worry about wiffing it cuz of blockstun. his wakeup crabwalk reversal move is a nice suprise and can get you out of sticky situations. so much stuff…

im just stating basics. i really dont want to go too deep and bore people. this is all IMO and what ive experienced over time with the good players…