Toon Link (and maybe Link too)

Attach bombs onto arrows?

Yea someone said he could do it in the last thread; however nobody confimed it. I would test for this myself but I haven’t unlocked him yet:rofl:. I’ve been too busy with GnW.

If just his arrows don’t have a knockback effect (like fox’s laser) then he would be fine I think.

When TLink sits below a platform shooting arrows at you. Its hard to get to him without taking massive damage. If you jump, you’ll land on the platform, if you rush him, you get knock back by arrows, if you dodge around arrows, he can bair you. Best way in that situation was to grab. But with a slow grabber like ZSS, its not feasible.

If you have projectiles I guess you can shoot stuff back at him, but the amount of arrows he can pump out will usually nullfy that.

I am not saying hes invincible, but there are a lot of camping situations that makes it really difficult to get to him.

That must’ve been a joke, he can’t.

He’s been one of my mains so far. Bair is easily his best move imo. The only problem I see he has is that his priority sucks, which is a bigger problem than it sounds. That and he suffers from hyrule recovery.

I agree. The only characters that can get around this are Zelda, Wolf, Fox, and Falco. That’s only because they can reflect them. GnW could use them for his bucket if they were “energy” based.

He can only have one arrow on the screen at a time, guys. really.

His zoning is good, but not as beastly as you guys are saying. also, if you get over him he pretty much has to use bombs to zone.

Niggas need to stop playing FD so damn much.

Toon Link is much better than Link. He’s fast, with lots of combo potential, good spacing, and excellent KO power. He really doesn’t have much of a week spot.

If you get over him, he can tilt up or uair with pretty good priority.

Meh. Just air dodge it then punish him.

Sure there are plenty of ways to do whatever. You can air dodge, and TL will have enough time to jab after his tilt up because his moves have very little recovery time afterwards. We can talk about it all day. Let’s just agree that Toon Link is a very good character. I think TL players are afraid to be called cheap.

I don’t think any character in this game is cheap really. TL is just very hard to play against for now. Maybe someone will discover a glaring hole in his game soon. I hope.

^ You’re wrong though. If TL whiffs an uair he gets punished for free, just like Link. That move has alot of recovery. And if link whiffs a up tilt agianst most characters at that range, he most likely will be forced to block but a generic n-a.

Infact, TL in general only has ok lag. His only spammable move is bair.

He gets punished for free if he misses the following:

Dair, uair, d-smash, up b, f-smash.

Those are just about all of KO moves right there.

Guys please, I’ve been playing him for hours. Trust me when I say his priority is crap. He also doesn’t recover as well as Link. From my playtime he has a really had match against meta knight because meta beats him in reach AND priority.

TL is really good, but I feel you guys are giving him too much credit.

Also, stop trying to combo with Link. That makes as much sense as trying to combo with Ike. Jackasses.

and what exactly is so special about TL’s keepaway? It’s just like Link’s but with less damage. -.-

The guy I regularly play with use to main young link in melee. So he knows the keepaway game really well. Its pretty amazing what you can do with TL’s keepaway.

TL’s projectiles seem to have more knockback that Link’s. The boomerang is bigger and definately has more knockback. Big Link’s whirlwind effect is cool, but TL’s boomerang also can move the opponent towards you on the way back. The only complaint my friend had with TL’s boomerang was that its thrown angle is not as good as big link’s.

I actually think the bombs TL throws are better. The bombs can bounce around before exploding. And the bombs can be thrown higher and farther. Being able to throw a bomb up above and outside the visible screen can be pretty powerful.

The arrows doesn’t shoot as fast as big Link’s, but you can’t duck under it like big Links. TL’s arrows are fast enough to disrupt an action before it gets to you.

I can see how you would have a easier time than I do with metaknight, Marth, or Ike. They have just as much or more range than TL. Maybe I should pick up Marth or Ike just to play against TL.

Ok, its a fact that the boomerang defiantly has more range than YLs in melee. Also, the arrows have more range.

But why even consider the knockback of the boomerang? I mean really, the boomerang was never used in any game for it’s knockback. It was always used as a zoning tool. IIRC (I may need to test it) Link’s boomerang does more damage than TLs. His bombs defiantly hurt alot more than TLs and have more off screen KO potency.

TLs spin attack is better than YLs, but it still isn’t THAT great. He can do it, then jump and start a bair combo, but that’s only if the victim isn’t paying attention.

Also, most characters can’t duck uner Link’s arrows, but even that is made up for by his boomerang having a larger hitbox than TLs.

I’m just saying that Toon Link is just generally better than Link, I’m in no way saying that Link sucks.

For now I actually agree, but I can see myself possibly changing my mind in the near future.

For now, TL has a much better air game than link (though it’s no diddy kong air game) and can set up hi ko moves pretty well.

Buuuut Link overall has more priority so he’s much better at playing reactively than TL.

And remember, this is brawl. you CAN actually play reactively and win now! (unlike melee)

I’ve recently started to throw boomerangs before I do Dairs. That way, if I miss, I’m still somewhat covered.

just RAR bair, bair and your friends will call you bullshit.(seariously apparently im not allowed to play toonlink anymore QQ)

Throws really SUCK in this game. Seriously. I miss being able to down throw into a KO with Link.

I’m going to mess with links up-tilt more. it seems to be his only combo potency move.

TL is better, but Link isn’t that bad.

This is from my experience, but Link works great as a weaker, faster Ike. Knock them back. I barely use any combos unless it just pops up. His projectiles are very good too. If you get some with a bomb in the air at 150%-ish or above, you can actually kill someone. His fsmash is kinda weird and sucks now, but his usmash is pretty good. He’s still pretty average.

I’m just decent though, I think. Link needs more love =V

Link’s f-tilt is really good. BIG knockback and little lag. easily his best ground move imo. f-smash should only be used to punish.