Tom hanks son (Chet) explains to us why we should embrace him using the N word.I dont even,wait,WHAT

Lol that isn’t true at all because it depends on the region. In the Northeast no one will think it’s weird. In some parts of Texas that will get you some stares and shit.

If I use it I am pretty sure I won’t get a pass because I look white as fuck for a Hispanic man.

Go outside, see the light for once. :open_mouth:

This kid needs to get some hobbies, because he looks way to fucking bored.

FOBs threw around nigga and so did potheads. It’s a word i associate with dumb people because they use it a lot.

Like it’s a pronoun

This asian nigga so shady

Fuck you

Black people are type Smash community with the N-Word for real.

Why are rappers always so annoying and/or ignorant?

Rich kids are truly way too bored.
Got no responsibilities and do/say dumb shit like this.

Speak a little Spanish, yea mamacita hola/
Yeah I hit it raw, hope I don’t catch Ebola/
Damn that was ignant/
Go ahead blame it on my pigment/
Niggas think they see me but they only see a figment/

I laughed.

I laughed hard.

I laughed too hard.

I find this to be very appropriate.

Oh shit, what up my ginga?

LOL, i forgot snoop went on a nigga tirade in that roast. loooooool. Justins so exicted to have an og nigga call him his nigga. NIggas for everybody

Well gays call each other derogatory terms too. Dont italians jokingly call others dago’s sometimes. I mean, im not saying its as prevalent as the word nigga, because i dont roll in those circles enough to know, but im pretty sure its no black culture exclusive to do this shit.

Yes you do, honky. lol

Raz0r and especially dangerous J the type of niggas who are happy to be mistaken for looking or sounding “white” and find it insulting when others identify them as the ethnicities they are :wink:

How did this thread make it so far without DMX?

Niggas I swear…

But then these bum ass rappers releasing a single like:

And then this shit turns into a hot dance?

Considering white people purchase hella rap music, the only way this makes sense if you guys are trying to sell the word “nigga” to white kids.

It’s because only white people get called out for it.

Well, maybe not ONLY, but there’s certainly the feeling that it’s way worse for a white person to say it.

I’m white (Welsh) but half Arab (Iraqi). I used to hang out with my Arab buddies in uni a lot. One of my Arab buddies had a black friend who would hang with us sometimes but I didn’t know much. One time that Arab buddy said nigga in the presence of his black dude but immediately went apology mode on it. Black dude says it’s totally fine for my Arab buddy to say it but not for me because an Arab would know what racism is like but a white person wouldn’t. This despite the fact that as a white child I experienced a lot of discrimination when I lived in the UAE for 10 years. And then yet more discrimination when I moved to the UK because of cultural differences. Arab sensibilities and mannerisms just don’t mesh well here. I got a lot of shit for it. Took me a long time to shake off my awkwardness.

I’m lumped into a group when people look at me just because my mom is white. It might be true that she doesn’t get discriminated against because she’s white, oh no, she gets spat at on the street because she wears a hijab. Not that anyone should be held accountable for what their ancestors did.

This is why you don’t treat people different. You don’t know shit about that person. I don’t give a fuck. Either say the word or don’t say it. Don’t have one set of rules for some people and another set of rules for others. Be consistent or you’re just being a prick.

If he both truly understood, and respected black people’s history, experiences, struggles, and cultures, I don’t think he’d have the same attitude.

The fact that we have other races fighting for their right to call us nigga is messed up. This is what we’ve allowed ignorance, commercialization and division to do to us.

Ask Styles.