TN Thread: Now hiring managers and shift leaders

Glasscock that is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen.

I’m really out of practice on pretty much everything except Arcana Heart 3, the premier anime fighting game for discerning weebs and forever alone sperglords. And by that I mean I’m a huge weeb and only play fighting games that even EVO won’t touch with a ten foot fightstick cable. Yes homo. lol. Where’s everybody gonna be at this weekend? Besides watching EVO of course :pray:

I’m heading to Clarksville, some of the guys are going to memphis. What are YOU doing

holy fuck ahhahahhaha


Okay, that’s amazing.

woot new srk owns bones. actually its weird and bad but w/e. i dunno what i’m doing other than i have to hella clean my whole apartment because i have three people moving out and three people moving in within two weeks of each other and cleaning people coming in between then. if it looks like somebody lives here they’ll skip my place and i really want my carpet washed for free. that’s just not something you pass up.

i would like to go to a thing and laugh at EVO with real people instead of laughing about it with trolls on a different forum so that would be cool


Why can we only like posts once?

Is that TE sized?


I can’t even count the number of alcoholic drinks I’ve had this month on my entire assortment of digits, appendages, and skin cells.

Okay, I’m exaggerating.

So again, I need to know what the deal is for tomorrow. Chris, I assume Im just meeting you at one of the GGs, if so, which one is easiest for you?
Richard, do you need me to pick you up from your house? The way I understand it is you’re riding with Jason to Bama and Chris is riding with me correct?

NeoBlood: I am certain you are meeting Chris at Game Galaxy in Hickory Hollow Mall.

I am taking Richard only since I haven’t heard anything back from anyone else…

Belated GGs to Patrick and Eugene yesterday…


My friend and I had a blast at Hastings tonight. Those of you who didn’t know, I was the guy in glasses with the Halo hat and Halo Wars shirt, and my buddy was the guy in the Captain America shirt. I provided the setup to the left of the front television. I learned a lot from some good players. Man, my mind was blown when I saw someone break out Smash Melee. Oh, shit is going down next time, son. I’ll bring the N64 if I have to.

I’m definitely down for next week.

Wait, someone had Smash there?

Fight Night has officially jumped the shark. Never going back now. Nope.

only way is if they have 4G. It will be like a slide show otherwise :X

Edit: Also BigOnion, move Poison over so she doesn’t look like she has a metal dong sticking out between her legs… kthx…

That was the point Eddie lol

My phone is 4G, and I’m sure I can tether it if needed.

Hey Eddie, your invitation to have people over for Evo this weekend at your place still open? I’d love to join you guys if I can. :smiley: