TN Thread: Dolls, Tekken Noob Bowl, Bawse Battles, MWC EVO Quals .. whachugot?

So are we looking at a cookeville only seasons beatings?

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Astaroth: Someone is streaming MK on Friday, but that’s it as far as I can tell…we don’t have any internet there to piggyback and 4G would cost someone crazy amounts to do, so we are just moving forward as it is.

Arturo said Spooky would get back to me and they owe me a stream from the PDP thing but I think he has gotten so busy that he forgot again; etc…

We do plan on using Rockettown for a future tournament as that venue is crazy hype now that they redid it and they have good internet from what we heard but that is for a future event (and still a big out of pocket initial expense)


Who has the SBO Qualifier this year?

If anyone has Sprint then they could use their phone as a modem but it may be to slow and not worth it. Sprint does have unlimited data though. We have Sprint and they do not have a cap.

Are you still needing setups? Josh said he will bring his if you need it. I told him to bring it and save me some money. So uh go ask him to. LOL!

tried the diablo beta…yeah I don’t get it… You hold down the left click button and the game basically plays itself. Gonna stick with Tera and GW2 when it comes out.

Yeah… too bad only normal mode is available. Way too easy. If you played 2 you would know that higher difficulties get much much harder and more fun to play with a group.

Crystal, that is fine, I just need his 360, SFXT, UMVC3, and SF4, no monitor, so it will save you guys the cover and 1
of the entry fees…I’ll put him down for one…

Trippfan: They usually announce it on SRK, I have no idea what the games are this year…

How is Skull Girls for those of you that are playing it?

Played the demo… seems a bit too marvel/blazblueish for me. Is it like that when you really get into it or does it actually become something different?

The game is fun. It has a bad review by most because all they see are these long stupid combos and other crap. The game is actually very fun and solid in my opinion. If you want damage in the game you tend to do smaller combos. The longer ones are very character specific and they are just not worth learning due to the amount of risk to set them up versus quick easy damage combos. The game scales damage very harshly.

SBO has 3s for the “classic” game slot this year. Also console games in addition to Arcade games. AE, P4U, Aquapazza I think is in again, and TTT2. Console games are not confirmed for sure yet though.

Where I haven’t seen anywhere.

Thanks Sara

48 hours left for the special 30$ pre-register price for Civil War 4. Save yourself 10$

Join players: [FC] NYChrisG, Dieminion, UVG Noel Brown, MH|AlukardNY, DMG MCZ Lud, MH|Rayray, CoCo OmG iTz Andre, JiBbo, HAV, Ultradavid, Skisonic, DJ Huoshen, RyRy and many more as they all battle for EVO points and the right to raise up one of our Civil War champion swords!

The action starts on Friday night with hype team tournaments! Catch up on after hours exhibition matches in the 24hr Salty Suite! Come play on one of the 8 arcade cabinets set on free play the entire weekend! Enjoy the multitude of food options with over 50 food establishments within 3miles, along with with plenty of delivery options.

If you can’t make it, catch all the action streamed by Team Sp00ky.

For more information:

But Scott Pilgrim’s a comic book…

Also WHY is Aquapazza even a thing? Even moreso an SBO thing? Were Americans the only ones that made fun of that game?

It’s the ExAmu entry, and it’s been updated.

I should be up there this Tuesday. I’m actually going to focus on my games more and the group down here less, and that means going where the better players are for AE.


Jason - I got you for a setup. No Marvel or SFxT stuff tho, naturally.

Eddie over here getting crunk! COMFORTABLE TECH! Y’all cabbage lookin ass niggas are not ready.

Dolls saturday? Yes. Attractive tattooed women? Yes. The immaculate macking of Negralic J. Shoots? Maybe.

Fixed for accuracy. Sla…errr…Cabbage??

seconding this, the beta is basically the tutorial. it’s supposed to be faceroll easy. blizzard can bring the pain, believe


Yeah…the game seems too slow to implement a interface like that (those that were D2 maniacs know what i’m talkin bout). Beta was easy…once you get to lvl 9 you steamroll. I dont like that they did away with the skill tree…thats and its too slow are the only things i didnt like. I do like the classes but i think the character customization is too linear. And, it seems that multiplayer is the best way to go with this game (you know, synergy and all that).

But i did enjoy it and ill prolly purchase it day 1 cause i was a big D2 fan back in the day… :X

I can offer a setup with:

my flatscreen CRT
SCV (Maybe? Are there unlockable chars/DLC? I have no idea. If so, I don’t have any of them)