TN Thread: Dolls, Tekken Noob Bowl, Bawse Battles, MWC EVO Quals .. whachugot?

Sorry, you did not mention whether or not the parking is free. Its not an issue for me personally but it matters to others.

I was joking why so serious?

man I gotta start putting jk lol hehe haha lol smiley face at the end of my post

T&G is really cool mad respect to them especially dude who let’s borrow his SCV TE he is bawse

I am looking to buy a copy of both Persona 1 and Persona 2. Does anyone have a copy with original case and manuals of both of these games or atleast one for sale? I am also looking for Digital Devil Saga 2 but all i need is the disc.

You’re the man Sev. Thank you for your continued support. Much love.

I don’t think they are trying to step on any toes. More power to them for reaching out and trying to do something awesome at a hobby they love. (Hey it’s why we at T&G are in this business) It is kind of unfortunate that Memphis is in a barren wasteland for gamers of all types, and some might be left to choose where they want to go. We’ve got bigger and better things coming down the pipe and will continue to listen and do whatever we can to keep you guys coming back and giving you the best venue experience available. Hopefully me and squab can iron out some details this week or next and get your ranbats going stronger than ever.

I knew you were talking out of your ass. I know how much you love T&G, me, and my SCV stick. Besides, I haven’t seen you as hype as you are in that pic anywhere else! :wink:

Damn, the last time I checked this thread it had a different name, lol. I’m slow as shit. When was all this Tekken played and why wasn’t I invited (well if it was online, it’ll be a little bit for me for that). Anyway:

@Maxninja - sorry for being slaw and not being on SRK but here is some Asuka tips:

  • don’t whore out b+3. It’s tempting because its a great big crush but its not safe by a long shot. Use it to punish vice baiting like Asuka players do.
  • use df+1 and f+4 for pokes and punish when people are low health. Most people are expecting lows and these are great for throwing people off.
    -mix up her throws. Most plays suck at breaking throws and alot rely on seeing how the throw looks vice which arm it is. Her throws look so much alike that people tend to guess wrong and her throws lead to pretty nice oki setups.
  • DON’T WHORE OUT COUNTERS!! Live by the counter, die by the counter. Be smart when throwing it out, like when near the wall. 9 out 10 people throw jabs or mids to poke you for mix ups.
    -if you can low crush vice perry do it. d+3+4 is one of the meanest low crushes in the game. If you see somebody using the same mixup or trying to bait with lows, make them pay.

I suck at writing this stuff but if you have a question let me know. I promise I’ll respond fast than normal, lol.

@Flymike - you can’t hold TTT2 top spot, that’s spot’s mine :).

@Sev - say it ain’t so about my girl Mickie J :(. So… You got her number?

Anybody wanting to sell a ps3?

I have a backwards compatible one but the hdmi port doesnt work. i have component cables for it though.

I believe we have 3 PS3s laying around the shop we’ve been trying to sell or trade for 360s.

Parking is free. :slight_smile:

How much. And sorry Tripp but HDMI is a must.

In case you ever wondered how short, insecure Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor of the French…


its cool.

Holy fuck Napoleon had a Dragon Ball.

You should come to Knoxville. Now that is the biggest barren wasteland for gamers ever! My son would love to have 1 place to go play like T&G or GG in Nashville. Let alone 2 in the same city. :frowning:

yeah. we have Zuma. My friend who runs the place said he loved hosting K.i.T. and wouldnt mind hosting us again but the group in Knoxville keeps strange hours.


That is funny that you mention them because I was just sitting here thinking about places that we could ever get fight nights going besides someone’s house or apartment and Zuma was the first place that I thought of. Would they charge a fee to allow fight nights? Why don’t you find out some details. If someone doesn’t ever initiate something then nothing will ever change here. I KNOW that there are players so there is no excuse for people to not come and play. Maybe you and I will get it going. LOL! See what you can find out since you have a connection there and we will start with that.

Ok everyone wish me luck. I am currently taking my Mom’s laptop apart to replace the power jack in it. I have never done this before (well I have taken plenty of laptops apart just never replaced and re-soldered a power jack). This could go really well or realllllyyyyy wrong! :eek:

I will speak to Richard soon. I will let you know what i find out.

Graham we have an old style PS3 for sale with HDMI that works perfect for $130 if you don’t get any controllers, $145 with a controller but I can’t hold it…

Before doing that, you should capitalize the first letter in the first word of your sentences, use commas when needed, and add punctuation marks like periods at the end of your sentences.