Tip on executing combos

This combo hurts my head, lol!

I’ve had varying degrees of success with this combo utilizing negative edge… had it dialed in in training mode last night until mental fatigue set in. Outside of making sure you hit charge as soon as humanly possible, what I found helpful is using the same timing needed from st. mp to cr. mk to input your u+mk. I also have heavy buttons (Ultralux) that are pretty loud when pressed/depressed, so I’ve been using the clicks to set a combo tempo to memory. Hope this helps a bit!

Alright so I got about an 85% success rate with this combo using lk SBK after about 45 minutes in training mode. Gonna keep perfecting lk version and then try mk. I think I have some useful tips to share though.

For reference the combo I’m using is cr.lp > st.mp > cr.mk xx lk SBK

  1. As for when to start the charge, I like to think of it as a plink between st.mp and downback. It really helps me out. It’ll take sometime to get used to but once you do you’ll be able to feel if you did it right every time.

  2. Someone mentioned practicing in V-trigger and yes it does help with establishing that mind/muscle connection. You basically want to hit u+lk almost simultaneously with the second hit of cr.mk. Do not become to reliant on this method though i.e. don’t get too attached with the visual cues and try to focus on the rhythm you’re pushing the buttons in.

  3. I like to think of the cancel into the sbk as a slightly shorter link than st. mp > cr.mk instead of just a late cancel. I don’t know if this will help anyone else but having your brain think differently will also help your muscles move differently. If this tip sounds like garbage then just disregard it lol.

Bonus tip: I was training to my own music so I turned off BGM on SFV. My playlist ended and I was so focused on hitting the combo I hadn’t noticed I was training to only sound effects and voices for about 10 minutes. This really helped me focus on the timing and rhythm! If you get absolutely stuck I’d recommend training without music.

Good luck!! Now I have to practice those instant air legs :anguished:

For myself, after I start buffering the SBK from st.MP, I double tap for cr.MK and then for the MK SBK.

There any tricks to getting the Instant Air Lightning Legs to work? Can seem to get it going as early as i’d like. Using the QCF,UF+k gets me nothing.

hmmm, this thread is reasonably popular. what helped me was to pay close attention to the sound. hold down until you hear the mp hits then up immediately.

“There any tricks to getting the Instant Air Lightning Legs to work? Can seem to get it going as early as i’d like. Using the QCF,UF+k gets me nothing.”

yeah, i need help with that as well

For IIAL I do QCF, UF, DF+k relatively quickly, making sure to hit the corners of the square gate. Not saying it’s the right way, but it works consistently for me.

Ok. So i’m having a lot more success executing the bnb mk sbk on the ps4 controller. (At least 65% right now, compared to earlier) on the fight stick however, im having trouble. It always registers as a qcf which results in an LLegs. Help please?

On our FB group - several players suggested adding Up/Down after the command—QCF to UF is the standard command for it though; just takes some practice.

What’s the link to the facebook group?

You might as well play another character. It’s not about the damage you lose, it’s about the knockdown you get from sbk that lets you get an oki.

If you just do QCF to UF, you won’t ever get IALL consistently, you need to add the DF input after the DF to make it consistent.

This is it. Took me a bit of experimenting to figure it out. It’s pretty simple once you add the DF after the QCF. I was just over thinking it trying to add another quick QCF after the jump. Thanks!

just to clarify, do you jump first before you start the down to forward or not?

It is a lot easier to just go for LK Spinning Bird Kick. Yes there is a damage tradeoff but you also get more stun, albeit two points but it matters at tiimes.

Yeah, you just do QCF, UF, DF+k (2,3,6,9,3+K) and it should come out pretty much every time. There does seem to be a minimum height requirement for the legs to fire, so if you do it too fast, you’ll just get a normal attack. I know all our reflexes are wired from practicing that cr.mk to SBK combo, lol.

[quote=“4neqs, post:3, topic:178120”]

fg execution 101: don’t be an Iverson :3


damn he said “we talkin’ 'bout practice” like maybe 50 times.

Just like to add my 2 cents about the instant air legs. As a pad player, I’m finding it a lot easier to start the motion from crouching. Almost treating it like a charge move. Then I’m doing a motion in a D shape (down, down forward, forward, up forward, forward, down forward, down). This is pretty easy on the ps4 pad after a while.

The cr.lp, st.mp, cr.mk, lp legs is way harder but I’ve started to get it a bit after about 30 mins so I think I might get it down sooner or later.

It is a lot easier to just go for LK Spinning Bird Kick. Yes there is a damage tradeoff but you also get more stun, albeit two points but it matters at tiimes.

Here’s another one, how are people consistently getting c.LP, s.MP into EX kikoken