My list would be like a short novella of names. I’ll just list a few that I tend to go back for often:
Resident Evil 1-3: Say what you want about the series or Capcom, but these are bonafide classics in the Survival Horror genre. Sure, they aren’t all that scary (Barring a few instances) but they tell a solid if simple story with a lot of interesting enemy types and mechanics in the game.
Clock Tower (SNES/PSOne versions): Talk about games no one has really played, these two would rank up there. Both titles are a homage to Dario Argento’s work and have truly disturbing situations. They play out like a decent Horror film, and the unique control system and multiple paths lead to a lot of interesting playthroughs.
Dino Crisis 1/2: What is even better than fighting ZAMBIEZ?! Why, fighting Dinosaurs of course. awesome environments, a strong female lead, cool enemies and a rewarding system. The fuck was Capcom thinking with 3.
Onimusha 1/2: I prefer 2 myself but I seem to be in the minority, I thought Jubei was awesome and had a cool Oni form and a much more fucked up story. Regardless, both are near perfect and combine two things I love: Horror and Samurai badasses.
MG 1-2/MGS 1-3: Kojima is amazing for a reason, he crafted some quality games that introduced players to what this media could really do from a story perspective. To bad he made MGS4 while burned out and created a plot hole riddled mess.
Blaster Master: God damn is this game great, SOPHIA popping then doing Zelda style dungeon crawls to body some messed up bosses. All to save your pet Frog. That kid had some guts.
Starfox 64: Oh man this was THE childhood game for me, probably bought it about four times, most recently on the 3DS. This coupled with my next entry are IP’s Nintendo should seriously consider bringing back…
F-Zero GX: Holy fucking balls I don’t care what anyone says. Aside from possibly Blur (Underrated gem) this is THE racing game. Fast, frenetic, edge of your seat racing that is severely punishing but just soooo good. I thought with Sega and Nintendo being brahs now this would be a no brainer to revive but alas poor Falcon, your time is spent waiting.
Punch-Out series: Damn are these fun. Simple to learn but hard to master, incredibly fun and rewarding.
River City Ransom/Super Dodgeball: I could and did play these over and over. Simple, fun as hell, great enjoyment was had.
Fighters: Since this is SRK after all. CvS2, RB2, Karnov’s, KoF XI, FFS, A2, Breaker’s, Garou, Muscle Bomber 2, SamSho VS, LB2, WHP, JJBA.
Beat 'Em Ups: Final Fight 1-3, AvP, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Shadows over Mystara, Punisher, Spider-Man, Avengers, Battle Circuit, Captain Commando, Double Dragon, Splatterhouse 1-3, TMNT Arcade and Turtles in Time, X-Men.